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Just Plain Ruff

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Everything posted by Just Plain Ruff

  1. again the original poster has yet to come back and respond. this topics dead to me, dang chat aspiring user.
  2. Could this be a lame attempt at providing a thoughtful first post. I see the original poster has not been back to answer these questions. Golly jeepers batman, only two more posts and the OP can go to chat.
  3. So he wants lights and sirens on his personal car to go to firstaid standby's? And they also need a supervisors vehicle? Holy Whackerism batman, I'll bet that they won't be in business by this time next year.
  4. Dwayne - just what does loving AK in a special way, are you missing Babs already?????
  5. my condolences to his family but I have a question What constitutes a line of duty death here? Obviously this really isn't a LODD because it didn't happen on duty. If someone dies on shift while they are sleeping is that a LODD? My interpretation of a line of duty death is a fireman or paramedic or LEO who is killed while carrying out their duties. Someone care to clarify it for me?
  6. First grasshopper you must ask yourself one and only one question. Why do you need lights and sirens in your personal vehicle? Is it just because you want them (terrible reason) Is it because your company requires them (another bad reason) Does your insurance cover you with them? (probably not) Did you ask your employer if they would object to you having L&S in your car? (they probably don't want you to) If you answered the first question with "yes I just want them" then you answered incorrectly and you FAIL!!! Do not pass go, go directly to whackerville.
  7. VeryAmusing, I dont' think that what you said will offend anyone. Everyone on this forum knows what the educational state of EMS is. We have debated this over and over and over and over and over and over on this forum almost to the point where those who have these opinions feel like we are banging their heads against the wall. as for the group re-defining the educational requirements, I've been to their site, I've seen what they are wanting to do to EMS education and many areas they are dumbing down so even the dumbest guy off the street can pass. It really is so easy a caveman can do it. The skills part of it is the least of our worries, Its the educational material and requirements that need the revamping and not dumbed down. There are no easy answers, no quick down and dirty solutions and unfortunately a group of 20 or so EMT's and medics on this forum talking about this every day is not the solution either. We have to have high visibility people like Paul Pepe, Dr. Scalia (shocktrauma), Bryan Bledsoe, Bob Page and many others take the reigns, until then the group of people on this forum who sorry to say are probably unknown to 97% of all the EMS personnel in the country. If we can get the above group on board then maybe, just maybe we have a real chance to make changes and make a difference but until then we are all just spouting off some hot air. The suggestions on this forum are excellent for starters and it is not to say that we can't start a grass roots effort but I can't see much traction from just this group.
  8. had a ER doc who I worked with who told a similar story but the guy didn't wash it off. This was during his residency time. She had a raging vaginal infection, required betadine douches and several antibiotics IV. It got so bad that she was admitted with an IV Of I think Morphine but diliaudid sounds right too. She was put in a room with an OB bed and her legs were in stirrups nearly the entire hospital stay. In the end her fallopian tubes were damaged and other parts of her were damaged by the infection. It was the worst vaginal infection my friend had ever seen.
  9. ok, let me clarify what happened in detail The ambulance sped by me. I was unable to get their unit number. I sped up and was able to get their unit number. I slowed down and was able to see them in the distance. I made the call and after a few minutes they slowed down. I drove by them and when I realized it was a couple of my ex-coworkers I waved at them and they waved back. I continued on. In no way did I chase them and follow them at their same rate of speed. I simply sped up enough to get their unit number and then backed off. I did tell the medic when I talked to him later that week that I was the one who called them in . He told me that his emt needed someone to do that to him because he never drove the speed limit. Not sure how the emt felt but we are still friends although we don't keep in touch much. I appreciate the chastisement from both Flasurfbum and Wendy, I'm not saying what I did was right, not saying that what I did was smart but as explained before this happened several years ago. So keep bashing that's ok. and yes, I was on a highway just the other day where believe it or not most everyone was going the actual posted speed limit. Yes there are places in the world like that.
