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Just Plain Ruff

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Everything posted by Just Plain Ruff

  1. holy crapola Spenac, can you imagine what the patient's face would look like. "we're gonna heat this pole to cauterizing temperature so we can seal off the blood vessels" Can you imagine their expression.
  2. I do agree that a redesigned saw with a decreased heat transfer is something that would be beneficial to those who are impaled. But it would benefit in other ways if the saw was redesigned but I'll leave the redesign of the saw to smarter people than me.
  3. That's just plain wrong aculuca2001, using them on people, vibrations and getting stuck or even their being too dangerous, are you sure you aren't desigining something other than a reciprocating saw?
  4. Why not push him to get a paid job so he can pay for his school.
  5. no it was Brain not brian
  6. can say I've worked in the field as a medic and emt for over 15 years and I have yet to ever use one.
  7. If you ask me, having a heart attack while on duty, or dying in your sleep while on dutyr isn't really a line of duty death. What I consider qualifying as a line of duty death is dying while doing the job not just sleeping and never waking up, but then again, that's just my opinion.
  8. we all have to be the most healthy individuals that the law will allow no heart problems, no nutty professor problems and NO Infectious diseases by golly we also have to have no memory issues, never ever missspell a word(he he) and we just have to be well you know, healthy.
  9. Remember, the bigger the smartass the quicker that smartass can be replaced. You have to remember you are not irreplaceable.
  10. having multiple preceptors can be a double edged sword. On the one hand you get to learn from several people. You can see how others do it and you can take the best stuff from each and integrate it into your routine The other hand is not so good - you also run the chance of getting some really really bad preceptors. I had one preceptor in my internship that was so lazy and a real asshole that I tried to get off their shift but due to limited numbers of preceptors I was stuck with a "green, fat, stupid" medic preceptor who had forgotten everything they had ever learned about medicine and was content with just being a lazy screwup. I complained about their behaviour and for my troubles I was told that all my hours with them would not count. Of course I protested and they ended up counting but I had to purge everything this freak of nature told me because it was most often wrong. So multiple preceptors are good most of the time but you never know.
  11. one time worked a trauma code on a working girl. turns out her pimp was pissed at her and stabbed her in the leg. When we got there she had a 1/2 inch lac to her innter thigh. We moved her to the cot and 10 minutes later she arrested. Turns out the knife the pimp used was a 1/2 wide 12 inch long scimitar like knife. It lacerated her femeral artery and she bled out into her thigh. She was 89 pounds if she was anything. Her pimp came in the ER and asked to see her and was arrested for homicide. When asked if he stabbed her he said "hell yes I stabbed her, she owes me 200 bucks for last night"
  12. sounds like a good job if you want to get out of EMS
  13. good I'm a christian too but you have to realize that some people who bitch and moan about those who are downtrodden often have been in their shoes. it's one thing to take to the defense of the underserved but you know what, not many people really give a rats ass about your belief system. Keep your faith, keep your passion but this is definately not the right place to come and try to save others(religiously at least) You will find that subsequent posters here will more than likely disagree or oppose what your thoughts are. You will find that the majority of people out there do not want to hear your testimony and your belief system and that's fine if they don't want to do that. I should not have asked if you were one of those people but your post made me lump you into one in the same. how long have you been an emt and a christian?
  14. were you one of those kids who didn't get to do what you wanted and you spent all your time in your room? You sound like you speak from experience. you know, sometimes you don't get to do what you want, it's called the real world. All I ever wanted to be was president but my parents told me that wasn't a good idea, and that I couldn't, but I didn't sulk away and go in my room. Jeesh, your arguments are weak. This is a common thing in society, we don't want our kids to feel bad, or feel like they won't amount to something or we just don't want them to think they are losers when in fact they aren't going to be able to do certain things. If you raise your children with the expectation that everything they want is theirs for the taking and no matter what they will get what they want, then we raise children who can't take rejection and cannot take the fact that they might not measure up to a certain standard. We can't play tag anymore because a child might think they have a disease when they art It. We don't keep score in sports anymore for kids because they might LOSE. We pass idiots who are the jocks in school because in reality they are too stupid to do anything else but play football and this rolls over into college. But hey thats the status quo. Some people are destined to be garbage collectors, zoo keepers, paramedics, doctors and what not and that is that. If we keep telling our children that they can do anything they want what do we tell them when they are not good enough for a chosen profession. We raise a group of children who cannot take rejection, cannot take failure and are not successful in life.
