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Just Plain Ruff

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Status Updates posted by Just Plain Ruff

  1. How long does it take to rent out a single freaking car. 17 minutes that's how long..

  2. Thanks to the expedia commercial, I now hate and I mean hate the name Anandra. At one time I actually liked it. Major bummer factor.

  3. Gosh this chiefs team sucks. Another interception thrown. I see another touchdown in the Bills future.

  4. First soccer game of the season for Liam and boy is he stoked.

  5. Ran 1.1 miles straight. Whoda thunk it

  6. Selling popcorn for boy/cub scouts. If anyone wants to order some really good popcorn please fire me an email off to ruffems@gmail.com and I'll send you the link to order so that it gets credited for my son and his troop.

  7. Heard a song from casting crowns today and I could have sworn one of the lyrics was "we were made to be cremated" but listening further its actually. Created not cremated. I need to check my sugar I guess.

    1. snoopy911


      its ok, you know the song that goes worthy is the lamb, worthy is the lamb, you are worthy. I used to think it was wooly is the lamb, when i was a kid. my mom noticed me singing it one day and cracked up

  8. Great run tonight. 0.8 mile run then 5 min walk then another 0.8 mile run. Friday has me running 1 mile then 5 min walk then a mile again.

  9. Got a lot of work done this AM, My daughter fell asleep on my chest, she's napping now, Jenny is at work and I had a great lunch and during lunch I saw one of my favorite NCIS episodes. Now back to work to finish out what was promised.

  10. My son wrote on his homework that I am the best dad in the worldx. That coming from the best son made it so sweet.

  11. Beautiful run at my wifes dads land. Through the trails and saw 4 deer and a couple of other varmints. 59 degrees with a nice breeze. Tough hills but great run

  12. Culvers is so expensive

    1. ERDoc


      But their fries are the best.

    2. HERBIE1


      Gotta love their chocolate shakes too. They're finally building one near me!

  13. I finally had a bad burger from Five Guys. Over cooked and quite Crispy. Fries sort of sucked too so I only had like 10 fries. The only thing good was reading the newest issue of Runners World on my nook.

  14. I love what I do, I love my family and I love what I've done in my 43 years of life. It can only get better from here on out.

    1. uglyEMT


      Congrats Ruff. You are the richest and wealthiest man if you have hose three things! =)

    2. tcripp


      Where's the like button?

  15. Why did that just post 3 times?

  16. Why did that just post 3 times?

  17. Adam, why are you awake. go to bed

  18. Adam, why are you awake. go to bed

  19. Adam, why are you awake. go to bed

  20. what would possess someone to eat their lunch while taking a dump?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Just Plain Ruff

      Just Plain Ruff

      Walked into a bathroom. Guy taking a dump. Making noises like he was cutting food in a styrofoam tray. He finished doing his business and comes out of the stall with a Hospital styrofoam tray with the remnants of his lunch. I asked him "Did you eat in there" and he said "Yes" I said "Wierd" he said nothing.

    3. thrutheashes


      ummm.....wow......yeah.....wow.covers it........

    4. Don1977


      Its called recycling.......lol

  21. New Favorite music group We are the Fallen they will be in KC MO on June 30 at the power and light district. They sound like Evanescence but better songs.

  22. New Favorite music group We are the Fallen they will be in KC MO on June 30 at the power and light district. They sound like Evanescence but better songs.

  23. New Favorite music group We are the Fallen they will be in KC MO on June 30 at the power and light district. They sound like Evanescence but better songs.

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