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Just Plain Ruff

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Everything posted by Just Plain Ruff

  1. It took a study to show what we here at the city already knew. I do think it would be a good thing for instructors to tell the emt students just what kind of dismal job prospects that they can look forward to. They should also stop the shoving of smoke up the students behinds that they are going to get to work on an emergency ambulance. Some may but the majority will not. My instructor in class said that emt should only be a stepping stone to paramedic. Don't pass go, just go right from emt school to medic school if you want to run the emergency calls. That the majority of emt's in classes either are goign to be fireman or transfer jockeys. he was always one to also say that it will be a extreme rarity that an emt will actually save a life without a medic. We had 39 in our class and believe it or not, 35 went on to pass the class, pass the state test and I nkow that at least 25 of them are medics now.
  2. i just take my medical tricorder in to the scene. Diagnosis and treatment all in one convenient 4 x 8 inch package.
  3. i guess I need to work harder on relaying my sarcasm. Jeesh. Junkies are people too. Can't we all just get along. By the way that was SARCASM if you need to be told so.
  4. it's all about global warming. The steep decline in the junkie population is in direct correlation to the warming of the earth. It's gonna be one of Owl Gore's cornerstones of his new advertising campaign.
  5. Don't you know it. Junkies are my new cause.
  6. this has been discussed in some semblence here. People are for and against it and some were even for it before they were against it. But I don't see a big deal, they are already injecting stuff in their veins already, why not add one more thing. Call it the Narcoheroincrackmorphine cocktail. If it saves the life on even one junkie, darn it, it's worth it.
  7. so they RSI'd a guy without a backup airway device handy? hmmmmm OOPS
  8. If you can afford your own turnout gear then by all means purchase it yourself. Guaranteed a proper fit. If you are not doing extrication then really what do you need turnout gear for? I worked in EMS for 14 years and purchased my own. The only thing it guaranteed me was that I was gonna be in that car with all the cutting machines going on around me because I was the one best protected. But anyway, turnout gear is best but one piece flight jump suits or a good pair of EMS pants, a good shirt and steel toed boots always did the trick for me.
  9. And Dr. Flox(the new doc on the show Enterprise) you left out welby, trapper john, hawkeye, Charles, burns, benson, carter, and Greene
  10. you send me a pm berating me for commenting yet you asked for comment. You aren't supposed to talk about this yet you took the time to break that rule and come here and comment about your experiences. And you are surprised that anyone is taking you seriously???? And you are upset that we are questioning your statements. sorry but you have a hstory of coming here and making grandiose statements and also a history in chat of the same. by the way, please don't pm me again, you just make me more and more confused as to which person is actually pm'ng me, WendyT or windsong or the one in the hijab. So seriously, will you change your username to protect the innocent when you get in the witness protection program? Oh that's right, you said that they don't have a witness protection program for that.
  11. makes doing drug calculations easier. get some good math under your belt and the drug calculations are easier to do. of course you could be a cookbook medic and use cheat sheets which are not a bad thing but what happens when you need to figure a drug calc out in the field and you left your field guide in the office? (don't say "I'd use my partners)
  12. Wendy are you off your meds again? First I hear you are telling people in chat that you were kidnapped and held hostage of some sort at a AlQuada training camp but you couldn't even tell AK the proper greeting if asked. Now you are saying you are going to the witness protection program. What will your user name be then? good to see your old self back but really, start taking your meds again.
  13. two redneck snakes are sitting around One asks the other "Are we poisonous?" The other says "I don't know why?" The first one says "Cause I just bit my tongue" ha ha ha ha ha
  14. yes, I can proudly say I found my wife at our family reunion, just kidding What other aspect of society gleefully poses for these types of pictures? I watched a video of a guy throw a large branch and basically knocked himself silly when he hit himself in the head. he got up stumbled around and then got in his truck and drove off. Rednecks, gotta love em.
  15. http://www.google.com/virgle/index.html Become a Virgle Pioneer.
  16. I wonder what your response times are like in that one. The good thing is that you can do a lot of work in that ambulance. There's plenty of room and it's guaranteed not to roll on you since I can't imagine the donkey's going too fast or encountering much traffic on that road.
  17. Redneck ambulance http://photo-of-the-day1.blogspot.com/2007...-ambulance.html
  18. yeah, god forbid we do it for the patient? Can't hurt anyone's feelings that's why we have to look at all aspects of the situation rather than just the one aspect that's important - the patient. Is having a medic or emt who is on these psych drugs in the best interest of the patient which is why we are all here anyway. If the medic/emt is not impaired then yeah, the patient benefits. If the medic/emt is imparied then off the truck until judged unimpaire - patient benefits again. But just to pull the medic/emt off because they are on these medications with no obvious issues is a lose to the medic/emt and the patient - lose lose.
  19. so who wants to be the guinea pig for the testing phase of Spenac's overactive brain? I know who Michael will vote for.
  20. Listen, if you are impaired in any way, be it cold medicines, psych medications, hung over or stuff like that then yeah, I'll pull em because it's not about them, It's NOT about us, it's about the patient. Do you want to look a patient in the eye and say "yeah, I knew my partner was impaired but I did nothing about it"? I think not. If you are taking any medication that impairs your ability to do your job to the best of your ability then hell yes I'd kicking you off. If you are hung over then there is probably alcohol still in your system and sorry to say that you might lose out on a day's pay but that's not my problem. I've booted a driver for being hung over. More on that story later. I have actually called my supervisor and said I have taken some pain pills for a terrible back ache and I cant' come in. The supervisor said how long ago did you take them. I said 3 hours ago and the sup said, you can come in and work and I said no. I got a no call no show mark on my record but at least my conscious was clean. One other thing, I have not advocated in this thread the removal of workers who are currently on psych meds, I have advocated that if impaired that they should NOT be allowed to work until they are unimpaired. How do you determine them to be unimpaired, I have not the foggiest idea except a cognitive test or skills test to get back in the swing of things. If they pass that test then they can go back on the streets. i'll leave that test determination to the higher ups.
  21. the unfortunate thing is that they aren't liars in my opinion. If after they found out you were on ssri's or whatever and they still said they would work with you and then they come here and post they wouldn't then that is a lie but since I can almost bet that there are not many people here who do know you personally you can't really call them liars since they don't know you. If they did know you, if they did know you were on ssri's and they tell you to your face that they would have no problem working with you and then you saw them posting here that they wouldn't work with you then yes, they would then be liars. It's all semantics.
  22. dust you are making the newbies mad again aren't you?
  23. but you dont' get put on antidepressants for 4 days of feeling blue. That's a absurd argument. You get put on antidepressants for documented and diagnosed cases of depression. if you need antidepressants for 4 days worth of depression then you have more issues than you admit to. I don't have a problem with people working with antidepressants or anti-anxiety meds but the first time or the first inkling that I have that they are impaired due to the medications then I'm gonna yank em off my truck.
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