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Just Plain Ruff

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Everything posted by Just Plain Ruff

  1. Dude, not trying to be a ahole, but she's not my type. In the places I've worked, the people having the most sex in our service were not the most attractive. We called them station rats. I know bad nickname but it was common knowledge that if you wanted "some" all you had to do is let someone know and it was only a matter of time before one of the rat's (this was male and female) would be around the station soon after. I had a steady girlfriend and now a wife, so I was never desparate enough to engage in this activity.
  2. well this happens all over the country. not sure why this is a huge major revelation. It's just hidden better than in Vegas, Besides, I thought what the hell went on in Vegas stayed in vegas. Her numbers are pretty impressive though. This story really is a non-story though. the only reason why its in the news is the shock factor of this ladies revelations and the fact the chief is on the way out. I worked in a service with 3 letters in it, and people were hooking up left and right, it was well known it was happening, and it was against the rules but nothing was ever done about it because well it was between consenting adults.
  3. My experience has been that the services I used to work for would just discard the wounded medic and hire a new soon to be wounded medic. One situation I dealt with was not suicide related but opioid dependent related based on an on the job injury. It got so bad that after several of this person's co-workers went to him and he yelled at us to "Mind our own fucking busineness" we then went to managment after he would sleep all shift and not take care of patients. Also bad judgement calls and other things. Management's response was to suspend him, then work to transition him out where he was out of a job. A shitty way for management to treat someone who was injured on the job and then suffered the long term consequences. This happened to a 2nd person at the same place. The mantra at work was "don't tell em you got hurt, deal with it" I've dealt with at least one if not two suicidal work colleagues and once that cat is out of the bag, for many services you are persona non grata. sad to say it but it's easier to let that person go then to deal with them. Again, reiterating, tread lightly and get involved but be careful, collateral damage often occurs.
  4. Well i actually was gonna put "You angry bro" in big text but I just couldn't bear to do that so I just asked if he was angry. I only wonder what Dust's reply would have been but I can imagine that at his Heyday it would have been pretty epic. does anyone want to channel their inner Dust and make a reply? What I really do find comical is that it took a 10 year old post to get someone so riled up. You have to really dig deep to find something 10 years old on this site.
  5. This is a minefield. You cannot help someone who doesn't want to be helped. EMS agencies tend to not do so well in helping their own. They tend to push them off and make the person deal with it on their own. If she truly is a danger to patients, you better be sure of that accusation, then you can report her to the STATE and let them work on it, but you need to be sure before making that accusation, an accusation like that if unfounded could ruin a person's career. Tread lightly on this one. Again, this is a minefield.
  6. Dustdevil, he's been dead for years but even in death, he can still really really really piss someone off. DUDE, I bet you didn't realize Dust died a number of years ago,but we won't hold that against you, I'm sure you had no idea. But, I'll bet you he can't make it to your little pissing match unless you want to go meet him where he is which would be quite unadvisable. But seriously, you angry bro? Way to resurrect a 10 year old thread. At least you did it in Style.
  7. lawyers don't need to chase em anymore, they just throw on a gps tracking device and go from there. or use a drone.
  8. well, the last time a crew left me a nasty thing like that, I made them scrub the pants. They may have also found something in their locker. Maybe a week old can of tuna or something along that line.
  9. Did you find any info out on that KYEMP program other than what I posted?
  10. just make sure that unlike some of the services that I used to work at, have a strict policy that after use, the mast dont just get folded up and put back in the bag or box, they get a thorough cleaning. Ever opened a mast pants box after a couple of weeks in a hot outer compartment of your ambulance and the last crew who used them on a bloody trauma didn't clean them correctly???? I mean you had to use them on this critical patient but Jeesh, they really stunk. yeah, I was just being sarcastic, bad day at work leads to sarcasm on forum. Bad ruff, bad bad. smacks nose with rolled up printer paper.
  11. Just think of how much money the C-collar manufacturers stand to lose if we go away completely from C-collars.
  12. a quick google search got me this http://www.topix.com/forum/city/lexington-ky/TLA4LPF8NNJJ3LOHG and here http://www.topix.com/forum/city/lexington-ky/TV3VGA574GCFD66UC But some of the comments are written by what I consider, people who didn't go there. Take with grain of salt.
  13. that's a fine line, I need to think more on that, not dodging the question, but needing to think more on that poignant question.
  14. that info I posted before you posted your response was in NO way directed at you my friend. It was sort of a cautionary tale to anyone who reads it.
  15. I also wanted to add, it seems also that everyone takes offense at something. Someone who I listen to on the radio quite frequently often says, You don't have the RIGHT to be offended, you can dislike what I say but my right to say what I say does not give you the right to be offended at what I say. You can dislike what I say but I have the right to say it. You have absolutely ZERO constitutional right to be offended. There are people out there who are saying that the constitution does not protect against hate speech, well, that's exactly what the constitution protects. And that statement comes from someone that I mainly disagree with, Bill Maher. So remember, facebook is everywhere, camerphones are everywhere and big brother is everywhere. This is a prime time to go over one more thing, What you post on facebook regarding your work or your activity outside of work, it can and often does come back to hurt you and often it comes back to get you fired. NO patient info, no call information and definately nothing that would identify a patient. If you do post that on the internet even in a private forum, don't cry about it when it comes back to get you.
  16. yes, the internet, the thing that remembers forever even if you don't. Facebook wasn't a thing when I was in college, thankfully so. I said plenty of stupid and mean things but would be hard pressed to prove I said them unless you could find the witnesses to them. But now, you gotta watch your tongue in whatever you say, wherever you say it because everyone of us has a phone and you NEVER Know who is watching. some of my friends have lost out of jobs or were fired because of what they posted on the internet.
  17. did you call the service's that you rode with during your classes? Why didn't you get the 2 patient observations prior to taking your test, I thought that was a requirement before taking your test? maybe not. but Call those services you rode with and see if you can get one more shift.
  18. why are you asking? There has to be a reason. There are really only a couple of reasons why people with 0 posts come here and ask this question 1. you had it happen to you 2. You had it happen to you 3. you had it happen to a friend or a loved one 4. 1 or 2 or 3 happened and something bad happened as an outcome and you are here to get our expert opinion so you can now call an attorney and sue the hell out of that ambulance service 5. None of the above and you are just curious or starting out in EMS and you have an enquiring mind. My bet is on #4 so I'm not saying anything that will help you until you tell us more about why you are asking.
  19. I mean Doc, aren't you supposed to treat all pain with 2.0 mg Dilaudid er I mean Dilaupid until proven otherwise?
  20. don't forget Ebola and a isolated stubbed toe injury that had turned gangrenous that you won't find until the scenario is over and that gangrene ends up killing the patient because you didn't transport to one of the only two hospitals in your region that can take care of Ebola and isolated gangrenous stubbed toe syndrome. So in essence, NO SOUP FOR YOU!! But seriously, I think you are making a mountain out of a molehill, but then again, maybe you will get a scenario with a plane crash into a molehill.
  21. Our 1998 braun had the same set up. We transported 3 patients 4 patients out of one wreck, 1 hanging, one on the bench, and one on the cot. adn finally one on the captains chair.
  22. And his hazard lights. It looks like he was having a lot of fun.
  23. that scene is a great one from The Jerk, what a great movie, they don't make em like that anymore. And when he walks through the shit and just keeps on going, that's classic.
  24. Ok, so the night is over, so what happened.
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