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Everything posted by iMac

  1. I know CCEMS had many problems getting practicum spots for their students which usually only means on thing.
  2. and why exactly are you wanting to come here to work the rigs?
  3. Before you go out and ask what programs "are good", figure out what kind of learning will best suit your needs and inquire about each delivery methods available by schools (length of program vs long distance or in class etc) All you will get here is very biased opinions by users. I would recommend going to already licenced paramedics who have taken students on and ask them what schools they have noticed have strong students.
  4. Well glad you passed both. As for passing with flying colors, dont go kidding yourself. We both know other than the fact you know you did enough to pass the scenarios you don't know anything else. Good luck in the future.
  5. heard thru the grapevine you failed one of them... :roll: interesting. What were the scenarios you got?
  6. so kevin was it a pass or fail?
  7. what are you talking about?? I was referring to the college of paramedics!
  8. for what exams? I didnt know you did your EMT.
  9. Way back when I went to school, it was mandatory for us to take out NAPD which was ridiculous. The ideas they had behind the course were good but no one learned anything. A full day that was wasted I will never get back. Unless it is something that your work requires, dont waste time taking driving courses.
  10. Tho I understand some of the reasoning behind wearring crocs, I have a hard time understand why in the world you would ever consider wearring them in the hospital setting. The idea of having an open shoe in a setting where you have every possible diseases, bateria and illnesses going around. The idea of allowing such a dirty body part out in the open. What about needles? what do you do when a used needle falls and hits your toe? I know here worker's comp WILL NOT cover you if you were wearring open shoes at the time of injury in the workplace. Thats more than enough for me to NOT wear crocs while at work.
  11. the unsconscious calls that come in as: "unsconscious but breathing" aka: "unconscious buttbreathing".
  12. ....19 metres and I call it quits. I think it was fun for the 30 seconds it lasted.
  13. :scratch: mate, Can I just show up on your doorstep and have you as my translator?
  14. a lot of these are overlly tempting to actually try in the middle of the night when I take the elavator on breaks 8)
  15. That is hilarious. I wonder how much she paid to get that done...
  16. I'm not sure why the names are all different. I would love to see something that is seen across the nation as opposed to provincially. As far as I am concerned when talking to other health care professionals I am an EMT, anyone else who doesnt have a basic understanding of healthcare I'm an advanced care paramedic to prevent having to explain and going into details. They hear what they want to hear and thats it, I'm not any different than anyone else.
  17. oh yay yay, come on people get over yourselves and look at the big picture, look at what is going on. it's just not worth it folks :roll:
  18. sure it's an opinion, no one said you had to agree mate. The city (which I will not post the name of, but most know what Im talking about) has done nothing but go downhill for the last few months.It will continue to do so as they lose good contracts, have more senior ranked staff retire and have the crap staff being hired on because they have to, no else is coming along so they take anything that comes in. A good reason for concern.
  19. BRAVO MIKE! I said that to a call (to a nursing home)a few years back in the middle of night for a call where they were clearly trying to get rid of one of their (drunk) retirees for a few hours, wasting our time. I dont know why they hated me after that... good times Mike, thanks for the reminder.
  20. The cost of living is ridiculous I think mainly because of the oil boom, once we get sucked out dry we won't be any different than anyone else. unless someone corrects me I believe Alberta allows the widest scope and as it has been mentioned we are killing for more providers. Services have been hiring anyone that comes along which would now make me think twice before calling a truck for a loved one. If you want a job come here. If you want a larger scope come here. If you want to work for a service that provides good care...think twice before coming here.
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