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Less talk, more action please.


Who wants to *really* try to change things?  

23 members have voted

  1. 1.

    • I just want to bitch about Basics. They suck.
    • I want to help educate people and change our system- but I don't have the time. Someone else do it.
    • I will actually endeavor to change our system myself, in whatever fashion I can.
    • What's everybody's problem? I like Basics!

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I know this has already been covered in another post but New York definitely has the hotter Assistant District Attorneys. :wink:

Angie Harmon vs Marcia Clark. No contest.

Yes I am aware Angie Harmon was not a real DA, but I like to dream if I ever committed a crime while in NYC I would be prosecuted by the Law and Order DA's.

Vote me for president and I will pay her to prosecute you :D

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Vote me for president and I will pay her to prosecute you :D

A good excuse for another hotttt picture of Angie Harmon:


A thank you to the good people of Texas for producing her.

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You want to elect someone for something and don't even know what the topic is?

I must say on this one, I believe I agree with vs-eh, I'm going to go back and re-read everything again, then I will post my opinion for certian, but as it stands now, I agree with VS.

My point was to get the thread back on track as it seems to have drifted quite a bit. I want to thank you though for the good chuckle this morning.

"I must say on this one, I believe I agree with vs-eh, I'm going to go back and re-read everything again, then I will post my opinion for certian, but as it stands now, I agree with VS."

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I’m not even sure where to begin or for that matter why?

We’ve gone from picking on new folks, to education, tough love, to etiquette, spelling, grammar, making apologies, elections, and youth corps, California types, peace, love, surfing, and (yuck) tofu, Hot DA's, Hot chicks vs. whining men (HUH? not even women like whining men), and the Big Apple compared to La La Land, (both filled to capacity with superficial self-involved rich people, who couldn’t care less about us, one will be blown up by people who hate us, and the other will burn up and fall into the ocean from a earthquake, in my book a tie) am I missing something?

Well at least everyone’s talking; let’s see if we can try to refocus this.

I understand Asysin2leads point on volunteers; it’s a big issue, especially with medics, and this is a questions as old as EMS, where do you start, I started as a jolly volley, and after a year went into the paid sector, so I think I’m qualified to state there is a big difference.

Honestly, would you want someone (no matter how pretty) giving a family member potentially harmful drugs, who has maybe done three similar calls in as many months, or a full timer (i.e. Paid) who does ten times as many calls on a minimum? Practice makes perfect, or at least usually pretty good.

But that is not this thread, I’m sure you can find a thread comparing paid and non paid, and get lots of opinions, and I’m not poo pooing the subject, I think communities need to pony up and pay for their EMS services, the why buy the cow when you get the milk for free attitude, when applied to EMS is both dangerous and wrong.

Were not drivers anymore, we do complex emergency medicine, mirroring Hospital ERs, and in some cases surpassing them, we are not a substitute for definitive care, but for the acute, need treatment now cases, there just is no substitute for on the scene care we provide.

To deliver that care, we need ongoing practice, training, updates, review, and more training. This all takes money, from a community leaderships POV why put money towards something they get for free when the park needs cleaning, AND THAT COSTS MONEY…

I stray again, (hey maybe it’s this thread, it causes ADD?).

A lot of good points have been stated here, but what happened to how we treat people new to this board? Or is bashing just another form of prison initiation?

Be Safe,


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My point was to get the thread back on track as it seems to have drifted quite a bit. I want to thank you though for the good chuckle this morning.

"I must say on this one, I believe I agree with vs-eh, I'm going to go back and re-read everything again, then I will post my opinion for certian, but as it stands now, I agree with VS."

Since I make you chuckle....vote me for president! I'll make you, secretary or something!

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To answer a few of your questions, wantynu, here goes.

1. Anthony and I were in disagreement about the monetary aspect of having underage volunteers, and the overall appropriateness of making pictures on Photoshop. Since the arguement was going now where, I took the high road and stooped to picking on stereotypes of Southern Californians being about as tough as Richard Simmons at a Barbara Streisand concert.

2. Angie Harmon comes from a different thread when I was illustrating what tough female cops DON'T look like. She's super hot so any excuse to post a pic about her is a good one.

3. Fred Thompson is a parody of the Angie Harmon pic.

4. Yeah, ADD is pretty rampant here, and did you see the last episode of House? Man, it was awesome! House was all "No way!" and they were all "way!", and...

5. The continual evolution of threads is a byproduct of unstructured discussion. We tried instituting "the talking stick" policy but it didn't work.

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Wow, Thanks for clearing that up, my bad, for a minute here I was actually thinking this had a point....

Be Safe,


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Wow, Thanks for clearing that up, my bad, for a minute here I was actually thinking this had a point....

Be Safe,


This is the fights not the forums there is no point to anything we do. Oh by the way checked out the downloads on your site. Thanks for the resources.

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