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Everything posted by brentoli

  1. But, does temper outweigh finesse in this situation?
  2. I can't read the small print. Who manufactures it?
  3. Well... my belly has been growing a little bit. Ho.... ho.. ho ho
  4. I am sorry you feel that way, however, I did address your question. I was confused as to what type of product your were meaning. I am happy you were able to find the product you requested.
  5. Ambulance Driver visited this very subject today. Go check him out.
  6. I got to the glove holder, just took the senic route.
  7. Welcome to the city jtmills272. Just a couple of suggestions for your future posts... 1) Grammar and post structure goes a long way. There is no problem with asking a question, but think through your post and proofread. Spell check is awesome. 2) Quite a few people take issue with simple questions. Good or bad, I can't tell you. It happens. Google, and the Quick Search is your friend for questions like these. 3) Don't take anything anyone says personal. For the most part, we try to remain professional and courteous to one another. You can tell those apart that do not follow this standard. 4) I am a bit confused. Are you looking for a nylon case you can put on your belt to hold a couple pairs of gloves? Or are you looking for a piece of sewn nylon to wrap around a box of gloves?
  8. You could have ended it there, we would have known what you were getting at.
  9. I didn't tell you Santa was getting irate because PD was taking their sweet time getting there, either.
  10. Awww shucks, I STILL don't know how to put MAST pants on properly. Sorry about the obvious errors in my last post too, remind me not to post while waking up.
  11. MAST Pants and 15:2 CPR? In realitiy, how many college professors are still active in their fields? I know none of mine were with the exception of one pastor. That doesn't mean they are behind the times. The worst problem that come out of this is someone teaching new procedures who have not done them, which hopefully wouldn't be the case. I would expect a teacher out of the field to be using available resources to keep current on new procedures using available options such as clincials and cadaver labs.
  12. Tell your dispatch to hook up with the AT&T language line
  13. If you read the VA Tech report, they did attribute some saves to the use of a tourniquet. Maybe they should be stocked up in our MCI kits we assemble?
  14. Conservative treatment of copperhead snakebites without antivenin. Get off the anti venom horse. I think it would do more harm to the mother and child. There is no need to air flight either. Effective pain management is what this woman needs with antibiotic treatment in the hospitial for the area of the bite.
  15. Eagle Scout Honestly though. I am all for EMS workers being prepared. There is nothing wrong with being trained in rope rescue or other specialties. The thing is though, YOU HAVE TO GO HOME. We have to realize when the effort is futile. Risk alot to save alot, risk little to save little.
  16. Primary concern with a copperhead bite is infection. Possibly allergic reaction. I would hike back with ALS and have them start pain management and monitor for shock. We can wait the 30 min for arrival of a 6x6 or whatever else is coming our way. If the pt starts to show symptoms of shock, or an allergic reaction then we will need to expadite things. Otherwise, hold tight and keep her comfortable. I would probably contact med control to confirm. I know at least in Missouri, where copperheads are abundant, no one has died from a bite in 50 years. At the hospital she will recieve antibiotics most likely. Anti-Venom will produce more harm than good in this pt.
  17. Fiz, pretend I am an EMT-B sitting in the back of the ambulance with you when you answer this question. I really don't know the answer, I need to go to medic school. [hr:7856018d7e] What made you decide to withold Lasix, and what would have been the implications of giving it?
  18. Whacker. Don't worry though, I am a pot, and you are a kettle.
  19. At least Indiana has finally switched to DST so you get some more daylight with him! Glad all is working well.
  20. [s:5cb9bbda6b]Scout Oath[/s:5cb9bbda6b]EMS Oath [s:5cb9bbda6b]On my honor[/s:5cb9bbda6b] I will do my best [s:5cb9bbda6b]To do my duty to God and my country[/s:5cb9bbda6b] [s:5cb9bbda6b]and to obey the Scout Law; [/s:5cb9bbda6b] To help other people at all times; [s:5cb9bbda6b]To keep myself physically strong, [/s:5cb9bbda6b] [s:5cb9bbda6b]mentally awake, and morally straight[/s:5cb9bbda6b]
  21. YES! There is a point of hysteria where you can not get a caller back from it. Sometimes we push these callers over the edge. Sometimes they have passed it before they call. Belive it or not, people lie. Age and wisdom, help dispatchers uncover those lies sometimes, but, it also leads to jaded dispatchers. If anyone is near Indy for a day, hit me up, I'll let you come tether into me for 8 hours. You can get a feel of what I do.
  22. Sure you have. You have learned more about interpersonal relationships in EMS. More then you ever wanted to know.
  23. Dust, I don't know how to effectively state that you are right 1000 diffrent ways. We share our computer system with another agency in a diffrent building. When they have computer issues localized to their buildings, they have to call us to pull up run cards for fire and ambulance calls. In our center, we just look at a map.
  24. Bold faced items would sway me to move there. Rock on. I love dropping combitubes. I drop them on the floor, in the bag, in the trash. It is alot of fun. Seriously. Why do these things matter to you? I would be looking more at pay, cost of living, benefits. Not what I can drop and where I can drop it. Sigh. EDIT: The AED thing would matter to me. Run the other way. The one thing an EMT has the least likely chance of screwing up, and they don't give it to you. Not responsible.
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