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Everything posted by NYCEMS9115

  1. Ask your Instructor. Get the EMT. Get some experience and speak with your co-workers and supervisors about this. Get accepted to a Paramedic Course. You'll know what alphabet certs will be included. Many courses vary. Then get a job. Maybe your employer will pay for the other alphabet courses; depending on the type of service. Ask someone you see over in LV, that is familiar with this process. Good luck.
  2. http://www.cjem-online.ca/v9/n3/p171
  3. I am from NYC, USA... Welcome aboard... It's going to tough to get the answers you're looking for here, unless a member has knowledge about South Korea Healthcare and EMS System(s). If you can't find information on the internet; next time you see an Ambulance parked, go up to them and ask. If there is an Ambulance Station you know of, go over there and ask. Good luck...
  4. Subliminal, nice work... Your welcome.
  5. Just de-commissioned one of my Ambulances. Getting the New Benz Ambulance....
  6. Let me know how it turns out. Thx...
  7. What is the process to be one? No, my service doesn't have a Chaplain. Good luck on your endeavors... As for what I want? Not sure. I'm not religious nor do I have a religion. Thank you.
  8. 1 Week back at work and a lot of lip smacking.

  9. I believe most didn't attack JLO; most gave the indications of the MAST. The EMTs were wrong for attaching the MAST on a chest injury (stabbed), regardless of the vitals and other findings. The information provided was to benefit JLO. The perpetrator was wrong for stabbing the victim but I think it was noted as self-defense. Anyway, EMTs would not put on the MAST for this particular patient; it's not indicated, it's contraindicated. I am sure a through investigation and QA/QI will be done with Departmental Discipline, Educational Remidation, and Duty Restriction. That is what I would do; if it was as clear as how JLO explained it. Okay, when did this event happen? Recently or not recently? Medicine is ever-changing. I was an EMT in 95 and a Paramedic in 98. Pre-Hospital care has changed a lot over my 16 year career and others who have been in the field a lot longer, would say the same.
  10. Stabbed in the CHEST. MAST contraindicated... There really isn't any need for research or discussion... The only thing you can do with the MAST for this patient, was to place it where you found the patient. So the Police will have a reference to where the victim was, in their investigation.
  11. NYCEMS9115


    So back to the topic. Chappy, why do you want to start a Chaplain Service in EMS? How was your experience in Bible College? Not familiar with it. Thanks. Welcome back...
  12. Welcome to the site. Have fun. You'll learn from others; for the good and for the bad.
  13. Don't worry about learning it fast enough. Pre-hospital Care is a career learning process and it's just the tip of "Medicine". Don't be fooled by Providers who've been doing this for 10-20-30-40 plus years. We're always learning. Stay confident but humble. Good luck.
  14. NYCEMS9115


    You're right. 10-8 is too broad. It could mean: time, a date, a symbological code, numerical factor, an abbreviation of some sort, and many other things. It's too subjective. So, in your experience; 10-8 can mean, moving bowels and glancing at a Playboy? Since, most men or women do not read Playboy for the articles; there's not much reading, other than the measurements and the name. Maybe not the name (there, my use of semicolons are in the right places). Of course this is all conjecture (I am closing my posts with this because apparently we have to site and quote our statements. Also, someone(s) didn't like me ending off with, good luck and all the best). What's in between? Sounds like a fun place, where you've worked.
  15. 1. Sex was consented; they're both minors. Define wrong. The camp nurse can not sign the RMA; not the legal guardian. The camp senior staff needs to be present with the Police. Parents must be notified. EMS must assist in this process, a EMS Supervisor should be dispatched and Medical Control consulted. It's a minor, so the assessment: subjective or objective must be delayed unless there's life threat(s). 2. Police must be alerted to the finding. Our involvement will be letting the cops know but not in a way which a jeopardize care. EMS must remain non-judgmental and his Chest Pain is the purpose of us being there. The cocaine is relevant in our treatment modalities but since it is an unlawful substance; the Police must be involved.
  16. This is unacceptable: http://m.ems1.com/ambulances-emergency-vehicles/articles/1040063-Man-dies-unnoticed-in-back-of-Kansas-City-ambulance/ How hard is it? How far are you from the patient to not noticed. What inappropriate thing were you doing (sleeping, texting, on the phone, movie watching, book reading, etc)? When transporting, the Technician needs to sit on the bench; never the "Captain's" chair. A simple occasional glance is sufficient for Non Emergency Transport where the patient is a "Walkie-Talkie." This patient appeared to be somewhat unstable and was being transferred for Continuity/Specialty care; where the ABCs, vitals, focus exam, detailed exam, and the interventions needed to be continuously reassessed.
  17. Do you not live in this world? Did anyone on this forum answer his question? I'm heterosexual, so how would I know how it feels to be gay in EMS or in life? Many people just want to put their words in, just for the sake of doing so. When many have no idea. That was my point. My "ass" has said plenty.
  18. It's impossible to know since most Paramedics did not go through the Degree route. Paramedics with Degrees have it in other Areas of Study. So we can compare. The Basic Paramedic, original course, needs to be Degree only. No more Certificate Courses. The Bachelors and Master's Level must be developed. Then we can tell. However, education is your experience when you have none. So, a Degree Paramedic maybe more prepared. This is all conjecture... or It's impossible to know since most Paramedics did not go through the Degree route. Paramedics with Degrees have it in other Areas of Study. So we can compare. The Basic Paramedic; original course, needs to be Degree only. No more Certificate Courses. The Bachelors and Master's Level must be developed. Then we can tell. However, education is your experience when you have none. So, a Degree Paramedic maybe more prepared. This is all conjecture...
  19. Study, study, & study. Be open minded and humble. Ask questions but subtle on the questions. Listen to others. Study group sessions. Research for answers. Have fun. Be confident but not cocky. Good luck... http://emsseo.com/2011/01/free-ems-downloads/
  20. This is probably not the right forum to get the particular stories you're looking for. Many say they do not discriminate but many do. This is the world we're in. Check this site: http://www.comingoutfrombehindthebadge.com/book-store/about-our-new-book/ Good luck on the article...
  21. This War of Terror is a tough one to win. If that's what the US is trying to do. OBL is gone but another one will replace him. Al Queda is a group of Extremists of Islam. Their sole purpose is to carry out Missions of Death; at any cost. Especially, to the Western Society. Death is only the beginning for them. They all, honestly believe death is the ultimate sacrifice. In the US, we believe that too but it's mostly just saying to comfort one's death. Our Military recruits with promises of honor. Al Queda recruits with escape from self worthlessness. It's a difficult challenge to fight an enemy who doesn't care to live. How do you fight someone who has no care for anything? Threats of death; is a calling from God. Of course this is all just conjecture.
  22. It's impossible to know since most Paramedics did not go through the Degree route. Paramedics with Degrees have it in other Areas of Study. So we can compare. The Basic Paramedic; original course; needs to be Degree only. No more Certificate Courses. The Bachelors and Master's Level must be developed. Then we can tell. However, education is your experience when you have none. So, a Degree Paramedic maybe more prepared. This is all conjecture...
  23. I hate Paramedics who refer themselves as "Paragods." Glad you're free from that egotistical term. Humility is where it's at. Good luck... Welcome to the site...
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