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Just Plain Ruff

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Everything posted by Just Plain Ruff

  1. my first suspicions are kidney stone lumbar spine sprain due to wonderful roads you call superhighways out there. Well first I'll do all the requisite things Vitals history iv lock at least 12 lead just to be sure if she has to go pee I'd catch that just in case for a baseline for the ER. I'd put some oxy on her at 4lpms just because I can. I'd begin with toradol if you have it. If not I'd start with 2mgs Morphine which on my standing orders I can give since I have no contact with med control for 2 hours and 50 minutes How much Morphine do you have on board? Do you have nitrous? That's jsut the start of it all but I'm also going to have in the back of my mind a dissecting AAA due to the pain. It could also be another great vessel isssue too. We are only 3 hours into this nightmare that is being presented to us by our favorite taxi driver.
  2. America - American Idol, The Moment of Truth, Big Brother, and stupid people tricks Japan - Wii Pii Pii, that japanese obstacle course show I think America wins in the stupid contest don't you?
  3. Once you buy yourself one of those handy dandy pocket 12 leads you can then save up for this. http://www.thinkgeek.com/stuff/41/superpiipii.html
  4. And I used to respect your grammatical prowess :roll:
  5. I'll agree, with you on that point But I hope the OP was just using the wrong choice of words. There are medications that you do slam or push rapidly, such as adenocard or medications in a code but slamming any other medications is to me the sign of a new medic or a very nervous medic. You have a critical patient and you slam the meds to get em in there fast. It just reminds me of a bunch of medics sitting around the table or crews quarters, those medics are new medics mind you. They are bragging about how many patients they have saved. One starts with I slammed that Versed in that patient and they let me do anythin, another then responds with another story of how they slammed some other drug and the stories get bigger and bigger and more outrageous and it just gains a legend of its own. I can't remember the last time I heard from a medic that they slammed some med or another. I just hoped that slammed was not the word that he wanted to use.
  6. Of course star wars will come out on top, you have one small x-wing fighter taking down an entire planet sized space station compared to 10 federation class starships not being able to take down one Borg vessel, Of course star wars will win.
  7. You know if you push the narcan real slow I have found that even .1mg or .2 mg's work as well sometimes as the 2mg dosages that we tend to "slam" Why do we still insist on using Slammed the med or what not. It just sounds so unprofessional. Do you have any reason why this little old lady wanted to pull out your spleen thru your mouth after you slammed her with 2mgs of narcan??? I would suspect that she takes pain medications on a chronic basis and when you slammed that 2mg's all you did was reverse all the pain relieving effects that she had built up. I had toradol slammed into my thigh one night for a tremendous headache after a butt load of narcotics had been administered to get rid of it. They even did a CT because they thought maybe I had a bleed since 100 mg's of demerol IM, 10 mgs over 20 mins of Morphine IV didn't touch it and 2mg's of dilaudid IV slightly touched it. I had the CT scan and it was normal and the nurse then gave me 30 mg's of Toradol IM in my right thigh(she slammed it) It was one of the most uncomfortable feelings I've ever had, it felt like she had just punched my thigh with a hammer. I felt that for 2 weeks. I spent 9 hours in the ER for the headache and thankfully I've never had a headache like that since. Slammed medications are never the answer.
  8. Can you clarify this. You really didn't mean to say that anyone, meaning "anyone" can rescind a prehospital dnr? Does that mean that any bystander can rescind it? I'm sure you meant something else didn't you?
  9. I have found that I work best when I have a scribe that follows behind me and documents everything I do. Gotta pay a little more for the homeless guy to do the writing but what else would he be doin, sitting on the corner of an intersection asking for money and will work for food. I provide both of what he asks for.
  10. I pawked mah caw vewy faw from tha baw
  11. as long as you are continuing your education, taking whatever CEU/CMT classes that will help you in your career, as long as you are taking acls, pals, and the alphabet soup classes. As long as you do what you can in the short amount of time that everyone seems to have these days, you will always be on the right track. What happens is when you believe the mantra that once learned always learned then you become another one of the cookbook medics who we all know. Oh, I don't need to relearn that, I already know it. But do you really. Your posts are good, information you pass along is good info. I see nothing wrong with your posts but you should continue to learn. Learning doesn't end with getting your patch. You can also learn things other than EMS and that helps round you out with overall knowledge. Look at me, I'm a walking fountain of useless information but it's what I do best. I have forgotten a lot about ems in the past 6 years but I'm still current as I can be.
  12. nah you just thought she was beautiful and it messed with your head to think of her like a sister didn't it. Admit it. Say it say it say it. Why do you miss her? did she die?
  13. Have AlQaida field a olympic team. That is one olympics I'd like to see. What teams would you like to see? I think they should field a boxing team and a hockey team.
