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EMT duo on break let pregnant mom die

EMT City Administrator

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A pregnant Brooklyn woman suffering a fatal seizure in a coffee shop in the shadow of FDNY Headquarters was ignored by two callous city medics who continued to buy their breakfast, eyewitnesses told The Post.

"The EMTs just said we had to call 911. They got their bagels and left,"

Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/brooklyn/emt_duo_on_break_let_preg_mom_die_mrj8Jv8kjmS0Z3FNO4DmiL#ixzz0aH3OguQm

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A pregnant Brooklyn woman suffering a fatal seizure in a coffee shop in the shadow of FDNY Headquarters was ignored by two callous city medics who continued to buy their breakfast, eyewitnesses told The Post.

"The EMTs just said we had to call 911. They got their bagels and left,"

Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/brooklyn/emt_duo_on_break_let_preg_mom_die_mrj8Jv8kjmS0Z3FNO4DmiL#ixzz0aH3OguQm

MAJOR FAIL ! I hope they strip both of their certs and cause them to face criminal issues. I've known plenty that have acted off duty if someone needed it and had no requirements, I don't know they hold the same rules as some states that if they have identifying info on them, then they are under a requirement to treat if they were certified in that state, but I dont think it's looking good for them or the FDNY.

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On duty?

Respond! Duty to act!

In uniform?

Respond! Duty to act!

On meal break? Asked to help?

Break over, unfortunately. Respond! Duty to act!

As for a private ambulance service responding to the MetroTech complex? The district is that of a hospital subcontracted private EMS provider, as a part of the NYC 9-1-1 system.

When the patient is known to be a uniformed member of the FDNY (including FDNY EMS, or FDNY EMS EMD), the EMD tries to get a department ambulance for the response. 'S'matter of fact, the same exists for the FDNY EMS Academy, following ME being the patient at the academy, and being transported by a hospital based 9-1-1 system provider to the hospital.

What I read in the link reminds me, again, of a Pre-Merger EMS team in the Bronx, just got their sandwiches, and told folks running up to them to call 9-1-1, even though they were close enough to the call scene to see CPR being performed!

Both crewmen were initially placed on "No patient contact" work details at EMS HQ, and eventually both fired, and stripped of their "certs" by the NY State DoH. As the newspapers described the ambulance by it's shop number, the vehicle was actually taken out of service and stored at the HQ building for a month, that Bronx locals would not attack any crew in that vehicle, believing them to be the non-responding crew.

The unit's radio designation was "Two One David", so the unit ended up being referred to, and nastilly, as I recall, as "Two One Deli".

As for the EMD personnel involved, I just hope I do NOT know them, as I spent my first 11 of my almost 25 years in municipal EMS service working in the EMD. Understandably, I don't want to see friends in this situation, if they are innocent, nor do I want them as friends if they are guilty.

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Wow that is really terrible, I would believe when someone gets that calloused, prehaps its time for a new career. noexpression.gif

Perhaps? I think it should be court mandated ! They obviously had nor no longer have any place in EMS. They're lucky they function within NY as they would not be well received here. And sympathies to the family for the loss of both the mother and the little girl. What a terrible shame - loss of life for two people's stupidity. yes, the other crew may not have had something they needed (another fail but not nearly as bad), but at least they attempted to care for her. I have to ask those two people - were those bagels worth it? Too bad you didn't choke on them.

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Time for these two to have a good ass kicking, but i think we will smell something like a cover up again there. What concerns me is reading further into the story....

Rennix fell in a heap and began foaming at the nose and mouth in the back room.

That sent a manager rushing to the front to again ask someone in the Metrotech coffee shop to help.

This time, two good Samaritans in blue FDNY sweaters ran to the back office. One called 911 from his cellphone while the other tried to help keep Rennix still.

When did this become (again) a way to treat seizure patients???????

The Fire Department, which runs the city's Emergency Medical Service, is now investigating the incident, and has placed the two EMTs on paid but restricted duty, barred from providing patient care.

"All of our members take an oath to assist others in need of emergency medical aid. They have a duty to act when called," said FDNY spokesman Steve Ritea.

Another reason why EMS & fire should be seperated? They will wait the appropriate period & then they will be put back on patient care & no one will be any the wiser. NAME & SHAME. Take their licence away from them.

Ironically, the EMS emergency dispatch center that fields 911 calls is located in the same building as Au Bon Pain -- just floors above where Rennix collapsed.

So what? could be anywhere, dipatch is not where the nearest vehicle is located. This is like saying it happened outside a station but no ambulances were available. Well sorry people, there are other people around who need us as well!!!!

And the FDNY headquarters is about 600 feet away within the same Metrotech complex. In fact, the coffee shop is regularly filled with FDNY and EMS personnel and top brass.

This assumes that the monkeys with the brass on would know what to do. Most have been away from reality for that long that they would have a motion in their pants f they had to touch a patient again.

I hope that an example will be made of these clowns & my heart goes out to the family of the late Eutisha Revee Rennix

Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/brooklyn/emt_duo_on_break_let_preg_mom_die_mrj8Jv8kjmS0Z3FNO4DmiL#ixzz0aJsJv8Oo

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