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Cheating 101 : How to cheat on spouse and not get caught


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But DFIB, what if your spouse is unreceptive?

Hlpp, I'm with you Babe, and I love your thoughts. A relationship is between two people, (Or maybe more I guess...not sure. Would have to think about it) to define as they will.


Vorenus...I'd imagine that women do cheat for the same reasons as men, but I'd be willing to bet that neither cheat for the orgasm.


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Just found this topic LOL always slow on the uptake....

Websters defines cheating in this respect as sexual intercourse

How WE define it is betwen us and our partners. I know a few people with "open" marriages and their defination is different then my wife's and mine.

Why do we cheat (both men and women) I don't really think the sexual asspect plays a large roll initially. I know it inevitably ends up there but in the begining I think its about filling some hole you feel is there. I know one persons affair started over fantasy football. She was into it he wasnt and through her league found a partner and one night they played a little two hand touch between the sheets. It never started as that would happen but evolved from a shared interest. Of course under it all there has to be a deep issue with allowing it to happen.

Why do people bed married people when they know they are married? Most likely the thrill of it. Just like having a quicky in a bathroom or dressing room.

Would I cheat on my wife? Hell No she scares me LOL Seriously though I know it is a NO because I love her and more importantly I respect her.

When it all comes down to it, you need to communicate with your partner, let them know what you feel or are missing in the relationship or are annoyed with. Might be a title fight when it happens but by morning you both will be better for it because you will know where each other stands and what to do about it.

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I really don't understand why is he still married.... I mean he goes thru so much work just to sleep with other women. Why not just stay single and be a bachelor. (my opinion) But then again I am only 24 year year old married guy. Been married for 4 years now and I have never cheated before. I mean why bother and why ask for so much stress and nonsense useless drama arguments.(my opinion)

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Ok Denny, rule number one. If you say it, unless you state a source of some kind to verify it, we'll assume that it is your opinion. It's ok that you do, but you don't need to state that. We all just have opinions brother, unless we're citing studies..

Second. Good on you...4 years married. Never forget that sex is the key to a long an happy marriage. And, yeah, with each other. Others will give you a bunch of rah rah politically correct bullshit about how it's religion or respect, or commitment, or whatever...but if the sex is good then all of the other parts are running on all cylinders too..... see? Easy...

I'll bet that's written on a scroll somewhere but they just haven't found it yet...

And that my friend is the one and only visit I'm going to make into your sex life...

Why he's still married? Because he's a coward and a pussy. At least that's my take on it...


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But DFIB, what if your spouse is unreceptive?


Spousal responsiveness is not the issue for me. It's about being a man of my word. Especially to someone that has been my friend and lover for all these years.

When I give my spouse my word it is still mine but is in the care of the receiver. It is a gift, given and received. I would consider myself less of a man if I tried to take my word back or re-nig the promises delivered.

Aristotle considers that men fall into ethical breaches either because they are weak and decide to do break their ethical code or impetuous and breach their ethics in an act of passion. The weak feel guilt during and after the breach where the impetuous only feel guilt after their passion has been consumed.

Aristotle seems to believe that pleasures compete with each other, so that the enjoyment of one kind of activity impedes other activities that cannot be carried out at the same time. He states that although some pleasures may be good, they are not worth indulging when there are other pleasures that are far better.

So, if I were going to be entirely selfish I would have to say that indulging in a passing “cheating” pleasure would negate for me the greater pleasure of faithfulness and good will towards my friend, in this case my spouse.

The Bible says that laying one’s life down for a friend, we could presume negating self indulgent pleasures, is the greatest form of love.

Requital is inconsequential.

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Holy shit DFIB, I'm going to guess at a philosophy degree?

Poking fun, but man, outstanding answer...(Had to minimize the porn in the other window for a sec while I was reading it. Conflicting pleasures you know...)


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Don't worry boys that Jeebus bloke will strike him down or Karma will make his life so miserable he will wish he was dead

It always does, never failed me yet! I owe those two a beer

I hear that Stan guy has a big ass pitch fork and it gets awaful hot down there!

Edited by kiwimedic
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Ok Denny, rule number one. If you say it, unless you state a source of some kind to verify it, we'll assume that it is your opinion. It's ok that you do, but you don't need to state that. We all just have opinions brother, unless we're citing studies..

Second. Good on you...4 years married. Never forget that sex is the key to a long an happy marriage. And, yeah, with each other. Others will give you a bunch of rah rah politically correct bullshit about how it's religion or respect, or commitment, or whatever...but if the sex is good then all of the other parts are running on all cylinders too..... see? Easy...


While the sex may make for a fun relationship: and provides short term satisfaction, It takes a lot more to make a strong long lasting relationship. As seen in the OP you can get sex anywhere.

We'll have been married for 37 years as of November and communication and caring are the most important things that keep us going year after year.

An occasional rock the world round of gratuitous sex never hurts, but it's not the most important thing in our marriage.

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