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Less talk, more action please.


Who wants to *really* try to change things?  

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  1. 1.

    • I just want to bitch about Basics. They suck.
    • I want to help educate people and change our system- but I don't have the time. Someone else do it.
    • I will actually endeavor to change our system myself, in whatever fashion I can.
    • What's everybody's problem? I like Basics!

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If your voting for people even though you don't know what the topic is...Vote me for president, even though I'm only 18, a female, and pretty much bs my way through life...I promise I'll do my best to try to accomplish something!

Some might say you would make a great politician!!

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And yeah, it's pretty comfortable believing in peace, love, surfing, and (yuck) tofu...it tends to work out when the people around you similarly believe in it.

Listen, I know all about the California types, I have friends from there. 2 hour lunch breaks, school dismissed when it gets "too hot", the LAPD running away when the riots get too hard to handle, and Berkeley University. Apparently when the settlers went west they left their balls around Utah. No wonder you think EMS dressed like members of the student council is acceptable. 8)

People are encouraged to volunteer because someone wants to save some dough and someone else (Galls, I'm looking in your direction) makes some money off of it. As said before these aren't 16 year olds and an explorer program. These are 16 year olds responding directly to the scene and providing care. This keeps response times down. Lower response times means less money for paid providers. We go through the same thing here with the CFR Program/Scam. When someone with a patch shows up on scene, the response time clock ends, the towns stats are where they want them, and everyone is happy, except for the patient who is still waiting for proper care.

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Listen, I know all about the California types, I have friends from there. 2 hour lunch breaks, school dismissed when it gets "too hot", the LAPD running away when the riots get too hard to handle, and Berkeley University. Apparently when the settlers went west they left their balls around Utah. No wonder you think EMS dressed like members of the student council is acceptable. 8)

Hmmm...Between you and Anthony...Did I somehow slip into the twilight zone?

Taken from another thread maybe? Yikes, the brain shear nearly gave me a seizure...

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Listen, I know all about the California types, I have friends from there. 2 hour lunch breaks, school dismissed when it gets "too hot", the LAPD running away when the riots get too hard to handle, and Berkeley University. Apparently when the settlers went west they left their balls around Utah. No wonder you think EMS dressed like members of the student council is acceptable. 8)

I wish. I get no lunch break (my roommate is frowned upon when he leaves premises for break b/c it slows productivity), I've only had school canceled ONCE for flooding (no snow days), and LAPD will break your face if you if you call them "dude". And Berkeley is a rad place with smart students. And yes, I prefer my surgeons and EMTs to be more on the nerdy side than the bad boy side. It's an academic field, not fire fighting :D:D

And again, I doubt the program leaders care about the money. Good point about the city liking good stats, but it's not that hard to believe that the adult leaders themselves would be into running the program just because they like kids and helping. There's people like that everywhere.

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Listen, I know all about the California types, I have friends from there. 2 hour lunch breaks, school dismissed when it gets "too hot", the LAPD running away when the riots get too hard to handle, and Berkeley University. Apparently when the settlers went west they left their balls around Utah. No wonder you think EMS dressed like members of the student council is acceptable. 8)

That's not nearly as bad as you Eastern'ers. Since you're from New York, when was a 4 lane road considered a "super highway?" Hell, we've got normal roads with more lanes then that. You want to know what's super? This:

The El Toro Y. 26 lanes of paved goodness serving over 300,000 cars daily.


Let's not start on the fact that every little time it gets a little nippy out side the teachers freak out and call a snow day. Hell, in Southern California, we're lucky to get school off if ASH is raining from the sky like it was Sodom and Gomorrah just before God opened his can of whoop ass against them. So take your "Sex and the City" and shove it, it had NOTHING on Arrested Development.

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In the defense of California: "Berkeley is rad!" <snicker> and "Arrested Development" is better than "Sex and the City". Gimme a break. Sex and the City has some hot chicks. Arrested Development has whiny nebbish men whining to their counselors. At least Seinfeld had Elaine and the steady parade of Jerry's hot girlfriends. Growing up in the rural northeast, school wasn't canceled unless the snow was up to the plows' mirrors or the diesel gelled in the school bus' lines due to the cold.

Is it true there are areas around Berkeley where eating meat has been banned by city ordinance? Enjoy your tofu dogs, ebonics, the OJ Verdict(s), and Gov Schwarzenegger,

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I know this has already been covered in another post but New York definitely has the hotter Assistant District Attorneys. :wink:

Angie Harmon vs Marcia Clark. No contest.

Yes I am aware Angie Harmon was not a real DA, but I like to dream if I ever committed a crime while in NYC I would be prosecuted by the Law and Order DA's.

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