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Everything posted by NYCEMS9115

  1. I haven't used their services. One of my former Employer used Centre Learn. It was very good; I did 12 hours through them. Very informative; the company paid for all the Employees to be members. I just re-certified my NYS EMT-P through the CME Program; 72hours in 3years. It wasn't so bad; I'd attended many CME Lectures and did free online CMEs. I was weighing the cost of a subscription vs cost of gas. I have until 5/31/14 before my card is up again. May try it out for 2013; if I don't have enough CME hours by then. I would like to hear your experience with Kaplan. Thanks...
  2. According to this article. The First Amendment allows us to watch porn in the library. So let me use that excuse at work. Can you spell T-E-R-M-I-N-A-T-I-O-N?!? I hate when people say it's my Right; it's protected by the US Constitution. Not if it can hurt someone else. The Bible has added New Testaments; so can the US Constitution. http://m.nypost.com/p/news/local/porn_ok_at_city_libraries_hSqZExlZstWZIzeNX47VCM
  3. At what point are we; as parents and adults; going to stop this? Sub-par education; overcrowding; thoughtless Educators; uncaring Parents; & Teachers with felonies: are consuming the Education System. It's not getting better; it's getting worst. Sub-standardized Test Scores and poor nutrition has become a torn to our future. The School System has not been Student focused for years. These children are our future. http://m.nypost.com/p/news/local/nyc_fire_proof_school_crooks_hEVEp3JWvGuP0oGwPRhCDP
  4. Crotchitymedic1986, I am tired of being a racist because I never had a Black Girl. Last week I had an Indian girl; doesn't count. Also, a Dominican girl; doesn't count. How about Puerto Rican, Asian, Brazilian, Jewish, Muslim, Italian, French Girls; do they count? If I haven't had a Black Girl in 15years, does that make me a racist? How do I get a black girl? I guess I'm a born again racist. I tried hanging out with the Black Guys at the Barber Shop. They were talking about the upcoming Mosley and Pacquiao fight. I put my 2cents in; it became $1 worth. They loved my knowledge on Boxing. We were laughing and talking. One guy ask me my take on the fight; I said Pacquiao TKO/KO in the 9th; they all flipped out on me. I almost got them to be my friend. How can I buddy up to the Black guys?
  5. This is the icing on the cake. He has been getting 3 meals a day, outside time, books to read, mail, visitors, phone calls, hangout time, etc. Guess jail isn't all that bad...
  6. Even Vera de Milo?!? Beautiful, Buffin, & Bitchin!!!! http://m.youtube.com/watch?gl=US&client=mv-google&hl=en&rl=yes&v=bBWkPRSE-W4 Amen!!!!! Hallelujah!!!! Praise the lord!!! Damn you cracker!!! White TRASH!!!!! Crotchitymedic1986, you have some crazy posts. I don't know if I should laugh....
  7. That's what I say when I go to a NY Yankees game. $300 for 3 Box seats. Just 4 years ago; it was $150 for 3 Box seats. WTF! SMH!
  8. I am lost.... I found me.....

  9. The program is nice and it's ground-breaking. However, it needs to be all 5 Boroughs of NYC and 24hrs/day... I hope this spreads to all 50 States. We all need to be Organ Donors but if one chooses not to; then respect to their wishes... http://www.jems.com/...n-it-ny-streets
  10. Overstocking is a bad thing? I think it is but you can decide for your own. http://www.jems.com/article/ems-insider/drug-shortage-led-supply-pract
  11. Remain calm. The mother does all the work. You're there to catch and cut... http://www.emsworld.com/article/article.jsp?id=16839&siteSection=1
  12. Epinepherine will not work via that route (IM/SQ). The person is dead; so the only way medications, nutrients, or oxygen will flow to the brain and other vital organs will be with adequate chest compressions. So, IV/IO will be the best and only acceptable route of administration. Even ET route has been eliminated. Nice show, concept is there but its not reality... All the best... Sounds a bit like when John Travolta stabbed Uma Thurman with Epinephrine in the heart. While, Eric Stoltz and Rosana Arquette were watching. Without the heroin OD though... Sorry for the late response... Good luck in your career... I wouldn't say no CPR. AHA has determined that most people; healthcare providers included; can't detect a carotid pulse in an unresponsive patient. The Guidelines remain the same (even after the 2010 AHA ECC changes); to continue CPR even after defibrillation without checking for a pulse because the patient can be in such profound shock; CPR wouldn't hurt; it would help. So, the DEAD wilderness person may not be DEAD; he may be in profound shock. Do CPR until help comes (hopefully you can get help), the patient is revived (if CPR revived them; then they were not DEAD; they were in profound shock), or you're too exhausted (not EMS exhausted; which can be misconstrued as laziness but physically exhausted)... All the best... You gotta do what you gotta do. Its like when Julianna Margolies was on a break from the ER; she walked into a store and a man held up the store. Took money; something went wrong. Another patron was choking and she cut the dude's trachea and inserted the Crystal clear Bic pen in his windpipe. Save his life. She's such a GOOD WIFE... Good Samaritan Laws take in effect. You're not on duty; you weren't responding to the hikers location. You were one of the hikers.
