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Just Plain Ruff

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Everything posted by Just Plain Ruff

  1. Dartmouth, I agree with their premise. I always felt that in most ED's they are too quick to resort to the next medication before allowing the first to work. Are we causing more harm than good sometimes when we move on to the next med. I think we found that we were in a code situation but this is promising research.
  2. I worked for a service that was hospital based. We had all the 1st and 2nd line antiseizure meds. We basically had what the ED had in it's formulary on our rigs. yes we had a crap load of meds that often went expired before we ever used them. I've used most if not all the anti seizure meds on one patient or another. Flash forward to my second time working there, the list was decreased significantly due to a new medical director. sometimes more is better, often times more is worse in my opinion, I cannot imagine how much money we wasted on expired drugs. To expand, our formulary on our rigs included Dilaudid, mepergan, demerol, Fentanyl and Morphine. We also carried toradol and tylenol, ibuprofen and aspirin. Our patients were very well pain controlled.
  3. i don't believe german licenses are accepted anywhere in the US but since most of the US is National Registry based, I would send them a query asking them how to get your National Registry based on your German education/licensure. https://www.nremt.org/rwd/public find in the lower left hand corner of their site under Contact Us, then click Email the NREMT and ask that question. Hope it all works out.
  4. I'm sure that this software doesn't do this but it doesn't track patient names does it? But otherwise, I'd be willing to look at it and give it a once over, I work currently in IT so I do have some experience in Testing out new software/programs. If you've heard of Cerner you probably know that those of us who make Cerner software work do a lot of testing. Let me kn ow if I can help.
  5. I'm sure Julia will chime in but let me be the first to congratulate you on your Win, but also express condolences on your loss of your friends and well wishes to your father. Now is the time to keep learning, never stop learning and try to learn something new every day.
  6. So how did that work out with all those medics there? Who tried to tube her?
  7. She's baaaaaaaaaaaaaccccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkk! She's got to be a bot. Julia, do you have any other threads you have posted to?
  8. your first step would be to determine which country you want to do this in Second would be to research their requirements and even if they have an established EMS system. I can think of a couple countries or even one continent that would be hard pressed to have an established EMS system. Once you have figured that out, come back to us and let us know. I would think that some of us here could help you out in your searches.
  9. Once you have discussed with medical Director, the ball is officially out of your hands. I'd leave it there until you get a note back from the medical director. You never know who else is a member on this forum, it could be one of your colleagues who reads this and then all hell breaks loose, or we do have families sometimes come here for fishing expeditions. You just never know. And GOD FORBID, don't post anything about the call on Facebook, even to a EMS related facebook site.
  10. Off label has apparantly in this case has it right, sounds like pissing match. Sad case if you ask me.
  11. Red Wing makes good boots I have personally used them in the past. I'm thinking that they will fit your bill.
  12. Yes there is a phenom called pissing matches but when it directly affects your patient's well being, there's a time to speak up. I know I know, some people don't feel comfortable in doing so but there are ways to do so that aren't done on scene. I get wehre you are coming from Offlabel but with more to this story, it sounds like the medics got tunnel vision and focused on one thing when another thing came back and bit them in the butt. As an armchair quarterback, if the patient began to crash to the point of coding, CPR should have been started earlier. Either in the house or in the ambulance as quickly as possible but 10 minutes is a really really long time to go without CPR when we of all people know that Early CPR means a better outcome (sometimes). Jenjas, you sound like a good person, I would at least let your medical director know about this call. they can review it and if needed, contact the ALS services medical director. Good luck in whatever you decide to do.
  13. ok, a couple of things, 10 minutes before starting cpr on a pulseless patient - the question is this "did he die?" I'm sure he did without cpr. But maybe not. Why did they give bicarb? And finally, Fuck ALS if you disagree with their plan of care, it sounds like someone should have disagree'd with their plan of care because it cost this guy 10 minutes of CPR and probably cost his family if he did recover, a lifetime of long term treatment issues because SOMEONE decided to wait on CPR until they got to the ambulance thus depriving his brain and heart of oxygen and circulation that should have been started immediately upon him going into arrest. Not trying to armchair QB this call but no wonder why ALS doesn't like their decisions questioned, in this guys case, those decisions if questioned would have been right to have been questioned.
