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Everything posted by spenac

  1. Used to work in a system where we did lots of treat and release. We would not transport any patient that was non emergent. If it was something we could fix we would. If they needed some type of care but not emergency we provided them with the information and even information of services available to help them get to the treatment they needed. Sadly after those of us that were competent moved on the new EMS crews adopted the you call we haul philosophy because it was easier than doing what the patient actually needed.
  2. Wow you need to learn to read. He doesn't want step by step he only wants stap by stap. But for the OP you really need somewhere in the neighborhood of 1.5 million dollars to start. Takes about 500K per year to operate 1 ambulance on the cheap and for at least 3 years you have to be able to expect basically no income. If things go right maybe you make some money but probably no where near break even in the first 3 years unless you decide to commit fraud.
  3. And who deteremines what the average citizen needs? As Chase has continually pointed out handguns have been used in more crimes than so called assualt rifles, so are you going to take away all handguns to?
  4. Ban would then create another black market that would lead to more violent crime. People would smuggle as they do drugs.
  5. Who is reasonable? That is way to open for opinion. It along with gun control, politics, etc will be hard to honestly determine. I would say you are extreme. You would say I am extreme. So who is reasonable? Just another unsolvable debate. The only fact is that knee jerk reactions often lead to consequences not intended by those writing laws and policy.
  6. So they have have many more homicides involving guns yet have stricter gun control laws. You can be arrested for having an empty shell casing in your possession.
  7. You forgot Mexico. 16.9 per 100,000 and has some of the toughest gun laws there are.
  8. I wonder if as some say that the writers of the constitution were to stupid to understand that weapons would change in the future and really just wanted everyone to have a musket like some claim? If they were that stupid seems the document would never have survived. I am sure they realize that the history of weapons was always progressing. Started with bare hands, rocks, sticks. Then slings to speed rocks up. Spears and bow and arrows of different sorts as time went by. Then some black powder weapons of many sorts. Surely they understood that those that would be attacking would continue to progress with their types of weapons thus would expect that a person would be able to have equal or better to defend themselves. But maybe you are right that they were just ignorant people and did not know history so really just meant a musket was all that was allowed, though I could not find that written anywhere in the constitution.
  9. Man doc you are the master of the trivial. Do you ever treat patients? lol
  10. Saw this on another site and it should put an end to the discussion.
  11. I told everyone I was stabbed in the butt but it was just a toilet paper cut. Ice Ice baby
  12. Please just don't allow the knee jerk reaction to remove intubation because of this one medics failure.
  13. No reason for a medic to ever bring a patient in with an improperly placed tube. To many checks and balances that should be in place to help catch a displaced tube as soon as it occurs. Can't believe the idiots statement to you doc. Sounds like a confession if incompetence on his/her part. I suggest you contact his/her service and suggest a major airway refresher course.
  14. Why is this news? I've delivered more babies in the ambulance, In peoples houses and cars than I care to recall and have never been in the news for it. Babies are born every day. Delivery, so easy a monkey could do it.
  15. Don't worry that old goat herder will be back. Somebody start a relgous discussion that will force his hand for sure.
  16. Well life continues for now. But will we make it out of December? Soon we shall see.
  17. Hard to explain how the minor trauma became a major burn.
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