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Everything posted by Chief1C

  1. Chief1C

    New Game

    gate *I thought it was a one-word response?*
  2. OP: Yanno, if the only joy you get in EMS, is telling someone else they are wrong, maybe it's time for a career change.
  3. We carry heavy duty, soft on one side, leather restraints for the arms and legs. If necessary, the patient would be immobilized on a long board and fully strapped down. That way, we can do our job, and the patient can't hurt us or hurt themselves. I would prefer that handcuffs not be used, b/c they can still flail around, and we can't leave the cot.. So, if they're on a board, we leave them at the ER and we're done. Less room for lawsuits for the restraints causing problems, they would have no more problem than any other patient on a long board. If the patient truly cannot control themselves because of a medical condition, either way, it would be uncomfortable for them to lay on cuffs, and like I said, we can't leave the cot, so no purpose cuffing them to a rail. IMO, that makes it more difficult to access them, b/c you know they'll be pissed off, and probably won't cooperate with us. If we can make them comfortable and provide a neutral, judgment free environment, I feel that we can get them the help that they need. I know some don't care, but a little respect goes a long way. Then again, it all depends on the patient and what they did, some LEO's will refuse to uncuff the patient even if it does hinder our exam process. Two words: Spit Socks. Get them.
  4. It's fun and exciting to call each other out on mistakes? I don't see the need to pat yourself on the back because you pointed out a mistake your partner made. I think if you see something that's a potential life threat to a patient, it's your job to do that, equally. However, should that be something that you should be so proud of, that you need to boast? A quiet discussion afterward to get any rough edges smoothed out, maybe.
  5. Too bad brains don't come along with looks, b/c we have some college students that work in the Dollar store.. As a cheapskate, I go in to buy cleaning supplies for the ambo.. and to check out the selection of eye candy. 8) Hopefully it's a good job, because I doubt college can fix them. Like white helmets, blonde hair kills an equal number of brain cells.
  6. 1999 Horton F350 Type 1 2003 Marque F350 Turbo FWD Type 1 w/ Tow Package (for collapse/confined/cribbing trailer) 1941 ALF V8 Pumper 1988 FMC Pumper 1995 KME-Int. Rescue/Pumper 1997 KME-Int. Tanker/Pumper 2005 ALF-LTI 75' Quint 2006 KME-F350 Attack/Pumper 2007 Polaris 6x6 Fire/EMS Package
  7. Chief1C

    Epi in NJ

    A little serious, a little sarcasm.
  8. Chief1C

    Epi in NJ

    So people should die because they may not be able to obtain the services of ALS due to distance, finances or politics?
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