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Everything posted by unknown

  1. :oops: gosh Spenac I knew I liked you for a reason! :oops:
  2. unknown

    eric and amber

    Umm No comment.. I think this speaks vollums for it's self. Kudo's to all of you that successfully have made it all these years..... I didn't spend 15 years with the same person unless I had the same intent all ya'll had. Unfortunately it just didn't work out that way.........life isn't peaches and cream for every one!
  3. Sounds like you need to start with Documenting the problems as they arrise, keep them all on file, keep your FACTS straight and take them to the board. Point out that the ripple effect is felt by all.... including other services that you work hand in hand with. Seems to me like I get a pain in my side when a particulare service out of NW AR calls cause it is evident that the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing sometimes....... One scene flight called in by the Fire, the EMS,2 responding EMS's, the County, giving 3 sometimes 4 different LZ's.... Medic on scene want's the crew to land on scene, Dispatch for EMS want's crew to land at the Airport, Fire want's crew to land at LZ 3..........and a partridge in a pear tree!!! And lets not forget that the Deputy that arrived first on scene tried to cancel before EMS arrived.......Stated Pt is found alert and oriented patent airway, Lets disreguard the fact that he has bilateral compound fractures to both femurs and is BLEEDING OUT! Oh and did I mention that Springdale is on Trauma divert Bentonville on Ortho divert and WR in Fayetteville on Full ER divert............... Yeah - disorganization is felt by all invovled .............
  4. unknown

    eric and amber

    MAYBE just MAYBE some of us have been there done that 15 years with the high school sweet heart 12 years of marriage 3 kids the dog the cat and at the RIPE old age of 32 one realize's I should have listened to the Wisedom of others and WAITED!!!!!!!!! Cause now what do I have to show for the last 15 years of my life? Besides my 3 beautiful babies that I would never trade for the world....all I remain with is the fleeting words of WAIT!!!!!! and make DANG sure you know that she is THE one!!!!!!
  5. unknown


