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Everything posted by krumel

  1. Okay, I know your problem, had the same one once: First of all: DO NOT FIRE HIM. Normally this would make those people to an real pain in the ass. THEN: DO NOT MOB HIM. When he got a good attorney he might sue you to hell. Because of this: Go the Quality management way. Introduce a new rule for all members where you know that he won't follow. We started having three mandatory trainings a year. When you are absent in more than one training: You're no longer allowed to work. Make it clear to all members that this is a quality management process. (If one of the "good one's" cant follow the training find a way to let him/her stay) If this doesn't work: Introduce a policy that certain physical requirements are needed to work. (etc. BMI, a sports test, etc.) Also you could try to introduce some absolulty mandatory rules for the things he like to do (for example: A rule that only certain persons may use scanners/radios, that people are strictly not allowed to speak with the event officials as long they aren't ordered to, etc.) Normally he will get annoyed and leave by himself within a very short time.
  2. Most calls are "Moritz 3" (Alcohol intox). Also described as "1...2....3...Haaaavvee fun" by some dispatchers.
  3. Yeah, very sad for the station when its manned with people who may be that unprofessional.... and I do not mean THOSE being accused of a little hanky panky. There are exactly 3(maybe 5) people that should care of it: The two colleagues, the station chief and if they exist the colleagues individual fiance. The rest of the staff simply should not care about it. I'm advocate for having an hanky panky at work, indeed I'm strongly against it. But mainly I'm against all the chattter that is involve with such an rumor. THAT rumor is more unprofessional than those two were eventually. I saw two many very good "working relationsships" break apart by rumors on a level that would fit in in junior high instead of an professional EMS. Even if they commited the "crime" of having intercourse at the station: Who cares? As long none else get any harm and it only happend once: So what? Errare humanum est (making a mistake is human). And certainly nothing anyone should give out about it aside from the chiefs.
  4. Great one. Hope someone will free the German freighter that has recently been captured by the same pirates, too. Obvisously the Germans are again to stupid for that.... "My" Country had the world famous GSG9 in Place to board the freighter but they couldn't make it because the department/secretary of the interior and the defense secretery couldn't come to an arrangement which responsibliity the hole operation could be......
  5. Dunno if they have one;) We definitly do not. When you understand the reason that made them made this it seems pretty clever: They needed an First Responder vehicle for their EMT's and Docs that provide the healthcare service for the factory. They had trainees in the factory that every year make an "special porsche project". So they had the car for free. And they wanted a car that could transport a non critical person on a stretcher (for example to bring a small wound to the doc), an real ambulance wasn't needed an wouldn't be handy cause it would get inside the factory halls. For everything "real urgent" they are required to call the regular cities EMS by law. So even this sounds like an mad idea, they had pretty clever reasons for it. But still: Cool looking car:D
  6. Well..Everythings possible. Porsche (trainee's) made an Cayenne Ambulance for their factory EMS. Source: Autokiste.de THAT THING IS CRAMPED.
  7. Damm it. I was nearly breaking my neck while laughing.
  8. Saddest call ever was on 12/25 a few years ago. One colleague of the other station in the county had an kid with some rare chronical disease(don't know the name, occurs 2 or 3 time worldwide per year). It was clear this sweet little boy had to die sometimes but the week before christmas his health got worse. We tried everything to get his dad off the schedule but simply couldn't make it. Too many members were ill, two were somewhere in the alps and couldnt be reached... On that day we got called to the house of my colleague with the code "pediatric respiratory arrest". They dispatch an heli with us, staffed with the pediatric CCU team. Only a minute later we heared that the other station had to respond to an "minor respiratory problem". When we arrived the mother (an former ICU nurse from the local hospital and EMT-I herself) was already doing CPR. We tried it for about an hour until the ped. called it. Then the unbelievable happend: On of the first responders -we thought they were aware of the situation because this colleague is also the chief instructors of all first responders within the hole country- called dispatch "declared death, name XYZ, back to station" (this is here the normal procedure) right after the other unit called dispatch they were enroute back to station. So my colleaguue got informed about the death of his son by radio.... The hole county was hit by a million bricks of sadness the next days.... No matter of FD, PD, everyone.
