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Everything posted by BEorP

  1. What is it about the current CPR that gives it so much merit over any of the new ideas or ideas for improved methods?
  2. Since they are able to say this... I'm going to guess that this is based on a pig study... Pigs and humans are very different but it will be interesting to see if they trial it in the field or hospital at all.
  3. Why is it that you've waiting to look into this until you've already begun your EMT training?
  4. Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this thread. It really demonstrates the professionalism of our members that we are able to have a discussion on a sensitive issue such as this one without the thread going downhill.
  5. Thanks for the post. One thing I just wanted to say is that I hope it does not seem as though I am saying that I am judging anyone. When I speak of appearing unprofessional, I mean to the average person from the public.
  6. I was referring to medical definition of obese.
  7. I'm not "picking on" anyone, it is just a discussion. Go right ahead and discuss smokers and alcoholics too if you like.
  8. Just wondering what others think about this topic. With the growing "obesity epidemic" in North America, can someone who is working in EMS ever really appear professional while being fat? As much as it may or may not be their own fault (i.e. genetics may play a large role) can this really appear professional to the public when they see health care providers who clearly are not healthy themselves?
  9. You mention that you've asked him to stop the nicknames, but have you taken him aside for a more formal talk? Although he still may not get it, there is a chance that if you sit down with him at the station at the start of your next shift and tell him your issues that he may finally process them. People aren't as wonderful as we might wish and maybe he will just continue, but it is worth a shot. If I were you, I would focus only on the most important issues (e.g. nicknames, talking down to you) and leave out the smaller issues (e.g. laziness). Good luck!
  10. Great opportunity to allow the community to keep up with what is happening in EMS, but do you really think there is enough to say to keep them interested?
  11. To clarify, GTA meaning Grand Theft Auto. Although there are some beaches in the Greater Toronto Area
  12. Rather than him sliding himself out, they could have had him get out of the car, stand up, and walk to the stretcher and lie down on the board. I have seen it done too often and I think that that would be worse than what they did.
  13. Although it may be a good idea to have a video area, I am not impressed with a number of the videos. For example: Driving around the beach in GTA with a paramedic... Who can cut off clothes faster, an EMT-B or EMT-P? Professionalism at its best I don't want to be all negative though, so I will also share one that did make me chuckle:
  14. This link works for me on my Mac. Although this may not be a perfect extrication, I certainly expected it to be worse based on the initial comments.
  15. Although I do not know how well the search function works, I am fairly certain this has been discussed before. Someone may be able to help you dig up one of the old threads.
  16. The benefit of ALS treatment for cardiac arrests is debatable (unless they are able to treat an underlying cause).
  17. If you can't do the above, are you really a health care professional?
  18. In this thread I was surprised by Rid's comments regarding the lack of field pronouncements in the United States. As I stated there, to me ACLS is ACLS and generally these patients should not be transported in my opinion. A few questions for you the U.S. EMT-Ps (and anyone else who could like to chime in): - Why do you think this is that you are often not allowed to pronounce? - Would you like to be able to pronounce patients dead in the field? - In the scenario of a medical arrest (regardless of rhythm) patient who you spend 20-30 minutes on scene with, going through three rounds of drugs IV/IO, good CPR and ventilations, no return of circulation, do you feel that there is a real chance of that patient surviving to hospital discharge? - Do you think it is easier for the family for you to pronounce their family member dead in their home or for the physician to do it in the ED?
  19. I don't mean to take the thread off track, but if there is an EMT-P there, why are you transporting cardiac arrests? Normally this should be not needed. ACLS is ACLS whether it is done in the field or in the hospital. I know that there will be times when you do need to transport such as when someone arrests on the way to the ED or maybe if you cannot obtain IV access, but generally this should not be the case.
  20. I have not read all replies, so maybe this has already been mentioned, but I would say that it is important to test the validities of your questions. This may just need to be done by carefully looking at the results of the first group of candidates to complete the test, but it is important because some questions that seem well written can end up testing poorly on real people taking the test.
  21. As an EMT, you should know better than perpetuating myths about schizophrenia.
  22. In Ontario: 10-200: Need police 10-2000: Need police now
  23. What if the family did not want any further treatment provided?
  24. It is important to note the full title, "Police: Paramedic Sexually Assaulted Patient." This is no different that any other time that any news outlet speaks of someone as if they are guilty but adds "accused" or "alleged" in many times. The police arrest people who they say committed a crime, after that it can be worked out in court. Does it look good for the profession? No. But is it someone targeting EMS to make us look bad? Probably not.
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