  10. Did I ever say I was in the right by doing what I did? NO I DIDN'T Sure I broke the law, sure it was not the right thing to do. But what I did I did and if I had gotten caught then I would have not come here crying to anyone about getting caught. I'm responsible for my own actions. What is done is done. I was simply pointing out a situation that I was in at the time. Never made excuses never said i wasn't in the wrong. As a matter of fact, I at one time was that EMT in the ambulance. I did get pulled over for going too fast on the road. I got a 300 dollar ticket, a 10 day suspension and nearly lost my job. Did I complain then NO am I complaining now NO But what I am trying to say which I fear I have done badly at is that if your company policy does not allow you to go over the speed limit while on a transfer or enroute to a transfer or just driving then you are responsible for what happens to you. This incident happened about 3 months after I left AMR for another job and that was about 8 years ago, it's not like it just happened. And wendy, I was driving a car that had a bumper sticker that said my other car is a ferrari does that count? Plus 84 miles per hour isn't fast, that's just coasting
  11. Never been on a road where the speed limit, and the actual speed drove never met, huh? Flasurfbum - that's a fallacious argument. You are saying in essence that since everyone else is going faster than you then you have the right to speed. If you follow your company policy then you do what is required. You have no recourse if they suspend you or fire you for speeding because you broke policy and went faster than the policy allows.
  12. You cut me to the quick flasurfbum I was not being arrogant, I was waving to a crew at a service that I used to work for. They recognized me and they waved back. I didn't mean to make it sound Like I was being arrogant. thanks for the insult though. So do you get this way when someone disagrees with you? as for the speed limit, what do you tell the legal eagles who ask you why were you going 15 or so miles above the posted limit when you wrecked the ambulance. Were you abiding by your companies policies??? If the answer is no then you are at fault no matter what the other people on the road are doing. So if a bunch of poeple jumped off a building because they wanted to and you are on that building would you jump too? I would hope not. But then again, thanks for calling me an arrogant twit shows me your level of maturity when someone doesn't fall under your belief system or who disagrees with your premises.
  13. If this is indeed true, that medic needs to be investigated for that. Sounds like a lazy medic and a danger to the people he is supposed to be helping.
  14. At least you came back. The first post you disappeared. I think your daughter or Kid didn't give you all the information you needed. You came here with limited info but I had no cause to disbelieve you in what you said but think that the entire story was not presented to you by your kid or by you to us. I would also recommend that you proofread your sentences. If you read them out loud and if they don't sound right to you then they are surely not going to sound right to us. But if what you say is true, that the spo2 was right, the patient was having difficulty breathing and her eyes were swelling shut then the paramedic was in preliminarily in the wrong by refusing to transport. But the situation is not always that cut and dried. What is your daughters level of certification. If she is a CNA then her criticisms must be taken with a grain of skepticism but if she is an LPN or RN(yeah I know guys, that's a stretch, an RN taking care of patients in a nursing home - perish the thought) then she has more credibility. If the paramedic actually said that he/she wasn't taking the patient then one must assume that there is more to this patients condition than met the eye.
  15. OK Edited for dumbness- The anecdote about to be shared is one of my dumber moments - and should not be done unless you have a Ferrari or Lamborghini as Wendy has pointed out. I thank the two valued emtcity members for the constructive(wendy) and destructive(flasurfbum) criticism. Was it stupid YES, would I do it again (nope). Again thanks for the criticism. actually yes we do have a right to judge transporting a patient not deemed to be a life threat then you should be driving the speed limit and no more. If you company policy says when transporting non-emergency you will drive the speed limit and obey all applicable traffic laws. Since when did driving 14 miles an hour over the speed limit become OK if your company's policies say "drive the posted speed limit" unless you are on an emergency run. Sorry if you disagree but if GPS has you at 14 miles per hour over the posted speed limit then you are caught and owned. Discipline should follow. And to have this county admin who felt the ambulance was speeding and going way to fast then even though he had no right to put on his flashers he at least could have reported the driver. I have more than once called an ambulance service and reported their driver. Case in point, I was travelling on a 4 lane divided highway going 74 miles per hour. A AMR ambulance came up behind me at a high rate of speed and passed me. I eventually caught up with him and he was going 87 miles per hour. Both the driver and attendant were in the front. I drove behind them for several miles all the while on the phone with the local AMR office. (EDIT - never said I followed right behind them - but I can see how people got that impression) When the ambulance started to slow down I knew they got a hold of them. I drove by them and waved. Found out later that the driver was suspended for 5 days for this. (Again EDIT - I did not originally see the crewmembers in the ambulance but when I drove by them I recognized them and they recognized me and we waved - but again I can see how it sounded like I was being arrogant and a "twit" per surfbum) If the policy says drive the posted speed limit and you get caught then sorry, you have no place to complain. Especially if you get caught going that fast without a patient in back.
