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Everything posted by gvandellen

  1. Not sure about NO but look up Helox and there might be a similarity between them are some other info for research.
  2. Even your dead body is worth a tip...Didn't realize that did you? 2 years working hospital pt transport prior to working as an ER tech showed me that. There is an unwritten rule that funeral homes (not ME's) tip the guy $5 to get the transporter down quickly so they don't have to wait and to help them put the body on the stretcher. We took it because at our wage it was nice to have some money for dinner for once. It really didn't rush us to the morgue but it was nice to be the guy down there for the $5. I used to have a few patients try to tip me when I would bring them to their cars and I would decline and say to take that money and put it in the next donation jar they see where ever they are and that feels a lot better then taking it. A few people literally shoved cash in my pocket before they got in their car and refused to take it back so I ate good for dinner that night. Tips are not evil and they shouldn't be expected, they are not payment, some people just don't know how to say thanks without money. It's a flaw that many are willing to accept because money is pretty and it can buy stuff. :-)
  3. This quote from the sticker your pov thread got me thinking about a few occasions when I was taking the train into the city for medic school last year. We had to wear our uniforms to class and people seeing it on the train would sometimes ask me medical questions. I usually told them their problem was either A)something logical or B)most likely cancer to screw with them. It was a remote possibility but they should call a family doctor for testing. All kidding aside; is it me or do you find it strange for someone to ask a complete stranger medical advice?
  4. To continue the education EMTDON970 states that D50 was given to a cardiac arrest pt. If you had ACLS you will know that hypoglycemia is a H of the H's and T's of Asystole assuming a BGL was checked and was low. So it could have been correct. What medics do is based on knowledge as well as state protocols with options based on the pts presentation. If you would like us to judge if a medics actions were justified then we need every detail of the scene. SAMPLE, OPQRST, Pt environment, age, sex, I, II, and III lead print out at a minimum, BGL, family history is possible, head to toe physical assessment, and other information. The medic is responsible for his actions and if you feel, for your education, after a call if you would like to know why or why not something was done then a good medic will explain it to you post call. To question their decision on a call is arrogant and unless the are starting an IV in the eyeball your there to assist them with pt care as they are the one that has to answer to medical command since they are the higher level of care. If you want to debate their decision become a paramedic.
  5. I'm just curious to see if and how many people have EMS stickers (State sticker, NR sticker, Star-of-Life, or EMS bumper stickers) on their POV for the reasons of A)Think it looks cool so you need as many as possible; B)Think it will help get you out of a ticket; or C)Have them because you are proud to be part of EMS. Any other reason? Why does EMS feel the need to have stickers? I personally have one PA paramedic sticker and one Star of Life on my SUV and I have a Star of Life on each side of my boat engine as it keeps Fish and Wildlife wardens from taking up to much time from my fishing on a license stop. It used to take me 20 minutes on a stop before I put the Star of Life on my boat and now I just show my license and I'm on my way. Have you ever seen an advantage like this on your POV?
  6. I agree with ccmedoc about not trying to take the call personally. When did my paramedic ride time my preceptor reminded me on every call that would induce a higher level of stress (codes, shootings, or child vs auto) because he could see I was getting a little worked up is that these are not OUR emergencies. We are only there to prevent further injury to the best of our ability based on education. You were called to help someone and you were not the primary caregiver. The actions you took were based on your education being overseen someone confident in your abilities and allowed you to proceed. We get called to really bad places that 99.99% of the population couldn't even remotely understand and at the age you saw this happen is unfortunate but talking to someone will help. We can and do help people, but what happens before we get there is not our fault. It's a sad world some days and children are hurt by the very people put on this earth to protect them but that is life. Every event has a story that we only get a little piece of but as you progress with training you will see that what happened wasn't your fault. It's scary to think what you did might have hurt someone but you know that in your heart you did the right thing even if it was just being there.
  7. City medicine vs suburb medicine. I Love It!!! I saw it when I was doing my clinical in Philly vs my busy suburb hospital that does a full panel with C-collars, and head CT to rule out bleeds. No patients gets out of our hospital upset and drunk. Ya get tied down for your safety vs the city where they just watch them walk out and don't even blink about it.
  8. D5 Lactated Ringer's the day after my bachelor party...IV started by fiancee after 3 attempts because I was so dehydrated. 3 bags hanging from the ceiling.
  9. I'm just curious but isn't it contraindicated to use MAST pants with a chest and head injury?
  10. I think that dropping the charges will work in the favor of the MD's. Think about it. Why would a judge think that A&B on a MD would be allowed??? Because he wasn't in his right mind and if he wasn't in his right mind then he couldn't refuse a test...Catch 22
  11. If anybody has watched trauma team at work then you know this case has no merit. A patient is log rolled of a spine board, the patient's back is checked for step off, and a quick rectal is done. It's procedure and it is done in the best interest of the patient for any possible spinal injury. They tell you about 2 seconds before the finger goes in. If he objected then it was while the finger was in and then he freaked. Of course the hospital will settle out of court and he will walk away with money.
  12. EMS Flight is handled by Maryland State Police in Maryland at no cost to patients at all as it as seen as a service to people in the state. They would be a great place for info.
  13. Good job....Should take about a 3-4 weeks for the state. I just got mine last this week when I finished in early Dec when we were at Star. Now if I can just find a job.......
  14. Who said that there was an ambulance??? They could have walked her... :twisted:
  15. My friend had a call recently where a girl wanted to commit suicide...BAD!!! She took a bunch of pills, alcohol, and smoked crack. The handful of pills didn't kill her so she sliced her neck. She didn't die...so she sliced each arm from wrist up the forearm to the bone and sat in a tub of water. 12 hours have elapsed now and her family finds her alive but out cold in a tub of water. They call 911 and take her to the hospital having to start an IO due to lack of access. Some people just aren't meant to die..... NOW... Enjoy the STORY!!!! This post is for this thread and meant to be enjoyed....I do not know any other details of the case. Not how much water was in the tub, what the pills were, what type of IO used, what color her hair was, if she was extracted by a special team of experts that without would harm the patient, or whatever other mundane details that nitpickers need to know.
  16. Read This: http://www.emedicine.com/med/topic1983.htm I used this for a paper on LQTS... G
  17. Ok I have to add my favorite for fun... Most nursing home patients suffer from TMB....To Many Birthdays and my favorite d/c instructions seen on an ER board... ECU...Eternal Care Unitl
  18. I checked and we both should get our letters same day....Good luck on the CBT retest StC.
  19. There are only two groups that you can target in the community if you want for money and education should be directed towards them. Parents of small children and the elderly. No one else cares. You can play off the fears of parents that an allergic reaction could happen to their child or could choke at any moment. Just put up one billboard in a town that says "A paramedic can help your choking child....Does your town have enough?" See if any money comes in after city hall gets 300 phone calls. Just a thought...
  20. Unstable Afib, IV, Maybe sedate, Shock 50J BiPhasic, (cross fingers)...He's on Dig, Lasix, and ASA so there is a cardiac history to suggest Afib.
  21. Having just taken the both written and practical I really don't remember any drug questions other then the effect one might have on the body. For your IV station you are only going to be given a basic drug that is easy to calculate for administration. Don't worry about seeing some oddball drug like Decadron that most systems don't even carry. Just know the drugs that are in all your ACLS, PALS, and the few like Narcan and Dextrose.
  22. Thank God....I kept waiting for your post to show up here......
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