  9. BTW: About what age group are we talking? elementary school i guess?
  10. Normally I would say: Fake BUUUUTTT its Berlusconi, one of the greatest i***** the world has ever seen. Recent quote after the italian earth quake with over 250 death and 100.000 made homeless: "People, you have to see this as an camping trip!". Said directly in the face to people who had to spend the night without an place in a tent, without having a field bed and who lost everything, including family members.
  11. Bluetooth. Even when not FDA certified, this device is working exactly with what I think you meant: http://www.corpuls.com/en/corpuls3.html You can "break apart" the hole system so you take the "monitor" while the patient box lays on the stretcher and the defib is carried by your trainee;) But back to topic: Here's my "I want" List..The first one is the most important one, the second one is less important, etc. 1. Blue tooth capabilitiy to separate the patient box (and maybe the defib part) from the monitor as well as an solution to transfer event records, etc. to the ED. 2. The system has to be as lightweight as possible, needs a good way to connect to the stretcher as well an design of the hull to be carried by the provider in as many positions as possible. The optimum of course would be a system that is so small that you can put it in your bag/rucksack. 3. I want a system that has TWO batteries and that loads them automatically when I put in its mount in the ambulance. And I want an place for one or two extra batteries within the vehicle mount. (hope you understand me.... couldn't find out how this thing is called.) AND I want the system to tell me how long it's batteries might last in the current mode. 4. I want an system that has an multi-color monitor that I can read from even if the sun shines onto us. And an sound system with different warning sounds that make me recognize the type of the alarm and the severity of the alarm by the sound. (anyone from the ICU's might know what I want... the feeding pump often has an much more disturbing alarm than the respirators) 5. I want an system that can print as minimum 3 (better 6) leads simultaneously, that has an event recorder that give me the ability to print events that were 60 sec. before I pressed the "PRINT" button and that gives me an good way to document based on what situation I'm in (f.e. when in AED/arrest mode the system buttons are "intubation" "epi", etc. while in "normal mode" the buttons might be "i.V. obtained", etc." 6. I want buttons to the get to all important features directly (a must is: AED and manual defib mode, changing the leads and lead-presets, the amplitude, the pacer mode, the print and even recorder mode) and I want those buttons grouped logically and coded by color so I can identify them even in an dark surrounding (and BTW: I want buttons that are backlighted) 7. I want a system that has all its essential part redundant and that constanly checks them, including the important cables and modules. No more broken defib cables that worked perfectly fine at the beginning of the shift. 8. I want an universal plug for the defib pads, an invasive pressure measurement system that is compatible with the all big systems used within the ICU'S. 9. I want an system that can work with user levels. The BLS provider only is allowed to use the AED mode, when the ALS provider arrives he identifies himself somehow (I thought about fingerprint, but thats not that good because you have to took your gloves off...Maybe something like an "keyless go" system like many cars have?) 10. and of course: I want the hole system complete idiot prove. And of course, this should cost at least ten bucks;) Because otherwise my chief want buy it
  12. Well...A few weeks ago we had that call to the "best hotel in the hole city". As an arrest was reported we stopped directly in front of the main entrance, the place where normally only the limos are allowed to stop. Well... Patient wasn't that sick (mainly hyperventilation) and waked with us to the rig... And then...Well... When I tried starting the engine all it did was a long and loud "BLLLLLOOOONNNGG". Afterwards everything (including lights in the patient compartment, the radio: EVERYTHING). But to make this even better: When the tow truck arrived the first thing we discovered was that we need to repark some limos...Well. The first one was the limo of the president of the state of bavaria. Who is well known to normally drive it hisself...Well... Due to the snow storm we only went to the door and then saw the snow and decided that his bodyguard might drive it away. BTW: An LP12 had an "system failure" (blank screen and need to reboot" while an arrest... We were pretty glad that the emergency physican unit brought theirs with them, too.
  13. <<< krumel is a big fan of the goood old syringe pump. B.Braun's
  14. Overtake us - we will cut you out later. Greetings, your FD
  15. Just had a training by the (very good) FD of the BMW factory. They brought up a new fact in the discussion of "exploding cars": Technically a hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell driven car might blow up very easy. As the protypes are running thru our streets they are still trying to develope a security plan for the risks of those cars who might be very common within the next years.
