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Everything posted by NYCEMS9115

  1. http://airway.jems.com/2011/03/welcome-to-ems-airway-clinic/
  2. Thank you for sharing... All the best...
  3. It should still deploy. Malfunction. What type of vehicle? Thanks.
  4. I'll give into the "sticks and stones my break my bones but words will never hurt me" saying. It is what it is. All the best.
  5. http://mobile.nytimes.com/2011/04/03/us/politics/03spend.xml
  6. Then if that is the rule? Then we need to re-read the rules of the forum. If we can talk about one another in this way, then this forum is out of order. I thought this was EMT City? Not Facebook or Twitter; facebook or twitter would be a better outlet. You can gossip, poke, tag, etc. on it. This is what this thread is. I don't know anyone here; we are suppose to be professional. I guess EMS Providers are not professionals, if we can insult one another in this way. Disagree is fine but disrespect is not. All the best...
  7. Yes! Freedom of Speech excuses one criminally but it doesn't exonerate one civilly. All the best...
  8. http://www.brainandspinalcord.org/recovery-traumatic-brain-injury/glasgow-coma-scale.html%20
  9. I think this thread is inappropriate. This forum is to discuss EMS in different spectrums. The remarks made are libel and unprofessional... All the best...
  10. http://www.emsworld.com/article/article.jsp?id=16618&siteSection=1
  11. Plus, the BP off the monitor might have been inaccurate. The patient was moderate obese; 300lbs. Manual cuffs on obese patients. Nothing wrong with O2; withholding it when its indicated is wrong. However, I wasn't there; the story is not complete. All the best...
  12. OPA with BVM is your initial treatment along with cervical stabilization. The patient needs a Neuro-surgeon not EMS. If you can maintain the airway with BLS measures; you shouldn't waste time with Advance Airway Interventions. Especially, on traumatic patients. Care would be O2, LB/Collar, Reverse Trendenlenberg, V/S, and Reassess; ALS should be done enroute to the ER. Golden Hour... All the best...
  13. Many companies takes shortcuts for profits. Capitalism combined with the human element of greed; sets up for some terrible things.
  14. A Police Officer has the authority to search your vehicle; if there is probable cause. If he felt the Ambulance was stolen or you guys were not EMS personnel; its the right thing to do. Check it out and he did. What if the vehicle was stolen and you guys were human or drug traffickers; bringing the goods into or out of the US? Then the Trooper would have been a hero; received a merit citation. He did what he had to do. I'm glad it turned out fine. All the best....
  15. Its wrong but discrimination will always be around. She can either accept it or file a complaint.
  16. Pushed? Police will be there. That's Assault & Battery. If he dies; manslaughter vs murder.
  17. Google it. EMT-B is basic technicians. EMT-I are Intermediate: they can provide some Advance care. Check your EMT book; it'll go over this. Most likely you'll be able to work with a Calif State EMT in Calif. The NREMT is a separate body which certifies you on a National level; it makes reciprocity easier. Check www.nremt.org These are questions that should have been answered during class. All the best...
  18. There are many things we do; not because we want to but because we're told to. Its life. The employer has every right to ask you to do things; you can refuse. If it means your job; then so be it. If you have union protection; then you can grieve it. If you don't; you can file a claim with the State Dept of Labor. You may be eligible to collect unemployment if your termination was unjust. In the business of EMS/PHC; there will be many things you'll do that you don't want to do. You'll do it because you were told to. Being an EMT; you learned the responsibilities of the role because someone told you. Everything we do was learned at some point. Hence, it was told to you. All the best...
  19. http://www.emsworld.com/article/article.jsp?id=16493&siteSection=1 It is crazy what this guy did. I hope many are smarter than that.
  20. Its good for EVAC but bad for Volusia County. Unfortunately, EMS doesn't profit when you deal with Medicaid. Its all about volume when you're talking about Medicaid. A Private Ambulance Company will do it for less and the Elected Officials at Volusia County will see that; when the next budget overview is done. All the best...
  21. Everyday there's something new or something coming back. I remember the days when we sat in the back unrestrained, play with plastic bags, threw on broken glass, ate glue, etc. I mean c'mon! LOL
  22. The ECG is just one form of diagnostics. It doesn't really tell you everything about cardiac function. It just shows you the electrical function of the heart. See a physician. All the best...
  23. I have to agree with Paramedicmike. Are you an EMT? I think it was mentioned in the EMT program. Anyhow, go on ebay and look for Littmans; its cheaper. $50 is possible... Don't be a moocher. All the best...
  24. In NYS, in the Hudson Valley Regional EMS; PA are Medical Control and so are NP. As for Medical Directors; you have to be a MD. Be a PA and if you have time for EMS then do it. All the best.
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