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Lawsuit Update - Help Needed

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As some of you may be aware, EMT City is being sued over cut and paste content that a member posted from a newspaper.

I was offered to settle this case out of court but have decided to fight the case on the principal that I did not cause the alleged violation and that websites should not be held accountable for the actions of a third party.

Las Vegas Sun News Story

There is no case law as of yet on this type of situation and I am going forward to hopefully create case law to protect this site, and all other forums on the internet.

This will cost money. I am looking to you for help in offsetting the cost of litigation.

My initial fund raising goal is $10,000 to help the legal fight. I currently have lawyers in two different states and this is a federal case which can require a lot of lawyer man hours.

I have set up a new sponsor group called Lifetime Sponsor. This sponsorship never expires and costs 150.00. Having 67 members upgrade to Lifetime Sponsor will get us to that initial goal.

To upgrade your membership, click the "Sponsor" menu item on the blue bar at the top.

If you can spare it, and want to help keep sites like mine immune to the actions of its members, please help. If you want to donate more, you can pm me and I can give you the paypal address to send it to.

Thanks again for your continued support.


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I'll set up an eBay auction, or site auction, haven't decided yet.. to benefit the legal fund. What I can't seem to find is, what is R-J?

Edited by 4c6
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I'll set up an eBay auction, or site auction, haven't decided yet.. to benefit the legal fund. What I can't seem to find is, what is R-J?

It appears to be a newspaper out of Las Vegas, "The Review Journal". They and another company Righthaven LLC have partner to bring the lawsuits. I would post the link, but I don't want to bring further litigation.
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I hate hearing this. Never a good time to be sued but at this point it is the worst for me as I have nothing available to contribute to the fight.

To avoid such frivolous lawsuits in the future you might need to add a few more mods so every time a whole story is posted one of them is available to go in and edit it down to just a few excerpts. Whats bad about that though is some news reports are not archived so the link to the report quickly becomes useless.

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Have y'all considered making posting of links only instead of copy and paste stories. May have to make that a rule and get some more mods on board to help monitor everyone.

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