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Just Plain Ruff

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Everything posted by Just Plain Ruff

  1. you gotta admit, buying a lightbar on a website, sees a list of Whacker criteria, wants us to help him find the whacker list that he thought was neat. What part of this doesn't SCREAM OUT TO YOU "I'M A WHACKER?" It's also good to be lumped into the Old guard.
  2. all of the above are wonderful pieces of advice. do what I did. I moved back in with mom and dad, dad paid for the class and they gave me a stipend of 500 per month for incidentals. Just like a student loan. My dad said that this would be the last class he ever paid for for me so make the best of it. This guaranteed that I would have all the time to study and go to clinicals during class. It was the best thing since I was finished with clinicals and ride time at least 3 months earlier than anyone else in my class. When in doubt become a freeloader like these people. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/arti...in_page_id=1770
  3. He said stick out to interject some levity in this thread, you can always ask "Are you sure you are pregnant?"
  4. My song of today is "Praise you in the storm" by Casting Crowns and i'm also humming the song "The wreck of the edmund fitzgerald" by Gordon Lightfoot
  5. You know that could be taken so many different ways but the word "Whacker" comes to mind.
  6. so why don't you put a picture of your lightbar on the site here. I'm sure all of us would like to see it. Did you put in on your car or on your departments ambulance? Just curious.
  7. Fresh from the national registry exam center Each person is assigned a number between 55 and 200 as soon as they sign in for the test. The number assigned is the number of questions that you have to answer before the test ends. You may have to answer upwards of 140 questions or as little as 55 questions. Once you hit that magic number your test immediately ends. The number of questions you get stopped at has no direct bearing on your pass or fail chance. Good luck
  8. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO don't take my Salvia away, it helps with tha nausya
  9. and that is why in my lifetime I do not expect to see a 3rd party candidate do any better than Ron Paul did this year.
  10. the only constitutional right to vote is in that amendment. There is a constitutional right to vote in a state election but that was what the founders envisioned. They did not envision that they would be elected by the people. If you remember right, the framers of the constitution were elected or appointed by the states to represent them in the federal government. They never envisioned that there would be national elections except in the term of president. Senators and the house were appointed originally by the states but that quickly turned to being elected by the citizens(of which a very narrow list of requirements to vote were - male). But I digress, I could go on and on. For a really great history lesson, I urge everyone to watch the new HBO miniseries John Adams Here is one more thing quote direct from the constitution Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector Doesn't this make the superdelegates unconstitional?
  11. and let's not forget that Chuck Norris delivered a round house kick to the voting booth and out came Mike Huckabee Chuck norris, man of all things. He cries tears of blood you know.
  12. Lone, you know I didn't know that there was a constitutional right to do what makes me happy or a constitutional right to work wherever I want to. It's amazing how much people don't know about the constitution. Some people even say there is a constitutional right to vote. NOPE NOT There.
  13. Just go grab a copy of "Young Frankenstein" most of the original stars are dead now but it's a funny one.
  14. little wonder he went nuts. Did they cut his off?
  15. I took a refresher course from Bob. He is by far one the best instructors out there.
  16. Scar, do you really look like your avatar? and I also never encountered the basic versus medic thing prior to emtcity. Anyone for a moratorium on this stuff?
  17. DW more and more your posts impress me to no end. I see a great future as a medic for you.
  18. Droopy was mine then it was foghorn Leghorn and the weasel.
  19. yeah michael, it's guaranteed they won't catch a cold for the next week.
  20. whatever it was. I went to wherever he was and kilt him with extreme prejudice
  21. i have no clever comeback for that other than I went back and killed the founder of that web page.
  22. I still prefer learning on people like the one i linked to in my last post. Practice makes perfect
  23. I FOUND IT Here's a picture of a patient who is successfully parachute strapped. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,293208,00.html
  24. How can you have a no call no show policy on a volunteer agency. They put out a page and you respond or not. Do you like, call in and say I'm sorry I missed the call but I couldn't make it. Do you get a certain number of no responses before you are "terminated" kind of busts the notion of volunteer right?
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