  15. UTPRoism, your posts are thought provoking but leapers(lepers) were not forced to stay outside the city walls. If you read the bible Jesus would heal the leper's and they were usually healed outside the temple walls. For the historical treatment of Leprosy let's peruse this article http://www.stanford.edu/class/humbio103/Pa...osy/history.htm the bell statement was accurate though. But if you really look at it this way, Christ had no problem touching the lepers, so maybe we shouldn't have a problem touching the HIV patients.
  16. this has been a good discussion albeit a heated one which carried over into chat last night. I'm sorry to burst everyone's bubbles but....... after Looking at numerous sites last night almost every one of the manufacturers site as well as I believe the Merck manual site said that you give nitroglycerin Spray under the tongue or on the tongue. If you follow the literature included in the package you will also find this route of admin (on the tongue) The PDR site http://www.pdrhealth.com/drugs/rx/rx-mono....p;contentId=387 even says to spray it on the tongue or under the tongue. So in all actuality this route that Gvandellens mentor was doing is NOT wrong. We as providers know that the most appropriate route of administration is under the tongue but to tell him that he is plain wrong is also wrong. is the rate of absorption faster sublingually - Yes Is it wrong to spray it on the tongue - NO There were other statements made that were suspect but again, the way his mentor was administering the spray was not wrong. If you can find any product literature, product web sites, pharmacology web sites and the like that prove that Nitro spray MUST be given under the tongue and NEVER on the tongue then we can discuss it but you would be hard pressed to find that info. But as always, follow your protocols or guidelines put out by your medical director. No product literature is going to save your butt from losing a lawsuit if you deviated from your established protocols.
  17. Does that Mean that I can get pregnant too? what I want to know is this this is a dude right? they let him keep his female sexual organs right? So how the hell did he get pregnant? did he inseminate himself? or did he get another guy to do it? Either or it's just[sup:bed657c38c] WRONG[/sup:bed657c38c]
  18. Consider this analogy AMR is to EMS like politicians are to government. I have no love lost for AMR. The mighty dollar outweighs the patient. I could go on and on about improprieties and transfer contracts coming before 911 care. It would take a book to put it all down. Unfortunately, they come in to a city and give glowing promises about what they will do and as soon as they get the contract they start down the road to broken promiseville If I was given a choice between a root canal, vasectomy and a laminectomy all in the same surgery or to work for AMR Again I'd choose the surgeries.
  19. Every time Dustdevil replies on EMT City about EMS Education a puppy is born in Qatar and a kitten is born in Guatamala
  20. Every time chuck norris does a round house kick in Peru, a puppy dies in china.
  21. Funny thing, I used to work for the ambulance service covering that area. If I was working it might have been me who responded. Deepwater MO is a strange town. STRANGE with a capital S but the lake area makes up for it in niceness.
  22. Or are you sure you are pregnant or are you just that fat?
  23. The 12 steps of Whacker's Anonymous 1. We admitted we were powerless over whackerness — that our lives had become unmanageable. 2. Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity(that power being the old guard here at EMT City). 3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him in order to get away from Whackerness. 4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves - "Am I a whacker?". 5. Admitted to God, to ourselves and to another human being the exact nature of our whackerness. 6. Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character and if he's not able to do it then the old guard at EMT City will do it. 7. Humbly asked Him to remove our whackerness. 8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all (all those who had to look at our Whackermobiles). 9. Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others or keep us from responding to emergencies with our tricked out whackermobiles and our fully stocked mass casualty EMS jump bags complete with oxygen bottle. 10. Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it. 11. Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God, as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out. 12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to all whackers, and to practice these principles in all our affairs. This was meant as no offense to the members of any of the 12 step groups.
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