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Everything posted by BEorP

  1. Don't forget about that summer when everyone was being attacked by sharks.
  2. The pills were out in the open and the kid got into them. What did not match in the story?
  3. How much time do you need to put in as a PCP before you can get the ACP training/education?
  4. Brady Essentials of Paramedic Care (2006) uses 1-10 so it's not fair to say that using that would be wrong. "One" can be whatever we define it to be.
  5. "How bad is your pain on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being no pain at all and 10 being the worst pain you've ever felt?" This is how I would ask it. It is clear that "1" is pain free and the goal so I don't see an issue with this. (If you do not give a guideline of what "1" and "10" are then I understand your point though.)
  6. I've actually got one question. In the official posting it states, "Must hold a valid ARCON work fitness certificate at commencement of employment." But in a different page on the site it states: "If you are interested in applying for open Paramedic vacancies with Superior North EMS, you will be required to hold a valid PAE Summary Certificate at the time of application." Is it worth applying even without the fitness test complete? And is there anywhere in Southern Ontario that you can have a fitness test done that they will accept? Is there anything special about the one that they want?
  7. Hey guys, I noticed this today so I just thought I would pass it along since it seems like recruitments are happening less and less these days in Ontario. The closing date is Monday so I know it is not a lot of time and it is only for part time. http://www.thunderbay.ca/index.cfm?fuse=html&pg=5451 Good luck to anyone who applies
  8. What drugs do you need to know specifically?
  9. In terms of legalities, I think we're sometimes stuck in a no-win situation. We could look at it from the other angle of how it might be seen if you waited on scene for the police and at minute 53 the patient's condition deteriorated significantly.
  10. In Ontario, it was recently removed from our Patient Care Standards manual. Unfortunately I cannot copy and paste the note about the revision, but it is on page four of the document below: Link
  11. I would hope that there would not be many pictures of actual patients being treated floating around since it could be a violation of their privacy (if they could be identified from it).
  12. "I didn't make the cut at Wedny's"
  13. It doesn't take EMTs to distribute drug stockpiles from the central storage. Seems like a waste to me.
  14. NREMT-Basic, you did not provide any factual information on what you can do over local hospitals and EMS in the event of an avian flu pandemic. I am trying to say this respectfully, but the only thing of any substance you described was "supportive care," which you did not even describe. I asked specifically what you can do over local EMS and hospitals. The more details you can provide, the better. This quote reminds me of volunteer EMTs who are going to save us all.
  15. What do you have that a local ambulance service/hospital does not for this purpose?
  16. Excellent, I was not aware that they had actually studied that. Thanks for the info and in that case I can definitely see how they would be warranted.
  17. I am not saying that it doesn't make sense. A lot of things make sense in theory but studies need to be done to prove it. Unless there are studies showing that these vests also increase survival in the event of an accident, they should not be using this as a reason to get them.
  18. Two things I'm wondering after reading the linked article: 1. How long has Toronto been providing their medics with vests? 2. Is there real evidence that bullet proof vests increase survival in motor vehicle accidents?
  19. Some say there is no guarantee of that, but that is a whole other issue.
  20. Like I said, I don't know the U.S. laws, but at least for Canada using a glucometer is a controlled act (the breaking the skin part of using it) and it would generally be illegal to do so without physician delegation.
  21. Please keep in mind that my response is based only on my knowledge of Canadian laws so maybe it is different in the U.S.A. When you are preforming controlled acts (aka delegated medical acts) you are acting under your base hospital physician's license. You are only delegated with his license to perform those acts when you're on duty with your EMS service. If you were an EMT-P who was trained to do a cric, do you feel you could legally do that when out in public off duty?
  22. Are you allowed to use the glucometer as a first aider?
  23. I'm guessing that you would need medical direction to legally use the glucometer and knowing someone's blood glucose level will not change anything you would do for them. Same goes for the BP cuff and steth. Assuming we're talking about car accidents (i.e. trauma) then it will make no difference in your first aider treatment. My personal opinion is to stop if no one is there, but if an ambulance is there then let them do their work. There will be many hurt people for you to get paid to help once you're done school.
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