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Everything posted by akroeze

  1. Awesome, what school are you going to?
  2. So the discriminate based on if someone has a pulse or not?! :evil:
  3. From Wikipedia: Therefore PhDs are by definition a doctor. QED
  4. By the way, if you're interested in discussing Sci-Fi as well as a range of other topics from current events to religion to pretty much anything you can think of you can join us at: forum.spacebattles.com I'm The Observer over there (One of the mods as I mentioned above). Come over to the dark side and get your geek on!
  5. Ok, As a head moderator of a Sci-fi discussion board that has just about 3.5 million posts I have to correct this: NCC-1701 = Constitution Class (Refit in movies) NCC-1701-A = Constitution Class (Refit) NCC-1701-B = Excelsior Class NCC-1701-C = Ambassador Class NCC-1701-D = Galaxy Class NCC-1701-E = Sovereign Class As far as who would wing ST or SW.... I'm not even going there.
  6. Other professions may take exception to MER. We would basically be saying we are just like (and just as good as) a place that is filled with Nurses and highly educated and specialized Physicians. Is that really something we can claim?
  7. Yeah, to me it's all or nothing. How do you justify going to the hospital with CPR only? They are dead.... but I'm deciding that I'll only do CPR cuz that's all they should get even though they have a better chance with defib/drugs. All or nothing.
  8. Yeah, as far as I'm concerned there are very few situations where you would want to give Narcan.
  9. So just to clarify, the majority of you would go for an EJ before you would administer glucagon? I'm just curious because personally I would go the glucagon route first and if no response then I'd consider an EJ.
  10. This practice would likely also lead to an increased usage of a scoop for spinal care as opposed to a LSB which is better for the patient as well.
  11. I don't have the source with me, but I remember reading somewhere that they can form in rare cases as quickly as 30 minutes but tend to be in the several hours or more range. Problem is we can't predict 100% who will be the quick ones.
  12. Immobility... thanks for pointing that out. That's one thing that I honestly hadn't even thought of. Out of curiosity, would you want to pretreat for that with bicarb and have other hyperkalemic 'antidotes' at the ready? Or is it more something to be aware of but not actively treat?
  13. Hey doc5, Don't take this the wrong way but had you consumed alcohol while posting? Posting while drunk is illegal in 49 out of 50 states. I only ask because this seems a bit of an unusual post for you.
  14. Fair enough Then it is easy enough to deflate and remove it at the ER. Especially when you have a long transport it is worth it.
  15. Isn't it along the same lines as leaving the board/collar/straps with the patient?
  16. I have heard (not actually done yet though) that if you inflate a BP cuff in the small of the back it can provide some relief
  17. No it's not, it was a totally fair question to ask.
  18. Yeah, I mean there is nothing wrong with a pressure sore that takes months or in some cases years to heal because they were on a board that they didn't need to be. Nothing wrong with that at all.
  19. You can't spell compassion without ass...
  20. I'm in the ACP program. The PCP only service in the area I'm doing my hospital clinicals in insert LMAs on arrests. Any arrest I've seen them come in with the physician leaves it up to the RT to decide what to do (they are the experts after all). Every time they keep the LMA in until they have signs that it is no longer effective for one reason or another then they switch it out.
  21. The the post below yours
  22. I suggest a frontal assault, there is no substitution for wave after wave of your own men.
  23. Don't take this the wrong way, but in general one '?' will suffice
  24. They had a combitube as a backup airway device.
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