    LOL Well Where I come from it ain't road kill unless it's cold- and If it is then I guess we all are guilty as H#@@ for eating Road kill!-- AND it aint illegal if you aint caught running that Deer down either!
  6. Actually Scrappy, I know you would NEVER inflict harm on a patient nor would you ever take joy in seeing someone seriously hurt. Wether it be by your hand or any one elses. This is why I know you to be one Serious Patient Advocate if I ever saw one. HOWEVER I know this because I know you and I know your heart- others here don't. I would like to take this time to very lovingly point out, your first post did sound slightly harsh. Point well put and I agree with you but the line about putting the face in the floor- those that don't know you like I do may have been a little taken aback. If they only new the Flight Medic I knew, the determination and dedication that you put into your recovery so that you can join back into the excellent patient care that you provide; they would understand you didn't mean any ill intent by that comment. Chin up-- THANKS for the good read and The great Debate!!!! I love it when it gets juicy........Rock on that you are on here! Looking forward to reading more!!
  7. I do not work the field, I dispatch only. I enjoy what I learn from these open forums. The senario's are best.... due to no field experience this NREMTB has to get some information from somewhere! I spend a lot of time reading and I take classes for my recert as appossed to just takeing the test. Many classes that I take are out of my scope of practice but it is what is avalible to me and I am put to the test to learn... I injoy it!!
  8. Dear Paul As an EMD with this aformentioned company I have this exact set of protocals (flip chart) sitting at my emediate left when I take a call. It does not flow with our call taking process however it is there ready to be used at a moments notice should I need it----- But we still manage to get the job done-- CORRECTLY. As a NREMTB I find the flip charts to be slow when I can just pull off the top of my head.
  9. A true Patient Advocate would not wait on the system.......... I was a NREMTB and went to go get my EMD before I ever applied for a job-- I knew what I wanted to do and I had a mission to to it good and be the best-- as you can read above one of my flight medics will atest to that I new what needed to have under my belt to provide the best service possible to my Patients and my crew's. I have recived 3 awards within my company (Aboved and Beyond Employee of the Month, Regional Communicator of the Year, National Communicator of the year) and I know you all of you that means nothing but within the realms of what I do it Speaks volumes. I know what my crews and patients need and I will stop at nothing to MAKE damn sure you get it and get it right the first time. Take yourself down to your disptach center and look eye to eye with your dispatchers and in a very nice and loving way strike up a friendship that will allow you all to work together. The more you do them more you will strive to work as a team, the better you will all serve each other. I speak from experience and I know my flight crew members will back that up. Not just blowing smoke here. I have DRIVEN miles to make a personal apperance for a crew member just to show that I do care that much--and my job preformance hands down speaks for its self. If we have a problem mess up or an issue I had laid in place work ethic worth respecting and friendships with trust that allow my crews to come straight to me and say WTF! with out any one getting up set or stressing out. I listen to them rant then I explain my part. I look at it like this. I sit for hours on end in a cushy chair in the climate controled room where I order in what food I want when I want, I drink when I please- go to the ladies room when I so please- take a break if I want too as long as we are not slammed. Sooooooo If I got a crew member that needs answers or has questions or maybe they are just having a bad day and I am the one the end up blowing at- SO BE IT let them. They deserve. They got it harder than I and they are the reason why I even got a job to begin with. If they aint out there to be toned out they why the heck do I need to answer a phone? Mutal respect, team work, freindship, and I didnt wait on the management to impliment that or train me to do that either........
  10. Scrappy I LOVE YOU!!!! AND you better not ever forget who your angel on the airway is!! MUUWWAHHH! Here is to the long trips to memphis just to kiss your forhead and will you to be better! You don't even remember I know but I left lipstick marks on your check and forhead......You looked so pitiful but I new you would prevail!! See you soon and DON'T over do it with the PT!!!!!
  11. The last thing I want from a ground unit running L&S in route to a scene is for the crew to be paying attention to whats coming over a computer in the line of a 911 call-- When instead they should be concentrating on traffic and radio calls.....SAFETY first. You can't possibley tell me you can successfully glean anything more from listening on your own while paying attention to the Radio and the cars/traffic around you; nothing more than your dispatch can provide!
  12. Dispatchers are not trying to tell you how to do your job via conference call or video camera ( even though I DO sit here with the protocal book to my emediate right and a direct line to ALL our Medical Directors....) So you shouldnt need to "listen" to your calls. TRUST the dispatchers and use the Q&A system that I am MOST certian your county has in place to weed out the bad situations...........
  13. You better believe it. AND we pass along any new happenings as WE get the information!
  14. Patrick- What you need to do is spend a week in the Comm Center hooked up to your dispatcher, listening to each call, every word and being apart of the setting as the crews get toned out. You truly can not judge these situations until your on the other end and just a couple of hours in dispatch isnt going to give you the full effect either. I can't tell you how many calls I get- caller is frantic telling me a,b,c is wrong with d,e,f patient only for my med crew to arrive on scene and discover that all along it is 1,2,3 wrong with the 4,5,6 patient. Complete oposites almost. THANK Goodness for recorded lines! You can not argue with a recorded line So I have the ability to listen, relisten and get my facts straight and YOU can not argue with me and tell me I am wrong- YOU also can not try to tell me you where never given this information (which is a common complaint from crews) I get my stuff in order- YOU as a crew member just have to remember TEAM work is key we are all in this together!
  15. Of coarse You agree :wink: After all it's me how could you not!! :love7:
  16. LOL!! This is truly interesting. As a communicator every thing I do is documented in a flight card or ground card on the computer. So an ink pen- what's that! :wink: From the minute my phone rings until the crews lands safe back at base I type every thing that takes place. The only time we use pens if we have computer failure of some type. Then its what every you can put your hands on that writes! So I can tell you the preference to key boards and mice.....like tracking ball's SUCK and Logitech laser light (no mouse pad needed) rule! But I never put a thought into how instrumental an Ink pen could be!!
  17. You would be hard pressed to find another setting. I myself have never set foot in a nursing home that impressed me to the least. You see as a young child I lost my mother to domestic violence at the hands of a truly evil step father. Leaving my mother for dead with traumatic brain injuries, only thing is she didn't die. In a comatose state in the ICU he was allowed in to see her. Well if first you don't succeed try try again took on a whole new meaning that day. You see he took that opportunity to place a lethal dose of sleeping pills in her mouth thinking they would just dissolve... and away she would go. NOPE, found and foiled by a nurse on staff....... What followed was 16 years of habitation in a Nursing home (state run and mandated) in the poor suburbs of Nashville, TN. Not only does the stench of urine and feces STILL stick in my nose...my skin crawls at the thought of entering the mere doors of a Nursing home. As a child from the age of 4 on I was drug into that Nursing home multiple times a year to visit that wretched bent twisted deformed waist of a human being that I was told was my mother. Not to make it out to seem worse than it truly was ( it truly was horrilbe in every word) My mother DIED as a direct result of NEGLECT at the hands of the nursing home staff. Her chart wasn't kept, wasn't updated. Day's went by and she had no bowl movement. Her caregivers didn't notice or they just didn't care. What resulted was her becoming impacted, then a perforated bowel......sepsis, vomiting, aspiration of that vomit wich lead to pneumonia......all which lead up to septic shock. Due to the fact she lived 16 years with sever brain trauma when her fever spiked at 113 what would leave us normal healthy adults in a veggitative state merely finished off what brain function she had left. Thus leaving me (at age 20) and my brother (at age 25) to make the decision to leave her on life support or pull the plug. Well we buried our mother in November of 2005, in a cemetery plot that was given to us by a family member on my fathers side of the family. My brother and I had no money at our young age and the responsibility to bury her was soley ours. To this day she ( her memory and remains) is miles away from her heritage and family all alone in a cold barren place surrounded by strangers. So YEA HA! to the American Nursing homes. You'll be hard pressed to change my mind or make me think other wise about them. AND don't any one try to tell me this was a one place one time occurence. As a NREMTB I have made my share of runs in to nursing homes... Yeah this is truly something that vastly needs improvement.
  18. Now Lone I didn't say it was a bad thing-- I just said way too much. Needed a little Estrogen to smooth things out a bit..........
  19. There is just by far way too much testosteron on this thread..........
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