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Everything posted by MetalMedic

  1. Do tell! -MetalMedic
  2. Just an update: I didn't biff it with the Volly service. In fact I get to get up early tomorrow and go and get fitted for boots and pants. LOL. The good news is that they work closely with the paid services, which is cool. Even if I get a paid job I don't plan on dropping the Volly Service, especially after/while doing paramedic classes. The volly service is only a BLS crew, so it'll be a great way to keep up with my BLS skills. They also offer all kinds of training and CE and what not. I'm really looking forward to getting actively involved with the service. With that being said, going to spend the next 6 months really honing in on my BLS skills and then I'll hit the paramedic classes/trying to get a paid gig, I feel that I've lost so much just waiting to get onto a crew, but I should start riding in a week or so.... Any questions? -MetalMedic
  3. I don't have any advice for you on the briding over to LPN or RN, but I just wanted to say good luck with the EMT course! Feel free to ask all kinds of questions! -MetalMedic (EMT certified for 32 days LOL)
  4. No I'm not being sarcastic at all. I think that KED was kind of a joke. I've never met an EMT who uses one for the initial purpose of it. I think that some of the stations should've included actually taking a BP, doing a patch, actually contacting med control. Not that all of the stations were a waste of time, but when all is said and done, we'll be doing those things daily, and not necessary doing a CPR in progress daily. I think it's good for us to think on our feet and know those situations as well, but I just think that others need to be added to the certification. Because honestly, I couldn't do a patch to save my life (or anyone else's). And I'm not going to pretend to either... I'm green and ready for all the knowledge I can get. If I run across a trauma or a medical situation, we're golden. Don't get me wrong, our instructor did go over how they are supposed to go, theoretically. But putting it into use is a totally different story. Which is why I think it needs to be a test station for us EMT-B's. Does that clarify? -MetalMedic
  5. # 2- Have a fatal flaw, or charming personality quirk. Does that also include having an ever changing rainbow colored hair? Cause if it does, than man I'm made for TV! (Current Color- Manic Panic Virgin Snow in preparation for Manic Panic Shocking Blue) -MetalMedic
  6. Thanks for the thoughts, I felt the same way. I'm also wondering about the practicals as well... I think it would've been better to test us on taking the BP, writing PCR's and daily stuff... but I digress. Thank you for that information! Oh and where are you now? I'm another in the North East. -MetalMedic
  7. Damn should've paid more attention to the forum! I'm a great writer, but certainly can't write anything in 24 hours... and I really feel I should have SOME experience not just being a serious green EMT. -MetalMedic
  8. It wouldn't hurt. My instructor alluded to A and P quite a bit, but didn't make me feel like I was an idiot for not knowing things either. I didn't have a medical background, but grew up in a medical family. This is what I did to help me study: (click to enlarge) Most of the images are the standard 8 x 11.5 printer paper, so it's a fairly large poster. Uploaded with ImageShack.us When I missed a question on a test, I added notes on it. It's right next to my door so I would see it at least a couple of times a day. It helped with my memory as a flash memory. And when I would take a test or be asked a question in class, all I had to do was go back to my room. I also have the patient assessments on my closet doors and the back of the bedroom door. I suppose now that I'm certified I could take it down, but honestly, I like having it up there. It really helps keep the memory fresh and makes sure I don't forget. Of course you can do this with anything, I just knew I struggled with the body, but not the issues with it or med dosages. But I suppose you could do that for anything. Anyway, not sure if that helps at all, but it's a trick I used. Good luck! -MetalMedic
  9. Thanks for the thoughts everyone. I did explain that I didn't want to leave the volly service after I found a paid gig and made that clear. I let him know that I liked the opportunities they had there, such as teaching and the chance to be an instructor. I wanted to have some experience under my belt under the best of circumstances. He just seemed irritated that I told him that I was seeking paid employment as well (even though he was fully aware I have no job at all right now). So we'll see. Not feeling as pissed at myself this morning about it. It has great opportunities, but I also found some places that are hiring for paid gigs. So I'm not going to throw all my eggs in one basket. -MetalMedic
  10. So there was a basic group interview today with a few people getting together for a low down on the services and how to become a memeber. We went around the table and everyone mentioned what they were there for. I said that I was looking to be a flight medic, but wanted to get experience before I decided to jump into it. So the meeting started and the person running it made it clear they did not want to precept someone for 6 months just to have them run off. If that was the case they wanted to know up front so they could expect it and that it wouldn't rule anyone out of being accepted. They said they needed assistance so it's not a big deal. Yadda Yadda Yadda. At the end of the meeting I the leader asked about my plans, I explained that I did want to get a paid EMT job, but had no intention of leaving my volly service even if I did get a paid gig. And that I wanted to work as an EMT before I decided to jump feet first into medic classes. He then said, "Well you have to chose...." I was thinking, "Uh I thought you said you were cool with someone wanting a paid gig if you knew about and if they planned on staying...." So I thanked him for his time and left. I like the opportunities there (as I had explained- I could be a EMS teacher as well and their services are more progressive than most). I do want experience and I do want to get to a paid service, but I don't plan on jumping ship. They only require a total of 144 hours a year and 75% attendance at meetings. So it's not unreasonable and not undo-able. What should I have done/said differently? -MetalMedic
  11. More like minced meat! Just kidding. I posted here just a few hours after finding out the results! I had to call my mom first, and then my siblings. -MetalMedic
  12. Those were awesome! -MetalMedic
  13. MetalMedic

    I passed!

