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Everything posted by akroeze

  1. I completely agree Dust and since the start of my health care career as an RPN I have always been in school for something. I plan to continue this, although not in a full time capacity anymore (unless I get the flight job I'm hoping for.... then another 6 months education for that). These are more books to have for reference or to look at from time to time as a refresher
  2. That's the one I have. Good reference book.
  3. Any medic alert tags/devices? Do you carry glucagon? If so I'd give it to him Recheck BGL after a tube of oral glucose
  4. Already have... remember I'm from Ontario True, just listing what I already have in my inventory. Good idea, any particular one you recommend? Good idea, any particular one you recommend? Have the Nursing one, Carolyn Sanders... Saunders.... something like that. I'll look into this one
  5. Hi all, Just looking for some suggestions for what people feel are "must haves" for my personal EMS library. I just ordered Dr. Walls' airway management book and would like to maybe purchase one book per month for the next while to have a good library for personal reading. I already have the following off the top of my head since they aren't right in front of me: Mosby's Paramedic Text Rhythm Interpretation Made Incredibly Easy (or something like that) 12-lead ECG: The Art of Interpretation An Emergency Medicine handbook (can't remember the title... it is black and red) Variety of Nursing books from my Nursing school days Mosby's study guide (of some sort, it is a book of case studies)
  6. The service I worked at was 12 hours on pager (paid calls) and 12 hours paid per shift. During our 12 hours paid as long as the truck was ready to go we could sleep or do pretty much whatever we wanted. The service where I do my ALS preceptorship is 12hr shifts and the same applies, as long as the truck is good to go you can sleep.
  7. I must say I'm disappointed with the number of ad hominems in this thread when there is such potential for it to be an intelligent discussion.
  8. Incidently, I remember hearing something about Diaz possibly being safe IN in a new non-alcohol based prep now available? Anyone heard of this?
  9. We can give Naloxone and Midazolam IN. I ONLY give IN midaz for active seizures.... I'm not exposing myself to potential sharp stick by starting an IV on a seizing patient when I have safer options. Any time I have used it it has worked quite well and withing 30-60 seconds of administration. There have been times when I wished we had IN Fentanyl but unfortunately it isn't an option for some reason.
  10. What is your call volume? Could someone make a decent living doing JUST EMS work?
  11. I like to do a call, get back to base for 30-60mins to eat/sit down/catch a show/check e-mail then go out again. Steady busy with a break between calls. I wouldn't mind if I never had to do a trauma again.... I got into this job for the medical end of it
  12. If it is not prying, why do you no longer work for them?
  13. And I called them on it. How much you want to bet that they never come up with a real situation?
  14. Yup, and I actually threw up in my mouth a little bit when I read it.
  15. I would humbly suggest that we don't pile on them folks. Our goal here is to make them realize the truth about what they are doing.... if we pile on them and flood them with posts it may do the opposite. Just a thought.
  16. Look at that, some cheeky Ontario medic posted in that thread.... who ever could that be?
  17. Wow, you extend physician's rights to their spouses and children where you are? :shock:
  18. And we've been hosed.... that patch on his arm is a Texas patch if I'm not mistaken.... that is a picture of Dust in front of a Hamilton unit.
  19. That guy is wearing a white shirt and therefore is almost guranteed management. Management in Ontario traditionally in many services does not wear "duty" pants. They tend to wear "nicer" dress pants/slacks.
  20. Haven't seen a service in Ontario that doesn't use 'em
  21. I would like to point out that the post count is 19 as of my post. The request was to allow 20 posts until a medic got involved. Why am I not surprised this didn't happen?
  22. What would your thoughts be Doc if a medic started a Versed drip on a status seizure patient when they don't have it in their protocol.
  23. I honestly can't think of a single thing an LPN could do within their scope that an EMT couldn't that would be life or death.
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