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Everything posted by Chief1C

  1. Could it be that the patients vital signs changed between the time they took them, and you took them? I'm well aware of substandard care on the part of nursing facilities. However, on top of that, you have the nurses, who aren't all that bad at all, they're just following a physicians order. Which is why I think we see low oxygen administration with masks, rather than NC. They may hope that the patient will get more out of it, perhaps, thats what I think of, before saying something unprofessional.. Which I wouldn't do unless their care was causing harm, or worsening the condition.. Like calling us for labored resps, w/ the patient literally blowing bubbles, and not suctioning as best they can.. or moving a fall victim with obvious fractures.
  2. Abnormal bleeding? Kids Pulse, resp. effort; or APGAR; Mom's Vitals? Anything odd suctioned from the kids mouth/nares? Appear to be fully developed? Anymore on the way out? Offer to have father, et al., cut the cord (we use OB scissors, not the provided device). Place both on stretcher, maybe a pillow under the mothers buttocks; be prepared for placenta.. which may or may not deliver in transit. Keep the kid and mother warm, I'd suggest a thin blanket made for childbirth, and maybe a mylar swaddler. I've had two deliveries in bathrooms, one, her first child; she went to urinate.. and baby started to slide out. No pain, no problems. Health baby boy. The second; delivered the painful way, premature, came out pulseless, purple and apenic. Resuscitated pre-hospital, lived a month and didn't make it.
  3. About ten minutes in, I took a nap to ward off a cluster headache... So, it didn't really take me from 15:30 till 02:35.. But I pondered over it, apparently, for 173 Minutes and 10 Seconds.
  4. Why does that surprise you? Bush was re-elected... (I know it's not related, but still...)
  5. I agree, send some, but leave enough back to cover that people that depend on us. It's great to help out down south, but we still need to be able to provide coverage at home. Since we don't know where the storms will go after they come ashore, the people on the rest of the East Coast may end up seeing trouble at home. Flooding, Wind Damage, Tornadoes. http://radar.weather.gov/radar.php?rid=LIX...11&loop=yes Select: Long Range Images - Loop Auto Update - On
  6. I always try to cheer up patients who have wrecked, by asking their allergies; and whether or not they say something, I add to it. and... Telephone poles, trees, deer, ambulances.. etc.
  7. I always say something that pisses the "I'd give my life for anyone, them before me" people off.. and the public. Us Before Them, Me Before You. My safety, our safety; is more important to me, than the patients. Clearly I'll do everything in my power to use all of my skills to help someone and keep them safe. But if one of our guys goes down, I'm aiding him-or making sure he or she is being care for, before I move on.
  8. Seems to me that would be one of those things that the state fire marshal's office suggests that you don't attempt.
  9. Does your son take paypal? (I'm not kidding)
  10. I got weak in the knees after reading just the title. :pukeright:
  11. Then go find another job as an EMT. Work both.
  12. Why can't you do anything in EMS till Oct. 6[sup:7161e099e5]th[/sup:7161e099e5]? I'd suggest looking for a volunteer, municipal or private, EMS service to run with. Most services will take just about anyone and give them a chance.
  13. So is speeding and weaving in and out of heavy traffic.. But they still have Nascar Races.
  14. As anyone would know, who has been in a situation where you know that if you don't stop, you'll suffer instant pain and injury.. or worse.. It's very difficult to make a quick decision, even if it seems obvious.
  15. I felt the need to fix your link, it had a space, which is filled in with a %2.
  16. Now if his name was Marvin, that'd be great... Marvin the Marfan.
  17. One of our firemen is built like a telephone pole. He did something, wasn't injured, but had a sharp pain on inspiration. No rib fractures, yet he was clearly in A LOT of pain; pale, sweating profusely; short, quick resp. effort.. Drove himself to the ER.. Spontaneous Pneumo. That's why it popped in my mind that he stood up and had pain. There isn't an MD after my name, but I believe the Spontaneous Pneumothorax is something that can commonly occur in tall, thin men. Either that, or Pleurisy, which I've had; but the diminished sounds wouldn't fit.
  18. How much does he weigh? Spontaneous pneumo? Steroid use?
  19. What was he doing up until twenty minutes ago? Anything that could have resulted in Trauma? Perhaps a good old fashion winter sledding or snow-bound vehicle crash, those nice little hidden surprises that Trauma gives us where the pt looks okay then suddenly crashes..?
  20. I've never had any preventative "shots".. Aside from HATING needles.. or anything that pierces my skin.. I wasn't aware it was necessary. I was given a free of charge dose of benadryl IM after something bit my arm at a forest fire.. Though, I'd rather have paid.. and not gotten anything at all. :wink:
  21. CO2 Extinguisher.. or.. Deck gun fed with a high density mixture of detergent foam. Two things that pisses bees off more than mowing their home. Cold and Soap.. They can't fly and they can't take in oxygen through their exoskeleton, and it breaks down the exo. through some type of chemical reaction. We have a miracle grow garden sprayer on the brush truck. You attach it to either forestry hose; or the garden hose we carry to fill "Indian Guns".. It's filled half with Ivory liquid and half with Dawn.. Shake while spraying and those SOBee's will never know what hit them.
  22. Any bleeding? Urine, stool; odd colors? [spoil:315b45ed53]I guess if one followed the empty bottles of Advil, one could say the symptoms could relate to an overdose of Ibuprofen (Advil); and may have lead to organ or heart failure. I'm just winging it, using the plethora of useless information and hunches that every patient lies and has something to hide.[/spoil:315b45ed53]
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