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Everything posted by Michael

  1. mobey, does "clear" mean after taxes etc.? That's what I'm used to thinking it means. Just for clarification.
  2. Laugh those who wish, but eating a few cherries each day can help. Some say only sour cherries work; I've found dried Bing cherries soaked overnight in a bit of water are effective. Cherries have strong anti-inflammatory properties, as I learned from my doc, who said he chased his arthritis away with cherries on his cereal and in preserves. After several weeks I complained that it did nothing, to which he replied that you have to stick with it for many months (and added something about my being the patient, so I'm supposed to be patient). I eventually got results, even though googling turned up refutation. Other testimonials are for apple-cider vinegar, both internal (diluted 1 tsp : 8 oz. water) and massaged full-strength locally. Raw-food diets are also used. As with all nutrition, the more organically grown and pesticide-free for any of this, the better. (I respectfully decline to debate these principles here; if you disagree, kindly just disregard or state your opposition as you wish, and please argue with someone else.)
  3. Great thread! Things I'd never considered in quite the ways they've been expressed here. :thumbright:
  4. What does a gentleman do standing up, that a lady does sitting down, that (an adult) dog does on three legs? [spoil:43038d6d61]Shake hands, of course. What were you thinking?[/spoil:43038d6d61]
  5. [web:3190eddfc4]http://www.wrongdiagnosis.com/symptoms/green_urine/causes.htm[/web:3190eddfc4]
  6. "If a student was upset, then it was a bad idea." No. It was a bad idea, but not for that reason. If students' being upset were the index of bad ideas, students would never leave their comfort zones, and hence never learn anything. It was a bad idea because the purpose of schooling is so to strengthen students' imaginative and reasoning capacities so that they become able to create inwardly what they would otherwise have to experience outwardly. Conscience and compassion arise from being able invisibly - that is, without physical props - freely to transpose oneself into another's place. Experiencing the undesirability of being tied up is not learning; a beagle can (and must) respond to that. To invoke a figure familiar in these parts, that's training rather than education. To gain valuable experiences through mentally and emotionally participating in a verbal description, a narrative, a drama - offered by a teacher who has gained the trust of pupils by her moral standing and demonstrated empathy - that's education, which can subsequently be abstracted and implemented at will, by choice, through the students' volition. That's what constitutes specifically human learning. It takes a little longer, but the effects endure. I know she meant well, but the teacher ought to be horsewhipped. Oops, what did I say...? :oops:
  7. [web:9de25ee688]http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/12/04/AR2008120403537.html?hpid=topnews[/web:9de25ee688]
  8. Welcome, sorry for the unfortunate occurrence, you're sure to get answers here, and if you've had enough of computer misuse, I suggest that you delete your email address and instead invite posters to PM you through this website.
  9. Dwayne said it was easy to change his handle from EMTB to EMTP to reflect his upgrade. All he did was ask Admin. :wink:
  10. See, I have a problem even with pro/persecution beyond protecting prospective victims and making useful restoration to actual victims, which would not include nourishing their bloodlust. From what I understand, prison doesn't by and large release kinder, gentler individuals into the general population.
  11. I guess I have trouble understanding vengeance.
  12. Speaking of compassion, what would be accomplished by jailing the mother? Preventing her from otherwise rushing out and doing it again unless she's restrained? Who would rightfully gain?
  13. No! Tay-Sachs! Tay-Sachs!
  14. [web:a8ee41d596]http://www.nationalpost.com/news/story.html?id=992946&rss[/web:a8ee41d596]
  15. To ensure a realistic depiction of her caregivers, they should be portrayed as compassionate, resourceful, proficient, personable, focused, abounding in tasteful, reassuring humor, selfless, and ingenious. They should be the kind of people you want on your side, but that should be easy to accomplish, so long as they are offered at least minimal cooperation, a modicum of appreciation, and the respect that is their due simply as human beings. That will help them provide their patient a normal, industry-standard level of satisfaction.
  16. Is there any other way to do it? But of course you're right, thanks.
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