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The Psychology of Revenge: Why We Should Stop Celebrating Osama Bin Laden's Death


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That's hit on most of the extremely conflicted feelings I've had since the announcement. Certainly I have absolutely no sympathy for Bid Laden or his cohorts, supporters or even his family. Yet I find myself lamenting what we may have lost, or the door we have opened in our collective psyche. The part of me that insists on believing in the ideals of a system that constantly shows it fallibility regret that we will not be able to take the morally superior road and grant Bid Laden due process. The pragmatic, utilitarian part of me recognizes the extreme impracticality and increased risk of attempting to have a trial, not to mention the fact that the Pakistani intelligence community can't be trusted and that a law enforcement operation would have destroyed the secrecy required. I don't regret his death. I don't believe he deserved better but perhaps we as a society did?

Like I said. My idealistic side and my pragmatic side are running head long into each other on this one.

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"Celebrating" the killing of any member of our species -- for example, by chanting "USA! USA!" and singing "The Star Spangled Banner" outside the White House or jubilantly demonstrating in the streets -- is a violation of human dignity. Regardless of the perceived degree of "good" or "evil" in any of us, we are all, each of us, human. To celebrate the killing of a life, any life, is a failure to honor life's inherent sanctity.

Logical FAIL!

He was not of my species, or that of any of my friends or family, or even pets.

Huffington can whine about it to all her democrat friends, who organised the "spontaneous" eruption of Astroturf outside the White House last night. When was the last time anyone saw that many white people on the streets of DC after dark? Puhleeze! It doesn't happen.

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To celebrate the killing of a life, any life, is a failure to honor life's inherent sanctity.

Who the hell is this huffington post mob??

Sancitity of life! Where was bin Laden honoring the sactity of life!

I guess them same asses from huffington would argue clemency for anyone hung after the Nuremburg Trials as well?


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I think the point is not that we shouldn't or that it isn't sometimes necessary to take a life, only that we should be careful in making in something we celebrate and relish.

Logical FAIL!

He was not of my species, or that of any of my friends or family, or even pets.

Huffington can whine about it to all her democrat friends, who organised the "spontaneous" eruption of Astroturf outside the White House last night. When was the last time anyone saw that many white people on the streets of DC after dark? Puhleeze! It doesn't happen.

And of course there's Dusty's approach. Much more satisfying, but unfortunately my poor conflicted bleeding liberal heart still feels the need to moralize like Captain Picard. Damn this upbringing on Star Trek followed by four years of philosophy (2.5 if measured by effort).

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Much more satisfying, but unfortunately my poor conflicted bleeding liberal heart still feels the need to moralize like Captain Picard. Damn this upbringing on Star Trek followed by four years of philosophy (2.5 if measured by effort).

I much prefer the Captain Archer approach! :thumbsup:

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Oddly enough I can't get the termination scene from INGLORIOUS BASTARDS out of my head ?


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He was a terrorist not a world leader, he deserved to die a horrible death but he got a quick one, a shot in the left eye. He didnt suffer like he made others suffer. He was pure evil and not of the human species. If I had the chance I would have pulled the trigger. If I have offended anyone I do not care as it is the bleeding hearts in this world that think they can fix everything with alittle luv. (not intended to anyone in particular)there are creatures out there that do not deserve to breath and he was one.

I come from a family of Canadian and Americans that have gone to war to make sure that I am allowed to have an opinion, a job, do not have to cover my face because some man might look at me, if I am raped I get justice and not a stoning death, I could go on forever but I'm guessing you get the gist. When people forget the above thats when your country is in real trouble.

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19:21 "And thine eye shall not pity; but life shall go for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot."

This Huffington does't appear to be a God fearing Christian ... pitty .

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He was a terrorist not a world leader, he deserved to die a horrible death but he got a quick one, a shot in the left eye. He didnt suffer like he made others suffer. He was pure evil and not of the human species.

You can say the same about the Japanese and German leadership circa WW2, but we didn't summary execute them (considering there are reports that this was purely a "kill" mission). Personally, if I had to choose between being a victim of Bin Laden or Unit 731, I'd pick Bin Laden every time.

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