  16. and then hanging those genitals in the town square with the guys dead body right next to them. But then that would make me a vigilante though. Can't have that.
  17. I worked for a service in rural missouri had a crew go out on a call to a chest pain. the guy was 26, got in an argument with the galpal. She said she was gonna leave him, he did the wussy thing and said he had chest pain and she called ems. The crew started driving to his house which was 24 miles away. They hit a deer. They kept going. They got the pussy er I mean patient and started back They came upon the deer which was still alive but it's back hind end was really busted up. The driver stopped and then slit the deer throat. Discussion ensued, decision was to put deer in side compartment of ambulance for future deer meat usage. They get the patient to the ER, take him inside then go to the ambulance garage(hospital based ems) They gut the deer, pull out a deer baby. Put the baby in formalin and give it to the X-ray tech for her son's science project. She showed it to the entire hospital(it was a slow nightshift) They proceeded to spray down the ambulance garage and then pack the deer in ice from the ER ice machine. They take the deer to the processing center and get about 12 pounds of meat. They removed it's lower legs and put them on a board. They got suspended for a couple of days, the state came down and did an investigation ER medical director really really pissed, admin really pissed. I would have been on the call but I went home sick so someone was definately looking out for me. Comical now, not comical then.
  18. hit the deer, make sure it's dead, if it isn't slit it's throat to make sure it's dead. then bundle it up and put it in a side compartment of the ambulance. take the patient into the ER, then go out to the ambulance garage and gut the deer. PUll out the deer fetus, give it to the x-ray tech for her sons science project and then gather the deer and take it to a deer processing center and get several pounds of venison. Make sure you keep the lower legs and nail them to a board. Sounds far fetched doesn't it? It's' a true story
  19. I would not have used my personal cell phone. There is no recording of your conversation to the ER Staff. Just keep it short and simple and to the point on the radio. But then again, that's just me with the cell phone thing. Just letting her sit there was more than enough for her. You helped her and you didn't even know you helped her. Funny how things work out sometimes right? And one other thing, WE as EMS providers are in no way trained to treat the emotional needs of a Sexual assault patient. We are given like less than 8 hours of psych training and that's stretching it. So to say we can treat a sexual assault patient is correct only in saying the we can treat their injuries but we cannot treat their mind and emotions. We need to remember that in our day to day dealings with this type of patient. Attend to their injuries, attend to their immediate needs and leave the psych stuff to the people who know what they are doing.
  20. Wendy when did it change from Global Climate Change? Jeesh, Global warming and it's names change more often than ACLS and CPR guidelines!!!
  21. not for global warming. Too many people are coming out with information that it's not true. here's a great article on global warming. Read it, the author goes to great lengths to disprove global warming as well as call it a scam. Read it, it's quite good. It just happens to be written by John Coleman of the Weather channel fame, if you all remember, the weather channel was a key sponsor of this global warming thing. http://www.kusi.com/weather/colemanscorner/19842304.html
  22. I'm sorry to point this out but the original poster has not shown back up in more than 12 days since his post. To me that constitutes someone who wants to stir the shit. As well as it was his first post so until proven otherwise this topic was just posted either to get him into chat or to stir the pot. Which one who knows but I think it's both.
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