  14. For the S word - I predict that every crew member who reads this post will run a homeless bum with yellowish cheese like substances between his toes. You have to take his shoes off due to his feet being run over by a car while he slept. For the Q word - I will that every crew member will run that illustrious bathroom cardiac arrest with the patient stuck between the toilet and the bathtub. And for the B word - you will run a MVA with the car in a creek upside down The rest of your shift will be spent going from one er to another nursing home until the end of your shift. Many transfers in your futures.
  15. so you are paying 5k in tuition and 10K in fees and other stuff the school is forcing you to get. Now that's nickel and diming you if you ask me
  16. or if you want to be a full whacker and fill this one out you can. http://www.idph.state.ia.us/ems/common/pdf/iaemspcr.pdf
  17. I seem to remember that Whacker are Us er I mean Galls sold a notebook that had patient care information forms in a neat little package. I'm not sure if WAU(whackers are us) still carries that stuff. Just make your own. go into microsoft word or whatever word processor you use and put this stuff in name:______________________________ age: _______________________________ date of birth: __________________ Allergies: ____________________ past medical history: ________________________________ _________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ past surgical history: __________________________________ __________________________________________________-- HPI: ____________________________________________-- What they did for themselves: ______________________ _____________________________________________--- What you did for them: ________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Notes: Tha'ts all you really need
  18. ok tornado hits a small town school - 200 students, school is levelled Tour bus drives between the bridges on a deserted stretch of highway. multicar pile up - 30 cars 2 ambulances available small rural service of 8 full time staff members. school bus crash school shooting haz mat incident in the local 12 bed ER. ER is closed down. all your staff members were affected - how do you run the service with no people available to help hotel fire nursing home collapse building collapse the possibilities are endless All have happened within the past 5 years.
  19. ok, I see a couple of things. I'm going to play devils advocate here I'm not going to play the blame game but if I had two children that had this type of medical conditions I think I would be at the dispatch center as soon as possible to make sure that that dispatch center had the most up to date directions to my house that they possibly could. I would also be taking a trip personally to the chief's office to make sure that he/she also had the most accurate directions to my house in case of the emergency that IS going to happen, not might happen. I would have not have taken it on blind faith that the ambulance would have known where to go in case of emergency. I would have been proactive and done my part. I feel terrible for this family. What a nightmare and I would for damn sure be working with someone to find out how this can be prevented in the future. Look at the Quaids whose children suffered catastrophic damage when they were given the wrong dosage of heparin during their stay in the hospital NICU. They are not suing the hospital because of the mistake of a nurse(we're all human they say) but they have effected true and valid change with the manufacturer of the heparin and it is now almost foolproof to give the wrong dosage from the vial. Instead of suing they made more effective change in other ways. The first time the error occurred it can be attributed to the software but a 2nd time in as many weeks without the first time being corrected there needs to be substantial change to this organizations systems. What makes me curious is this, was this the same ambulance crew that responded both times? Where were the first responders at on the second call. Why did those first responders not get with dispatch and work to correct this problem. It makes me believe the old adage, Oh someone else will take care of it. A shame none-the-less but I wonder how long it will take for the family to find a lawyer to take the case though?
  20. my suspicions are leading to a perforated bowel due to the history of ulcers. What drugs could this guy have gotten hold of that would exacerbate ulcers or cause them to rupture? This could also be a ruptured appendix that went on wayyyyyyyyyy too long for my comfort. Could his demise have been due to a ruptured appendix with resulting infection and bowel problems? The what-if's are extensive here. I can imagine that you have not seen the end of this case. Expect to get a subpoena into court on this one. Any time a prisoner dies their loved ones will sue the state and whoever else they can sue, as it's the nature of the beast. So make sure your report was excellently written and I'd keep a copy if you can get one or make sure you have written down exactly what you did for that patient come time that you get subpoena'd because it's gonna happen.
  21. that was exactly what I was trying to say in a long roundabout way of doing so.
  22. ok, let me ask this obvious question, What the Hell do you need a taser for when you should not be entering the scene without sheriff clearing it. Do you guys go in scenes that are unsafe to begin with just because it's an hour or more for Law enforcement to get there? If the scene is one that requires that ems staffers are needing tazers then your service has a HUGE problem to address before you even think about getting tazers. One other thing, if you are using the tazers that are the same as law enforcement don't those look like guns? If you pull the tazer gun on a patient and someone sees you pull the gun it is a possibility that you will get shot. EMS Carrying anything that remotely resembles a gun is a recipe for disaster. I can't believe this is even being brought up in your service. One more thing, tell me where you live, in what town and all so I can go rob the local liquor store or the local wal mart. I'm guaranteed to get away. Your area has more problems than just your medics thinking they need to be johnny deputy. What happens when law enforcement is needed? Are they on call or what? I'd be curious.
  23. we're all going to die But really I think it's the flu he's talking about. One of the untreatable non vaccincation kinds. But who knows. There are a good dozen or so that are gonna wipe us out eventually.
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