  14. Had a call on a woman who was sick. On arrival found a woman who had AMA'd out of a psych facility. She had taken her motorized wheelchair and travelled about 8 miles on her fully charged battery. By the time she got to where we picked her up her wheelchair was dead dead dead. We put her on the cot and into the ambulance and she asked about her wheelchair and we told her we didn't have any way of transporting it. So sh,e made us wait 45 minutes until her boyfriend got to the scene with a nice big pick up truck to transport her wheelchair to the psych facility. He refused to put her in the truck and was going to make us take her. An argument ensued when I told him that she didn't qualify for ambulance transport and it would not be paid for if she didn't go with her boyfriend. He still refused to take her,said that she was our responsibility. She then broke up with him right there and he then proceeded to push her wheelchair out of the back of his pickup truck, back over it, and then drive off. So now we have a pissed off psych patient, a totalled wheelchair and a patient who doesn't qualify to go by ambulance. We end up taking her back to the psych facility and dropped her off. The service got no money out of this call, the woman billed us for the damaged wheelchair, they paid the bill to her, and I got a talking to because I apparantly couldn't control the scene. I soon left that service because of assholes that ran that service micromanaging crews.
  15. Had a call on a collapsed party at the local nursing home. On arrival found the aides doing CPR on a patient lying on her side. they were compressing her chest with one person pushing on her back and the other pushing on her chest. Each yelling, Breathe Blanche Breathe. Needless to say, she wasn't breathing, nor were they compressing her chest very well. We turned her over and her arms and legs stuck up partially in the air, the lady had been dead in her bed for over 24 hours because they thought she was just a heavy sleeper. Not a single person had checked on her for over 24 hours. Man was her family pissed.
  16. I have nothing against that site, I'm a member, prolly not in great standing but I'm still a member. I just choose not to spend a lot of time there.
  17. I think we should stop feeding him. And yes, you are a troll, you have provided nothing useful except silly responses to a originally insulting original post to many many people. I for one have no use for trolls on this forum and since we have no way to block people I just will ignore you and I hope others here will do as well. But if you are serious about becoming a paramedic, I do wish you luck. You are gonna need it.
  18. Guys, what we have here is the common Troll, one who comes in to a forum and starts all sorts of crap and gets a rise out of the members and then eventually goes away. I suspect that his desire to be a paramedic will be as short lived as the length of times that he has spent living in each of those Major metro areas he considers SHITVILLE. Dont' worry, the flying spaghetti monster will eventually swoop down and take him away.
  19. if it's like any of the professional written exams in the exam centers in the states, you site in a cubicle with headphones on. No talking, can't sit with anyone. they make you take out all your personal effects and put them in a locker and you only get to keep the key. No Cell phone, no pager. Nothing with you in the exam room. this is of course the Pearson exam centers, not sure if that is who will administer the exams where you are at. But you shouldn't be sitting with your friends taking the exams, you should be concentrating on the exam. Exam time is serious time, not social time.
  20. I'd bet it's the voldemort site called EMT Life or some other site like it.
  21. I'm sorry, I've got to call BS on your living in every major city in north america comment. I just don't buy it. If you think that most of the US is shit, then just stay in Canada, Sorry Canada, but you can keep Jihad Jerry, the US doesn't want him.
  22. Well, my attempt at returning to the field, was a dud, the service never called or wrote me back even after personal emails and facebook messages to the hiring manager who I used to work with and am friends with on facebook. She told me that HR deleted the position and she was trying to get it back but I'm not buying it. so eventually I'll try again at a different service but I'm not in a rush, but I'm thinking that maybe a different road may be better. The wife and I are looking at 40-60 acres to begin a lifelong dream of ours. Christmas tree farm and horse farm where we can provide horse riding lessons to kids and board horses. There's a real need in our area. Long long term goal for the christmas tree farm.
  23. I have 4 facebook groups that are EMS related. All provide immediate feedback on responses via my phone. If I want to review the responses on EMTCity, I have to log into my account on my computer and review the posts here. Plus honestly, many of the posts on my EMS groups on facebook are more EMS related than any have been here for ages. Not bashing this site but honestly, When's the last time we had a discussion on the merits of Frozen fluids in the ambulance and what danger they might pose to patients if reused?
  24. I'm concerned, where has everyone gone? I only see the same regular posters, and when a new person comes in, they see topics that have sat there for months without replies or with single or a smattering of replies. When a new poster comes in and introduces himself/herself, they get about 5 hellos and welcomes and then that's it. i remember this sites heyday's and I honestly believe I see the fading sun of this site. I can log in on monday and there are no new posts, on a tuesday there is a response to a post and then it will go 3-4 more days before another post is added. Some days may have 4 or 5 responses but that's it. Admin, what are your thoughts? it's your site!! how long can you keep up with this limited amount of traffic? I think the the so called "video killed the radio star" mantra can be had here, Facebook groups, honestly a better alternative because it's instant and everyone is on Facebook.
  25. I think with the advent of facebook these types of forums have taken a backseat. Again, I only see a handful of people posting on here. Unfortunately it's just a matter of time before this site goes by the wayside as well.
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