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Just Plain Ruff

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Everything posted by Just Plain Ruff

  1. An old lady was walking back to her car. she sees 4 men getting in her car and without hesitation she walks up, pulls a handgun and yells "I have a gun and I know how to use it, now get out of my car" The guys do not hesitate and they run like scared rabbits. She then proceeds to get in the car, put her key in the ignition and she can't for the life of her start the car. She then notices that there not only are her groceries in the car but a 12 pack of beer, a football and a frisbee are in the front seat. DOH!!! She gets out walks a few cars down and finds her own car and proceeds to drive to the police station and explain what she had done. After the desk sergeant stops laughing he points to 4 young men white as ghosts who are there to report a car jacking by a little old white haired lady carrying a grocery bag of food and a huge black handgun. See she had a concealed permit and she stopped that crime in it's track. oh by the way, she actually drove the 4 guys back to their car at the grocery store.
  2. "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one" or something like that. So says Spock but what are the means and What is the end? If the end is the ultimate solution or whatever hitler called it then hell no the end doesnt justify the means. so just what are we thinking about.
  3. ok, look at the time of that post. I was in the middle of another marathon 16 hour shift working in the ER in our go-live here in Jacksonville. I had 8 hours of sleep between that shift and the one I posted on. I'm still tired and I have 2 more shifts to go.
  4. it's the old see one do one teach one.
  5. well yeah if you take into account the two distinct crime scenes. The one in the dorm and then the one in the class. by my recollection the classroom shooting if I remember right, took less than a minute to go from start to finish. He came out , started shooting and then ended in a short time
  6. I'm curious, where did you get from what I typed that students should sit back and take getting shot. I never once advocated that. Just not sure where you got that impression?
  7. you did take it wrong. did you not read my first reply on the subject, I disagreed that it will not curb violence but I also said let em have their guns. I would never advocate that. I'm all for the right to carry. I'm also a realist and we all know that someone out there who is hell bent on causing this type of incident will end it before another student can pull his gun out. let the students have guns and try to finish the violence but more than likely it will be over before the hero can try to finish it themself. I would never advocate that with conceal and carry that students just sit there. Let's get that clear in our heads. But what I also envision is that if the hero does not take out the shooter then the shooter will kill the hero, then will continue to fire into the crowd and kill more people because the hero was playing hero. These incidents turn my stomach everytime it happens and I cry for the victims and I cry for the lost souls and the fact that we don't have laws in place that allow them to protect themselves but let's be real, is it really gonna make a difference to the students who are dead or a difference to their families?
  8. did anyone roast weenies and marshmallows at the fire?
  9. but if you look back at the last couple of shootings like this, the rampage is over in less than several minutes and in the end the shooter has taken his own life. I don't think that someone with a gun could get it out quick enough to end a rampage like that.
  10. if someone is hell bent on causing death and destruciton and going out in a blaze of glory does anyone honestly believe it will be a deterrent?
  11. emt emt emt emt emt emt emt emt emt emt emt emt emt emt emt emt emt emt emt emt emt emt emt
  12. It's amazing how income redistribution works aint it? It's your taxes at work.
  13. yeah, don't pass out at the sight of blood. but seriously, just go to y our first shift, ask lots of questions and be one who is not adverse to doing the scut work for the first shift or two. You are not going to be doing the lifesaving stuff right away. You basically have to prove that you know what you know before you get to practice what you know, you know?
  14. I agree fire should be out of patient care and EMS should be out of fire suppression. If I need my patient put out then I'll call the fire guys. If the fire guys put a patient out then they should call me. anything else is semantics.
  15. Dr. Phil is a big fat idiot too. So I guess we can call him Dr. Big Fat Idiot Phil.
  16. an oldie but a very very goodie.
  17. do you know what they call a DO? Doctor Do you know what they call a MD? Doctor Not much different.
  18. So it was a black widow spider bite, come on give credit where credit is due!!!!! You know you want to Spenac.
  19. VS you and I completely agree on this one. Why didn't the family physician do his job. More than likely he did not want to be bothered so he forced the issue on EMS and on medical control. If I was medical control - I'd be pissed and would give a call to the lazy ass doc.
  20. and a couple more chlorine leak at the local swimming pool Any type of incident that overwhelms your local departments resources.
  21. I agree I've seen some of the stuff from providers like EMS solutions and if his education material is anything like some of the others then I can guarantee that it's worth the money. For what emssolutions does, I wholeheartedly believe in.
  22. Dust, you you you Internet bully you.
  23. Dwayne, you and I discussed this a lot over our orlando get together. I feel your pain as purchasing something that is not in reality what you thought you were ordering. But look at it this way, IF you would not have found the information without ems solutions then was it worth it? Have you learned something? One comparison, when you purchased your computer with Vista on it was it easy to use?
  24. two snakes are sitting around. ONe asked "Are we poisonous?" The other one asked "Why do you want to know?" the first one said "because I just bit my tongue"
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