    I passed both the written and practical NREMT exams last week! So I'm now officially certified. Should start working with a Volly department in a few weeks (while looking for full time gainful employment). A major thanks to those on the site who offered and provided assistance and support! -MetalMedic
  14. NREMT Written exam= PASSED! Kicked it's behind and didn't even take names! Practical is on Saturday and I'm not worried about that one at all. It's now beer-thirty! -MetalMedic
  15. I'm just so profound. Need I say more? -MetalMedic
  16. Ack my computer is not playing nice, it posted as one letter at first: A. Sigh. Anyway, just touching base, to let you all know I'm doing well. Been MIA because I've been studying for my final exams in class and the NREMT tests. Think I did OK on the practials, but hooked up the O2 too fast on the airway station, so may have to retake that one. Nailed it on everything else, with Trauma practial tonight.... Practial NREMT on 5-14, written TBA, so I may not be posting as much until after that date. -MetalMedic
  17. I'm forever single by choice so I don't have to deal with this relationship stuff! Good luck to you though. That is until I meet my dream doctor and we live happily ever after, right Dwayne? -MetalMedic
  18. It seems logically that scheduling a full timer with another job to take the 24 hour shifts would work better as it would give them more time to schedule their other job around. I digress though. I did highlight the point you are missing in your statements by making it bold. Sometimes the only logical solution is to make the cut across the board. It's easy to ask someone to give up something big, while you don't suffer, but when you are asked to give up a little something, it's not fair. Why should your co-workers have to carry all of the budern for you? It's more logical and fair to have everyone give up a little, than to have a select few give up way more... except now it's a problem you were asked to give something up too. Cutting shift would make some people hostile towards others who were not asked to give up a damn thing. Taking a little something away from everyone wouldn't cause co-worker hositility. Which would be easier to deal with? I would hate to walk around with my nose in the air because I kept my hours and pay, while someone else was forced to sacrifice. I'd be pretty pissed. A pay cut across the board seems like the only equitable (sp?) solution. Why should someone else have to sacrifice for you? Would you do the same for them with out thinking of it? It's only unfair to you know because you are asked to sacrifice as well. It's easy to say you would do something until you are put in that postion. Although you keep saying you would give up your extra shift if you had a second job, you are showing you would do the exact opposite by complaining about possibly losing some of your paycheck. It's easy to take it away from "someone else". In one situation only a few (you not included) would lose money. In this situation, everyone loses money and you are dead set against it. It's OK for everyone else to lose, as long as it's not you? Did I get that right? -MetalMedic
  19. I did something similar this weekend. My son has really really stinky feet. After we ran some errands, I asked him to leave his car door open so we could air out the car. Then we got to packing him for his vaction to see grandma and grandpa out of state. I get up the next morning, realize I'm out of nicotine patches and need to get my son some cough drops for the plane. I go out to run to the pharamacy and low and behold the passenger door is wide open. Some one was on my side that night because I have no idea how I still had a battery, that the rain we were supposed to have didn't come and that the neighborhood cats didn't use it as a litter box! -MetalMedic
  20. Why do you think I'm going into the medical field? Momma needs to find a nice rich doctor! -MetalMedic This is just my witty reply to your smart alec comment. I won't get you in your sleep tonight, but I'd sleep with one eye open....
  21. LOL Possible, but I personally hate the words single and mom together when describing myself. It makes me feel like I am trying to invoke pity or the poor me attitude based on my life circumstances. No one owes me a damn thing because I go it alone. I don't deserve a hand out from the goverment or pity from anyone because I'm tough enough to raise a child alone, work and go to school. Single mother IMHO to me means single woman with kids who complains about her situation. And I strongly believe that a woman who is divorced and the father is active in the life of the child is NOT a single mother, she's a co-parent. So yeah, I'm sure I'll get crucified over my opinion, but that's cool. I prefer a single working woman with child. -MetalMedic
  22. As a parent who has had a child flown to another facility with unknowns, I can totally understand what you are going through. My thoughts are with you and please provide updates when you can. -MetalMedic
  23. Thanks for the advice everyone. I guess the question I am getting at is does anyone wish they had changed the decision they made as far as training/experience? -MetalMedic
  24. I fully understand. The point of the day was to give us exposure so we could understand how dangerous it can be, not necessarly for us to get all the knowledge we could so we can use it on a regular basis. Taken out of context, in a day to just get to know the equipment and NOT have to worry about patient care, it was a blast to play with. Trust me, I couldn't have been any more attententive when they did a mock rapid extracation and it got real. My point was, it was really fun to play with all the big tools I'll never get a chance to play with again. (As I will not be going into fire fighting). So please take it with a grain of salt. -MetalMedic
  25. Right is always right is too simplistic. What is right for the person may not be right for the company, what is right for the company may not be right for an employee. What is right for my family may not be right for your family. Does it make it WRONG? No. Does it make it less right? Depends on the person or outcome. While I may have a full time job, I may still need the extra job to support my family. While I understand your needs, for me my family and their needs have to come first. It would have been honorable for people to step down, but it's not about what others can do to make your life easier, it's about what they can do to support themselves. If I didn't need an "extra" job, I wouldn't have one. For your right is right senario: Lets say I give up my "extra" job which means I make less money. Now I have to chose between electric, rent or food. Sure you have your job, but because I had to work 2 jobs to make ends meet, I've lost my place to live. Would it still have been right for me to give up my hours? Yeah it sucks, and I'd be a little pissed if I were in your shoes too, but sometimes circumstances aren't what they seem. -MetalMedic
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