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Just Plain Ruff

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Everything posted by Just Plain Ruff

  1. That was the reason you had to get married from what I understand.
  2. Hello from Kansas City, Old man here. ha ha, but welcome, sit a while, ask lots of questions. The only ones who bite are ERDoc and paramedic Mike
  3. Nothing maybe??? Or everything maybe????
  4. I would take a college level english composition class, as that would help you (not sayin you have bad grammar or writing skills) but it would help you with your report writing skills. It's important to have good grammar and spelling in this field. Yannow?
  5. care to share the name of the game Bernhard? I'd be interested in looking at it
  6. I have been called in to the office to change my report several times to make it read differently just so the service will get paid. patient didn't ambulate to cot, we used a sheet to move patient from bed to cot. patient didn't assist self to cot, we lifted patient patient was ambulatory, no they were wheelchair bound Those were all narratives that I had to change with threats of losing my job. Well guess what, I lost my job. But before I did that I wrote downt he patient name, their info and dates of service. I then gave CMS a call and informed them of this practice. Not sure what happened if anything. I didn't hear but I was better off not working for that service. My high road was taken, and I lost a job for it. You have to be willing to lose your job when you stand up to these things. If you aren't then you perpetuate this type of problem, there is a service in the news that is being investigated or maybe even sued by the AG for this type of activity, but on the hundreds of thousands of dollars level and many providers soon will be out of jobs. It's not worth it to be part of the falsifying of records no matter how small you think it is.
  7. Unless you don't do that sort of thing and then they're just dead.
  8. This is not a line of duty death but we all know this lady through our great friend here Dwayne. Dwayne reported on facebook this morning that Barbara Womack lost her courageous battle with Cancer. I had the pleasure of interacting with "Babs" in another EMS website setting and had wonderful experiences and interactions. She was truly one of the good ones out there. My condolences go out to my good friend Dwayne, his son Dylan and all their family and friends. "Babs" you will be missed, you will be remembered and above all, you are in the hearts of many of us. Dwayne and Dylan, stay strong, tough days ahead but also good days ahead as you remember the life of a wonderful woman who raised both of you in life and love. Dwayne, keep Dylan close and watch over him, love him and keep him safe. He needs you now more than ever. You have always been his "ROCK" and you always will be. RIP Babs, keep looking down on the "guys" and keep em in line Prayers from the Ruff house in KC MO.
  9. Well, my brother in law just paid to go through police academy but he has a job coming out of it though, but he had to pay for it so yes I know of several fire programs in my area that they have to pay and NO they are not guaranteed a job. As a matter of fact, only 50% of the graduates of my brother in laws academy program are employed. The draw of going to fire school on your own dime is that when you are out and looking for the job, a fire department can say "hey, we won't have to spend the money to send him to class". And now that I know where you live, I understand what you mean by the best jobs are in the fire sector and not private ems.
  10. yep it's part of cerner. And sorry for the rain. You need to write a couple of dilaudid scripts to one or two of your favorite IT folks and then you'd have everything you could ever desire in your Cerner product. And no I don't speak from experience, but provide some off the books medical care for some of the IT folks, especially the ones working on your particular applciation (firstnet and powernote ED) and you would be surprised what might get done.
  11. What Mike said it seems that many times, if you read between the lines of mikes and my post, the ambulance on many fire departments is where they put people who they don't want to be FF's or who are in trouble. If you don't fit the list above and you just want to be a medic and not really a fire fighter, then let them know that when you get hired, but NOT before you get hired, and I'm sure you will get put on a medic unit. you will still get the title FF/EMT-P but just not the experience putting out the fires. But if you want both worlds, then don't tell em you want to only be a medic. But in all honesty, many places in the U.S. you gotta do both to make the good money and have advancement. That's just the name of the game. Sucks if you aren't really interested in being a smoke eater but you do what you have to do to feed your family and put a roof over your head.
