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Everything posted by akroeze

  1. I'm a Nurse and I use the Classic II SE. This is just personal opinion but I can't justify the cost of a cardiology scope. A Classic II does everything I need it to do extremely well. Any adventitious sound I need to be able to hear I can hear with it. A wheeze is a wheeze, I don't need to hear it any better than to know it is there and I need to treat it.
  2. What does the Cardiology III have that a Classic II SE doesn't have for in the field usage? Realistically do we need to be picking up subtle heart murmurs or the faintest adventitious sound?
  3. Are acceptances out yet? And where are you going?
  4. They technically aren't volunteer but "Part-time". They don't get paid unless they have a call. Then it's something like $50 for the first 3 hours and so much per hour after that or something.
  5. First Responder Primary Care Paramedic student in Ontario Canada.
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