  13. Interesting article. I hope race or any bias isn't the reason for someone's termination or appointment. Unfortunately, race and other factors will be some people's motivation.
  14. This is tough subject. There's moral and ethic issues but foremost there's a dollar amount to it. Does he really need or deserve a transplant? http://m.nypost.com/p/news/local/now_ny_is_buying_him_new_heart_7rC8vMnPw6BggD3B8UcwZI
  15. The interview might consist of scenarios. Go over your EMT book; go over the questions at the end or beginning of each chapter; the objectives. Good luck...
  16. Does YELLOW count? Everything is black and white. There's more YELLOWS than all the colors combined. I've had white & black; not race but non prime colors. I've had little bit of everything; the box of candy is assorted flavors; so I've tried a lot; can't say all. I think that's impossible. I need the footnote for the 98%; I'm glad I'm the 2%. This thread has got out of control....
  17. How did you know it wasn't enough to kill him? How did you know his tolerance? Was the Police there?
  18. Those items mentioned are not discriminatory towards lefties. The Laryngoscope handle with the blades are. So are the stickshifts in the USA. Why is the fork placed on the right? Plus, that's not racism.
  19. http://www.emsworld.com/print/EMS-World/What-NOT-To-Do-in-EMS/1$6381 From EMS Magazine Archives January 2007; still prevalent today. Don't fall into the trap of a burn out... Good luck to your future...
  20. Its not about being afraid. Its about regulating it. You want a gun? Here's the process; get through it and you can have your gun. People need to be held accountable; that's all. There is no accountability. http://www.emsworld.com/article/article.jsp?id=16785&siteSection=1 Second Amendment - A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2011/03/03/eveningnews/main20039031.shtml
  21. I did post all different positions on this thread and the links. The bare minimum is an AAS if you want to be a Paramedic. The BS and MS is by choice. If you want to go further in EMS; you must have experience and education. Look and you'll see. Do you think the Director of NYS DOH EMS doesn't have a degree? He has a MPH. There's an Executive Director position opening in North Syracuse, NY but its asking for Ambulance and Managerial Experience; along with a minimum of a Bachelors but Masters preferred. This requirement is asked many times for a big Administration position. We can argue that college doesn't make you a better Medic. Colleges doesn't make you a better Attorney, Nurse, Doctor, Journalist, Teacher, Astronaut, Executive Chef, Scientist, Commodities Broker, Advertiser, or Federal Agent but it requires College to be one...
  22. Let me give you an example of Nursing Degrees. Almost all RN Certificate Programs have been eliminated in the US. They're still some but majority of Nursing Students are enrolled in a Nursing Degree Program. The Associates in Nursing (ASN) is a RN but the pre-core studies are basic requisites. The various Nursing Courses that are taken at the ASN level is all you need to be a RN (assuming the NCLEX exam has been passed). The Bachelors in Nursing (BSN) is still just a RN but the center of focus of the studies is on Theories of Nursing Concepts. The Masters in Nursing (MSN) is a RN but the focus is more in depth. The Doctorate in Nursing (PhDN) is a RN but the theories are more complex and the Doctor has proven abilities in analytical research and conceptualizes it in a Dissertation. They are all still Registered Nurses... The Paramedic AAS (ASP) is a combination of pre-core course: prerequisites and the Paramedic Concepts. The Paramedic Theories will be in the BS in Paramedics (BSP) Curriculum; focusing on EMS Fundamentals & History, EMS Management, Emergency Disaster Management & Preparedness, Medical Coding and Billing, Communications, Introduction to HAZMAT/WMD, and Ambulance Maintenance. The MS in Paramedicine (MSP) will add more Paramedic Theories with in depth studies in all the Paramedic Core Concepts; along with analytical research and theory reasoning. The AAS/ASP is all that will be required but the other more Advanced Degrees will be preferred...
  23. A Master's in Fire Science too.... http://www.newhaven.edu/5922/?
  24. Paramedics can't have Bachelor's Degree in Paramedics but you can get a Bachelor's in "STOP, DROP, & ROLL; put the wet stuff on the red stuff"... http://www.columbiasouthern.edu/Degree/Bachelor/Safety/Fire-Science
  25. You can only learn from your mistake. However, you shouldn't lie on the application. You have to put down that you've been terminated before. Some places just ask for resumes. So, just hand in your resume and attached; letters of recommendation(s). Good luck. All the best.
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