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Everything posted by JTpaintball70

  1. Does anyone have the Brady/Bledsoe 5 vol medic book set they're willing to sell? Need one cheaper than retail soonish

  2. It might be like here in TX where halfway through the Medic program a lot of programs will let you sit for the EMT-I testing. I still don't quite understand it, since I'd never heard of a program like that in NM or CO.
  3. Unfortunately my service transports codes. I hate it and feel that it's dangerous for the crew and not beneficial at all for the patient. If I had my way, all codes would be worked on scene and only tansported if ROSC was regained on scene.
  4. NM EMT-I written is tomorrow morning... Should be interesting.

    1. spenac


      Well are you now an emt-idiot I mean intermediate? lol

    2. JTpaintball70


      I'm already a TX EMT-I and NR EMT-I :P And I think it went well, but have to wait for results to come in the mail.

  5. You'll be administering meds, starting lines, doing assessments, trying to get tubes, and generally doing whatever the docs and nurses tell you to do. But on the other hand, I'm not sure what EMT-B clinicals are like since I never had to do them.
  6. What state are you certified in? That makes a big difference
  7. Easter NM University, IIRC, is offering an online AAS to EMS/Management course. University of NM might as well, along with a physical (classroom) critical care EMT-P BS degree.
  8. Have to head to the city today to fill out paperwork so I can register for P-school in the Spring :) I'd say that counts as official notice I'm in, huh?

    1. spenac


      About time you slacker. j/k. Is Leland in charge there or was that Midland?

    2. JTpaintball70


      I think Midland. Steve Barry is in charge of the Medic program at OC. And trust me I think it's a year too long in coming to get back in :P

  9. Congrats man. I'm sure you'll do your service and all of us proud That's going to be one hell of an emotional day
  10. The license suspension will keep you from driving by a lot of private service standards. I know both private services I've worked for (granted it's NM and CO), any DUI in the last 5 years or suspension in the same amount of time made you ineligible to be hired at all.
  11. Just to let you know, from what I've been told by EMTs I know in OC, for basics it's a crap shoot to get any kind of EMS job. There are so many EMTs out there it's ridiculous.
  12. Not quite in your situation, but I rolled a TypeII when I hit black ice on the interstate responding mutual aid to our sister service one county over in NM... It sucked. I'm glad you guys made out ok!
  13. IT's been a long week, but I just got my provisional acceptance to a medic program through a CC starting in January :)

  14. Crotchity, would you call me a bad EMT because the call I'm going to is not dealing with violence at all, but we wait for PD because the address was flagged that EMS was assaulted the last time they were there on a similar call? I can tell you that I value my safety over teh safety of anyone who might happen to be my patient. Just like is drilled into all of us day 1 in MFR or Basic classes, and reiterated every time we go higher in education (in EMS anyway)
  15. Never seen Lone Stars, but both of them are awesome!
  16. After working in a hospital for 9 months (on almost every floor plus the ED at various times) I have to say that we don't have anything on nurses when it comes to gossip. Maybe it was the fact that 95% of the staff at my hospital was women, but it was bad. It's why I never hung around any nurses station if I could help it.
  17. Same here. MY service uses them for drug boxes in each of our units.
  18. Almost done with my first week as second man on a truck :) I love this service. I'm on call till 0600 tomorrow, then 4 days off :D

    1. JTpaintball70


      And Spenac, Joe is treating me very well :)

    2. spenac


      Glad to hear it. The people I know there seem to be pretty decent people. Glad you are happy with the job.

  19. Tonight's my first 24 after third riding is over :)

    1. maverick56


      woohoo! congrats - i'm still waiting.

    2. spenac


      So is ol Joe treating you good?

  20. On this patient I most likely woldn't have done an IO. There's too many ways to give Narcan that would work. You could give IN or IM and get good results. How was her respiratory pattern? If it was adequate I would have just left her alone and only given narcan to stop respiratory depression, not bring her completely awake.
  21. If you're a medic you pretty much have to have ACLS and PALS/PEPP/whatever the NAEMT's pedi course is. I hope as a medic you have PHTLS instead of BTLS. AMLS might be good as well. But really it all comes down to getting some solid career medic experience. BEcome a good, educated medic.
  22. From what I've seen (I've been looking at working here in W. TX for 3-5 years as a medic before I try to get on with ATcEMS), they don't care too much about FF, they're more interested in LPs with good, solid experience and the appropriate add-on certs.
  23. Finally made it to TX. In the hotel now. Gonna go wander around looking for 'For Rent' signs and go find the local hospital

    1. spenac


      Welcome to Texas. Keep us updated.

  24. Until EMS decides to actually educate providers, we have no business diagnosing in the field and telling people they don't need to be going to the hospital by ambulance. Simply put, US EMS standards are that backwards.
  25. Yes! I get to start work on Monday :D

    1. spenac


      Congratulations. Enjoy it.

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