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Everything posted by unknown

  1. I Work Dispatch for AEL... we have Helicopters in Hopkinsville, Bowling Green, Albany, Campblesville and Middlesboro... Nice to meet you!!!
  2. AIR EVAC LIFETEAM!!!!!!!! I will not tell you that I work at the Emeral City where every day is bliss and we have NO quirks.... common we all are human and NO work place is absolutly perfect.... But I will tell you I am highly fortunate to work where I do- we have topnotch management, we are a large family- quite close nit I might add...... I couldn't ask for more-- I enjoy my job, love going to work every day-- and I struggle with telling them NO on my day off if the call me in........ Because: WHEN SECONDS COUNT........... We want to be the BEST thing that happens to YOU on the WORST day of your Life! I am lucky I am fortunate and I am forever gratefull for my place of work and the managment we have in place!!!! SEMPER SALUS!!!!
  3. I AGREE oohh that could be sooo much fun.........hhhm who should start it?
  4. It was a structure fire and you actually DROVE PAST IT????????
  5. I agree and I feel the same here, HOWEVER (and I am sure you agree) I show 100% respect for all those-- If they fall into my 10% collum they will never know it unles they come face to face with me outside of the work place........Then, by golly if they display the same behavior that put them in the 10% collum... they are fair game!!!!!! GAME ON!
  6. tisk!- call poison control!! I dont want a frantic mother wrecking inroute to the ED when I can send a ground unit and call poison control...... OH SORRY! (slaps own hand) we where being funny right!! Sorry! its the dispatcher coming out in me!!!!
  7. We can joke but yes lets not bite the hand that feeds....
  8. That wasn't a joke, and yes I posted a funny and I expected fall out but not what Asysin2leads came back with. :angryfire: And then there was the private response I got from someone too much of a coward to post what he had to say here..... OH NO he had to hide........ he told me point blank all my hard work and efforts to improve the face of dispatch was pointless..... :angryfire:
  9. You know what grips me the most about this? A it was a joke sent by a MALE DISPATCHER who is NOT Gay, and You want to jump on it like that? I know all Ya'll could care less about the credentials and hard work put into the fact that I want to show I am not just another Joe Blow brought in off the street and handed a radio, a phone and a map. I take pride in what I do, I educate myself for my position that I hold, and NO I don't have the experience from being out in the field but Does THAT mean that I can't be a good Communicator?? AND for he who knows who HE is -- this is for you. NO, it's not just as simple as being on a phone telling someone how to do CPR. Sure we all know how, we are all Certified.......but as a preceptor KNOW this-- I have trained many and not all can do it. Not every one can handle the call volume..... There are those that CAN and they DO and there are those that CAN'T no matter how hard they try...... Bless there Hearts they TRY but you can't just put ANY body behind a console and expect them to be good at it-- seems to me that all Ya'll know this. So why be so down on those that strive to make a better comm spec? Putting forth the effort to provide quality reponses and assistance to those in the field. Seems like we DISPATCHERS can't win for loosing in your book. We will be low dogs on your totem poll no matter what. AND next time-- don't be afraid to post your comments here........ Your gonna get my response wether you like it or not.
  10. Oh YEE HA!!!!! Go Cowboy!!! Does that make you feel better?! Pick on those how look out for your but!
  11. And lest you for get-- How to get there...........
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