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Just Plain Ruff

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Status Updates posted by Just Plain Ruff

  1. So im going to miss my connection to grand rapids all because some idiot in maintenance forgot to order a navigation light after he used the last bulb. Fricking rediculous. Means I wont get in until at least 3 pm or later subsequently missing a very important meeting. Can I bill Delta for time lost?

    1. spenac


      Ask them. Maybe they will at least give you some flight credits.

    2. Kaisu


      no.. but if you have to sit by a really fat dude they may offer you some travel vouchers

  2. On a lighter note. I have two syringes of insulin, a tube of toothpaste and 3 chapsticks and I never take them out. I have never been questioned.

  3. Spent a good part of the night up with colicky Kat. She was miserable.

  4. Can matter be created or destroyed? Liams question of the day

  5. Good thanksgiving with the fam but would have been bettet if "hubert" the headache hadnt made his daily appearance. 15days straight hes appeared. Go home hubert.

    1. spenac


      Theres meds for your imaginary friends you know.

  6. Does anyone dislike that Target girl in the holiday target commercials? I don't think they could have gotten a more irritating woman for their commercial.

    1. Tyler_EMT


      I wouldn't mind back handing her.

  7. Cleveland football, what the heck was that lateral pass? Looked horrible.

    1. spenac


      Cleveland has a football team?

  8. So this new show "You Deserve It!" where contestants play for money to give to a deserving person. So when they made the announcement I kept waiting for Ashton Kutcher to come out and tell her "You Got PUnkd'

  9. So CNN Is quizzing some people on Out Front show and the only reason why the supercommittee failed is because the republicans refused to make any concessions at all, it was all the republican's fault. I didn't expect anything less from CNN though.

  10. did anyone else predict that the uprising and democratic movement in Egypt to end badly and with the military taking it to the protestors in the streets. 35 dead, hundreds injured and who said that they didn't see this coming? Same with Libya..

  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0yyoncZTnGU&feature=relmfu Mayhem commercials that you may or may not have seen. Some are truly hilarious.
  12. I refuse to subject my friends to any stupid take your first 10 friends and plug them in to this silly saying or whatnot.

  13. Guy checking IDs was a real asshole today. Rude to everyone. Discussed his attitude with his boss as did the majority of people he pissed off. He was moved to a less assholish position.

  14. Listening to a player piano whose batteries are about dead. Song playing "the hour waltz"

  15. Have we hit the time where we are debated out? I can think of at least 6 republican debates already. I think I'm debated out.

    1. Reaver


      who ever we get is just gonna be a puppet anyway.

  16. My wife is feeling pretty poorly today. She had a very rough night and Katerina is suffering through big time colic and on her 2nd medication for it. It's working a little bit but it's still rough. Please keep her in your thoughts. Thanks

    1. scubanurse


      Hang in there guys :) one day you'll just pray you were waiting up with a colic kid and not because she's out on her first date...

    2. DFIB


      In our thoughts and prayers ruff.

  17. Just what is Carnauba Wax?

    1. Chief1C


      Not just a coconut scented car wax, I use it on the ambulance. It's called palm wax, from palm leaves dunno what kind of palm leaf. But I know that they use it to make M&M's "melt in your mouth, not in your hand".

  18. KCI airport, a dedicated airline crew line would keep people like me from being pissed off when 8 crew members arrive and cut in front of everyone. Just sayin

  19. Spending tje night in my sons room on a father son camp out. Good times.

    1. tcripp


      Really - where is the like button? Enjoy it while you can. :D

    2. Just Plain Ruff

      Just Plain Ruff

      only problem, pulled my back out by sleeping on the floor. 6 vicodin later and im still hurting.

  20. So am in a small enclosed shelter waiting for the parking bus. Guy and gal both light up. Smoke fills the area. I cut a big silent fart and they get mad. Silent justice I say.

    1. xstreetsweeperx


      Who doesn't do that?

  21. Anothet funny. Lady getting off the plane said "look at all those people getting the hell out of michigan". Another person said they are leaving because you returned!!!!

  22. So why do restaurants try to put those dining alone in the bar? Its like purgatory for dining.

  23. Security annonces overhead that a set of keys were left in the gate area. They said tjat the keys look like tjey fit some sort of lock. Ya think

    1. spenac



    2. Kiwiology


      dude its TSA what you expect

  24. First time in 11 years, read my departure time wrong and missed my flight. Next flight out at 545 pm. Totally bummed.

    1. spenac


      Sorry mi amigo. Hope your day improves.

    2. Happiness


      sympathy sleep deprivaion :)

  25. Who felt the earthquake at 10:53 pm sat night.

    1. Chief1C


      I was three sheets to the wind at that point.

    2. xstreetsweeperx


      Where was the earthquake?

    3. Chief1C
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