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Everything posted by akroeze

  1. 2nd intercostal space, not two fingers breadth.
  2. For all we know the highway was completely shut down.
  3. I had never heard those statistics before, that's interesting. So in reality out of 21 people tPA only makes a difference for 3? It kills one and saves two. Not very good odds really
  4. Sure, just let me tell dispatch to send those ACPs we cancelled after all first
  5. Was this supposed to be a reply to an existing thread that accidentally got made into a new one?
  6. Aren't there more vehicles than needed in reality though? Do they not put more on because they have to assume that some of them will be out on EMS calls and not available to respond to a fire call?
  7. Actually, I think he was asking you to support your claim that calling a trauma alert saves lives? He was asking for your facts.
  8. akroeze

    Epi drip

    Is there a situation other than Anaphylaxis and profound (<70) hypotension in sepsis where anyone would use an Epi infusion as a first choice?
  9. akroeze

    Epi drip

    You've done an Epi drip for anaphylaxis? Must have been a pretty crappy call
  10. akroeze

    Epi drip

    Hey folks, there is something I have been trying to wrap my head around. We have two options, we can do a Dopamine drip by protocol or we could possibly patch in to an MD to get permission for an Epi drip. I'm wondering what situations you would (or even have) chosen Epi over Dopamine? Thanks
  11. Thank you for clarifying, I understand now
  12. Are they no longer running a PCP to ACP program? Are PCPs excluded from becoming ACPs?
  13. You have explained why PCP is a reasonable step in the process though. Show that eliminating PCPs somehow creates inferior health care professionals.
  14. We have several people here (including those voicing the opinions your are bashing) who are military field medical personnel.
  15. No you can't, but if you can not adequately control them in the back of your truck then what benefit are you to the patient? Why is it we transport the patient and have the cop follow us? We should be following the cop who is transporting the patient and only in case the patient goes downhill.
  16. Here's a question/statement of how we generally do it. We don't get issued any "turn out" gear. We have gloves, goggles, and helmets with face shields. If we need the coat, fire always has a couple of extra on their trucks that we can scoop. It is much more cost effective for them to have a couple than for us to all be issued our own.
  17. What I don't understand is why these violent psych patients are going in by EMS? They could just as easily be brought in by PD and would not be tying up an Ambulance that can't do anything for them in that state anyway.
  18. I hesitate to criticize based on photographs alone. There was a pic of us at a tractor trailer roll-over that required 45 mins of extrication and the pick showed us WALKING her to the stretcher. What the picture doesn't show is that she crawled herself out and flat out refused to listen to us telling her to hold still.... she wanted out of the damn truck. To someone looking at the pics they would just assume we were idiots. So I don't criticize based on pics whenever possible.
  19. What does this stand for? Diabetic Intravascular Botulism?
  20. Just as a hint, it's a bad idea to use codes without explaining what they mean first. Not everyone uses your codes or knows what they mean.
  21. Yeah... I mean physicians are misleading members of the public too then! When I go to the ER I expect to be getting an emergentologist.... I find it despicable that I may be getting just a GP who is working in the ER instead. They all call themselves physicians and it is wrong. [/tongue in cheek] How is this different? Very cool, good luck
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