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Lawsuit Update - Help Needed

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what? grammar please

He's gonna sell a gun.

One of those being sued should make a stipulation that the Review-Journal have to shut down and remove its website.. So nobody can make a track back to it. You can't infringe upon what's not there. I agree, they are probably hurting, economically, and see this as the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

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I am posting a link, and only a link, to an article on Plagiarism by college students writing reports, from stuff found over the internet, without giving credit to whomever originally posted it. If there is any issue, you can contact me via PM at this web site.


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within the past 5 years or so there was a school near Kansas city MO that had 1/2 of the students in one class get caught using what they found on the internet as submission for a major class paper that counted 50% of their grade.

They all supposedly used the same website and same text. The teacher caught them and failed them in their assignment

Crying and wailing and sprinkling of ash and wearing of sack cloth ensued and in the end the school board threw out their failing grades and allowed them to re-do the assignment.

The teacher, standing on prinicpal quit over this.

My opinion the students should have failed and forced to face the consequences but they were given a completely different lesson, "if you make enough noise and play on sympathies of the public, you will get your own way"

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Something seems fishy about Righthaven LLC, the firm handling the lawsuits, and the Review Journal. Maybe a dying newspaper found a new business model.





Reading some of the comments from the posters after the original article, it would seem none of the locals are too happy with that paper.

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Reading some of the comments from the posters after the original article, it would seem none of the locals are too happy with that paper.

I wonder if there's anyway for all of the defendants to band together to hire a lawyer instead of having everyone hire their own lawyer. Kinda of a reverse class action suite.

Edited by JPINFV
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I wonder if there's anyway for all of the defendants to band together to hire a lawyer instead of having everyone hire their own lawyer. Kinda of a reverse class action suite.

Sounds like the lawyers, like debt collectors, offer a deal that is cheaper than what it will cost to fight knowing most will just pay rather than stand up for what is right.

I know some people that believe standing up when they are in the right is more important than losing money to prove it. For instance the IRS told a tax payer that they made a mistake and still owed less than a dollar more than they had paid. The tax payer fought that and eventually won but no telling how much was spent in postage etc in proving the IRS wrong. Why the fight? Because tax payer knew they were right and reasoned if everyone just automatically gave in IRS would get away with it from now on.

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Sounds like the lawyers, like debt collectors, offer a deal that is cheaper than what it will cost to fight knowing most will just pay rather than stand up for what is right.

I know some people that believe standing up when they are in the right is more important than losing money to prove it. For instance the IRS told a tax payer that they made a mistake and still owed less than a dollar more than they had paid. The tax payer fought that and eventually won but no telling how much was spent in postage etc in proving the IRS wrong. Why the fight? Because tax payer knew they were right and reasoned if everyone just automatically gave in IRS would get away with it from now on.

Yep, which is why it would make it a lot cheaper to fight if you can spread the cost out over 4-5 defendants than trying to go at it alone.

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So what I got out of this is that Righthaven never owned the copyrights prior to the news stories being posted to websites and blogs.

They went out and looked at the R-J's stuff and found it on the internet, then went and bought the copyright to the stories and then went sue happy.

To me that's bottom feeding and a disgusting way to do business.

Ok, here is a website that lists out all the holdings and websites that Righthaven owns or does business with. It lists all the newspapers as well as domain names that are owned by Righthaven.


I give full credit to the website www.godlikeproductions.com for this list.

If you do business with any of these listed then maybe it's time to stop.

Fight fire with fire I always say.

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