  16. Not a real point but: On the station I was a trainee every sunday a little old lady turned up and brought the crew a homemade cake. The crew of this station resucitated her husband about 15 years ago. He died 2 day after the first resucitation but gained consciousness for about 20 minutes meanwhile so she could say goodbye to him in a proper way. She was so glad that she brought a cake every sunday to the station for about 16 years, although the crew that safed her husband left the EMS about 7 years ago. When she passed away last year the hole EMS of the county and about 100 former EMT's attended the funeral. (BTW it was the biggest funeral the town ever saw;) )
  17. Damm it.... What kind of relationship do you life in, jwraider? I don't think anyone should be "24/7" available for anyone, including his or her partner.... When I'm on work my cellphone usually is in silence mode (only dispatch and the chief of emergency might reach me than). Of course, if there's time, I'm going to call my gf sometimes...But certainly, this is nothing she can count on.. When I'm having a rough shift, of course there is no time for calling... I believe in the creativity of people;) No matter if there might be splitted sleep rooms or different building: If people want to have a hanky panky at work, there gonna have it. So we have only two choices: Only hiring people who are professional enough to do so (and have spouses who know that) or let only men/men / female/female shifts work. (But what if someone's homosexual and the chief doesn't know? hell..we should create "assexual paramedics") As said before by many others: If your spouse can't trust you enough to believe you, that you won't things like that..Well..Than you're relationship has a major problem. (and btw: from my very small expierience as an psych student: most people who are accusing their partners in a way like that do that because if they were in their spouses position they would exactly do what they accuse their BF/GF with.)
  18. The problem with ordinary Textmessaging on a cell phone is that especially when using it across different networks the time it might take to recieve a message may vary very strong. Especially in times when the cellphone networks collapses (etc. new years eve, big disasters) a SMS might take a lot longer than it takes normally. The emergency plans of some network providers do even stop text messaging when their network is overcrowed. Technically its possible to get an "priority" service for sending textmessages from or to a certain number but this will only be useful if the sender and the reciever are using both the same network (and the network provider doesn't do any "gateway sharing"). From the moment the message leaves the cellphone network of the sender by using the gateway to another network, the "priority" function won't be working any longer.
  19. Only one wish? Hmmm..Got so many... What about getting all those unprofessionell idiots, "siren addicted" dorks kicked out that ruin the reputation of EMS? What about an standardization of the training within the E.U. and the US? What about sufficient money for all of us?
  20. Hehehe;) Bakery? French? That definitly sounds good. Maybe you can send me a PM with your Email. I will forward your adress to her. bye, Phil
  21. Hi folks, a colleague/friend (German EMT-I) of mine is going to have an two month internship(pre-study internship for med school as required in Germany) in an hospital in Jacksonville,FL. She asked me if I could imagine a chance of visiting a rescue station or even get a chance to accompany a team for a few shifts. So I thought about asking you: Anyone from that area? Anyone with idea's about it? Thx so long, Phil
  22. Corpuls3 or the old (orange) Corpuls 08/16? The Corpuls 08/16 can only be described as a "piece of s****", and the lag when touching the softbuttons really sounds like one....
  23. Not impressed.... Really: Not impressed. Far to expensive, doesn't seem like making anything better what I hate about the LP12. We currently use the LP12 and I hate it. In my part time job we use an Corpuls 3 (http://www.corpuls.com/en/konzept-concept.html. I lov this one....Simply gives everything I need and the "divert it to parts with bluetooth" Idea works great.
  24. Here(Germany) the main question is if it was Alcohol influence or narcotic influence. When an DUI with alcohol influence occurs the driver will be transfered to an part of the company where he is not required to drive(Companies first aid, or as an second operator on an patient transport service ambo. Additionally he won't be allowed to drive 12 month added to the time he is not allowed to drive by law. This of course is only the process if this happens the first time. The second time the operator will be transfered to an "non driving" department if the operator has no other things on his record and works a certain time (5-10 years) for the company. Operators with other things on their record, Operators that do not work for 5 years or longer for us or when this happens the third time the operator will be fired. When an DUI with narcotics occurs the operator will be fired instantly as well will loose his license, due to the fact that by law he is not allowed to handle any drugs anymore.
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