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Everything posted by Chief1C

  1. We apologize. Our database is currently experiencing a temporary problem that usually resolves itself in 30 seconds. Please check back again soon. :evil: No.. I meant a nrb.. The nasal cannula comment was just a generalization.
  2. I just flow enough to keep the bag filled.. ten should be enough. It's not like turning it up any higher is going to force more oxygen into them. 2-6 Nasal 8- Neb 10-12 NRB 12-15 anything nasty on a NRB 15- BVM Our portable regulators only go up to 15... anything else is either on board or DISS via demand valve. ..and after 22LPM, the Nasal Cannula pops off the regulator.
  3. Looks like the Coke bear turned to a boozer...
  4. You can't use a map to get there, if you don't know where the geographic location of the call is at..
  5. Oh, I'm just joshing ya.. Everyone loves their dispatchers..
  6. If they said... "Assuming that EMS, doesn't know you, has never been there before, and doesn't know where the barn was that burned down, how would they get there from X landmark." ...it would solve a lot of problems.
  7. The last thing that I talk to the patient about, is how much it will cost. I don't see the money, I let the billing agency worry about that. If they're stable enough to get where they need to go, I don't take them to a place that I feel is good enough. Not all hospitals are created equal, some are just better, plain and simple.
  8. I attend several hundred calls a year, 300-400+, and take frequent conventional and new con-ed courses.. and I never seem to lose any knowledge, in my rural solitude. Sure there are things we rarely see, but some things you just cannot ever forget. But bad things still happen in little places. The same things that happen in the city happen here, some not as bad, some worse. Just not as frequently. Now, if I were only running a call every other month, I could see losing my skills. I honestly don't see how some of the smaller operations do it. Oh well.
  9. Well, they should at least volunteer to take a class on how to give directions and/or ask questions like "if I've never been to your house, how would I get there, and what does it look like, today".
  10. Maybe if they ate at your place.., spicy food poisoning.
  11. Oh, Rural EMS is scary.. for us, anyway. I don't know about the citizens, compared to local paid services, we do pretty damn good. Now, onto scary, We go out to places that don't have plumbing, running water, electricity, telephone, an address.. and this isn't Amish country... Things that you'd expect to see in a rural area during the 1930's. But certainly not 2007.. and not when you're looking for them at 3am. Someone put very clear, it's creepy, freaks me out a little. I don't know for sure that these simple folks would ever hurt us, but some horror flicks involving extreme rural citizens come to mind. Wrong Turn, etc. :? Just up the highway, a volunteer service (Town A) was running their asses off, and decided to hang it up. Everyone had quit, and they were down to only two people. They were bought out by a full time agency, that promised, publicly to give the same service as the previous service had for better than 60 years. Except, their ambulance would be staffed with an EMT and a Paramedic. At the same time, three other services (Towns BCD) said, well, if the community will get the same as we are giving, and they will hire some of our EMT's, we'll sell too. Heh. The paid service mainly does Non-E transports, but had five ALS units. Now to the first town.. When the paid service, hospital based gets a call near their base, the ambulance station in Town A, leaves and heads for home. Town A now has no ambulance, or EMS service available, and their new ambulance is about 23 minutes away. The FD does NOT do EMS, they make that blatantly clear. At night, Town A has no ambulance. At least 50% of the time, if not more, Town A has no ambulance during the Day. They've put a second ambulance in Town A, to be staffed by off-duty, but paid per call, EMT's that work for the service. This is never in service nor out of service, just available some evenings. Most of the time, the ambulance they get is staffed by two EMT's, not a paramedic. Towns BCD realize how the citizens have been short changed by the service, and back out of their agreements. It seems the paid service has trouble getting units out, after only two of the five are on the road. Towns BCD sees this as a major concern, not only would they lack EMS response, their contract ALS service isn't able to get out for them. In the end, the people in Town A wait longer and get less than they bargained for.
  12. Nope, couldn't find one, but I left a note for the ambulance cronies to check their side of the sandbox for a manual.
  13. Page 12 has the larger of the two 305 models. http://www.jdhmedical.com/Resources/Impact%20Catalog.pdf We use the Impact 305 Aspirator on our ambulances. Nice unit, I'm not hip on the low capacity, but gotta work with what you have. I'll take a look in the fire hall to see if we have the manuals. Otherwise, Impact, should have one in pdf form to send to you.
  14. I once had a First Responder on scene refuse to "transfer care".. Told me he was an EMT. It was a sporting event, he was "the team EMT".. I said, yeah, you can't do that. Why not? You didn't bring an ambulance with you to transport the patient, that's why. Heh.. I was right. He came w/ us in the ambulance to the ER, I ordered him to not touch the patient. He complied. Got to the ER, called the EMS Region, found out he was a first responder. They revoked his certification.
  15. I would kindly ask, in an amicable tone, to see proof of your certification. If none could be provided, I would again kindly ask you to stand out of the way. Liability. We welcome assistance before we arrive, but not from unknown personnel, while we are on the scene. Then again, it would depend on the circumstance.
  16. Hey, how did you get a picture of my POV?
  17. Obviously none of the local structures are compliant with that code.. Often, we either have to lift up one end of the litter to get into the elevator. Or.. We have to remove the backboard from the litter, and take it in at a 45* angle. :x
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