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Just Plain Ruff

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Everything posted by Just Plain Ruff

  1. And those questions are never going to get answered. It does not fit the agenda of those who are reporting this as news.
  2. But I think this person is from across the pond, are they using it over there at all? I say this because I honestly don't know the answer to that question
  3. Of the several times I've started a IO on an adult patient they all said that what they remember most was the pain of the initial infusion(if they remembered anything at all). After it was going for a while, they said it was fine.
  4. I remember a apt themed group of commercials that summed this whole discussion up, it was a pizza commercial from a correctly named company that said "What do you want on your tombstone" If medics are rushing into scenes where we really don't have any business rushing into, then you might as well audition for one of those commercials. Tell em "extra Cheese and anchovies"
  5. I also think that because we are so saddled with protocols and the thought process that we must get such and such done and if we don't get an IV and a tube that we are somewhat less of a medic, then that's why it takes us more time to get the patient to definitive care. If we scooped and ran and got them to the hospital like the gang bangers friends did, then I think outcomes would be different, but we have 21'st century medicine on our side which saves lives dammit
  6. Me wonders who???????????????????????????????????????????///
  7. And the lay public will falsely believe that you are a paramedic even if your shirt just says "medic" But it's the new year and I think we have bigger fish to fry, the poor sap who quit in anger after getting suspended by breaking the rules has made it to my local news station facebook feed and is now getting sympathy in my ex-town.
  8. So your company puts Medic on your shirts even if you aren't a medic? hmmmmmmmm
  9. Actually I only take issue with one point of yours Triemal, I think the guy did try to get mutual aid, I think it was pointed out in the article that he did. Here is the article quote At about 11 a.m. on Dec. 11, EMT and squad leader Stephen Sawyer, 20, was at the squad's Webster Street headquarters when a call came in about a 4-year-old having seizures. An Ellenville paramedic soon arrived at the boy's home in an SUV, Sawyer says, and called for an ambulance. Sawyer, who was alone at headquarters, put in a call to the Kerhonkson Accord First Aid Squad, but they were busy on another call. But he didn't try to go further out and get another service to come in though. So he played ricky rescue hero and broke the rules thus sealing his fate. He's another cowboy who apparantly thinks that the rules don't apply to him and that his being the hero would save his ass which it didn't. But yes, this whole incident shows that there are enough paramedics on this service to provide service to the community but not enough drivers, that's a fail if you ask me. Plus what I also read, there were two emt's there, one being ricky rescue and the other being an unnamed emt which one can only assume is also under the age of 21 as well. Does this agency not have any EMT's who are over the age of 21 that could have responded? Rules are rules, they are NOT arbitrary guidelines meant to be broken, but alas, we don't really know how stable the kid was or if the kid was really sick but in the end the volunteer squad is going to take this in the teeth because they fired the hero of the hour.
  10. All that I read about this guy is that he's had discipline problems in the past and this was the final straw for the board. The captain even said in a interview that if it was his first time they would have told him "don't do it again" but it wasn't his first time so bam, he's suspended. He got angry at the suspension, from a give your work for free job, and he reacted like a angry child and took a piece of paper and wrote out his resignation and then left. He didn't give notice, he just quit right there. Do I think he did the right thing, sure he helped the kid out, the system seems at first broken there, not enough providers and units to cover the area but we are only seeing a snapshot in time and this might have been just a very busy time. It appears that EMS/Police/Fire is his life and he really needs to get a work life balance. But that's just my impression.
  11. I see both sides of the story, there needs to be a happy medium, but this shows a glaring problem that there were three calls that went unanswered during this time.
  12. If you have a humeral fracture you can probably lick your elbow.
  13. Make sure you have at least one extra charged Lifepack battery in your truck.
  14. Been there and done that without the cot, we just put the patient on the bench seat.
  15. I'm sorry Richard, but that just came out Creeeeeeeeeeeeeppppppy
  16. I know I hate posting a wiki reference but not much else out there on this guy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rankine_scale
  17. Yes, that was definately directed at Kiwi at a long lost thread that was pretty intense. I remember it well.
  18. Hey the ability to change names is allowed by being a sponsor so why not????? Everyone knows who I am.
  19. you know SWA, following up on advice given here seems to be a lost art.
  20. This is very very bad mojo for this hospital. I'll bet that their team of lawyers are working on this one.
  21. Well Merry Christmasukkahquanzaramadan to you too.
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