  12. Actually Doc, I disagree with you on the clinical folks comment. maybe at your hospital where you have had cerner they did not involve you in the design of the system, but my current facility and at a majority of where I've been at, the suits only paid for the system, the clinicians and the front line people are and have been heavily involved in how the product turned out. As a matter of fact, nearly every change that I have made in the system since I have been employed at my current employer, has come from a clinician giving me a change suggestion. Of course the higher ups are the ones who have approved those changes but the initial change request has come from a tech or nurse, or doc. And I've made over 75 changes in the past year, some as miniscule as a form change all the way up to a new Alcohol withdrawal protocol/powerplan/iview change as well as a RAPT Score form jsut to name a few. Sucks that you have had that experience.
  13. I hate to say this but If you are not planning on moving out of your area, I would strive for the FF/EMTP jobs. More upward mobility and better pay. have you thought about finding out why the EMT-P only jobs only pay 15 or less in the majority of places, I'll bet it won't take you very long to find that answer. I would tell you what my thoughts would be but I'll let you figure it out on your own but I will bet that my answer will be nearly exactly what you find out.
  14. Ahhhh, I get that as well. I didn't catch that.
  15. My first response is this, we supposedly have a huge amount of deaths from medical error but it's my understanding that there is not a truly robust set of reporting mechanisms in reporting medical errors so how can we be sure that the numbers are correct when the true numbers are not being reported???????? Plus the neat cool diagram with those awesome circles, has this quote "Based on our estimate, medical error is the 3rd most common cause of death in the US" this is an estimate people. All their figures seem to be based on at least 5 year old if not older data and that's a problem to me. Anyone else? Plus, its an estimate, an estimates are just that, someones made up or estimated figures. And finally, most of their references cited are at least 3 if not 5 years old.
  16. Possibly Some of your answer is found in this article: http://www.emsworld.com/article/10324484/cardiogenic-shock But I think your answer might be found here http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/dromotropic but aren't we talking about heart muscle and not nerves here and if so, then dromotropic deals directly with Nerves so this is probably your answer. Smarter people should and most likely will weigh in to give a better answer. Mike, ERDoc or anyone else.
  17. Do you have any clinics in your area that would be interested in a Certified Nurse Midwife? Or can you reach out to one of those clinics and discuss the virtues of "you" and what you would bring to their practice with your CEN, Advanced degree and your Certified Nurse Midwife skillery!!!! Could be a win win win for all!!!! You just might have to do some selling of the greatness of what you ScubaNurse could bring to them.
  18. Challenging is an understatement and I build and design it for you guys, well not you Mike, but at my hospital I do. If you all would be more clear in your design requirements it would be easier on me - just kidding.
  19. Stop guys, my side is hurting. maybe a GPS watch with a second hand is more appropriate????? Do watches even take blood pressures? My watch does everything except check my glucose, yeah I know, it's getting to the technology to be able to do that as well, but until then I will still stick my finger with those shiny pokey things, but seriously, why do you need a watch to take a blood pressure. My recommendation is to get a dual faced watch, yes they have those, I have one on my samsung gear watch, it's an analog watch on one side and a digital watch on the other side, damn confusing at times though.
  20. Either you have a awesome supplier or you are extremely happy and in a very good place. which one is it?
  21. so your comment was directed at my post in 2007? It's the one you quoted right? I don't see anything in it that was in any way negative. Care to clarify your statement?
  22. I do agree with Rock Shoes on his points. But like I said, I've never really seen the benefit to me of the union, but then again, each place I worked has been such a small shop and we were a satellite shop of a bigger union so we were kind of left to our own devices. We were sort of the bastard children of the big brother unions.
  23. 3 different unions, not once did I see a single benefit to me. I guess I did see a little bit higher paycheck but I really didn't see any true benefit. It's really cool though to be able to see a union wehn they are trying to get more money out of a city pull out their long standing horror stories where people will die and houses will burn if they don't get their raises and benefit packages. Which has never ever been proven because the city always cave.
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