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Everything posted by thecroc

  1. great job i need to retest on the medical skill then i wait to see if i passed the written
  2. doe any one know about chicago ems is it fire based private or both and do you know how a person would get ride alongs with them? :?
  3. great just great if a emt or paramedic did that we would be kick right out but if a dr or nurse did it very one smiles and or laughs at it :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :? :? :? :? :? :? :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :?: :?: :?:
  4. i have some news for you all tue day i took the class final and i passed the class (B+ avg) 84%on the final but today i took the nremt practical test and drum roll please.......... i have to re test on medical and tomorrow is the written test more to come soon :shock: :? 8) :!: :?: :!: :?:
  5. hello all i am wondering what you all did for graduation from you emt or paramedic class the class i will hopefully gradate tuesday the 12th of dec then we have the nremt tests on thursday the 14th and friday the 15th thanks for the reply
  6. Anton was killed by a train on the Vandalia Bridge over Matthews Branch west of town last Thursday morning.
  7. i am wondering why you stay in ems i betting not for pay so why? hope to hear from you soon
  8. fm ambulance is great place to take classes right now im takeing my emt-b class with them and loving it
  9. just what i what to know not :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
  10. Hey, Croc: Que Are Zed (QRZ) de Registered Monitor/SWL "Station" "KNY2SC"? (For the non "Ham" radio or Short Wave Listeners amongst us, that means, "what are your call letters") kc0pfs
  11. note to all some states if your a emt and you see a mva you must stop and help just to say most people that are emt s do a great job and are not nuts have fun "croc" kc0pfs and yes i am a ham :occasion4: :director:
  12. in your all ambos do you have a raido that you can call the pd on maybe GET THE PD
  13. yep i can see most of them being true i live in a rural area were any of this could happen exsept maybe snake in the winter 8) :wink:
  14. ok see after im am done with my emt training i will vollenter with a rual fire rescue and i have no idea what gear i will or will not get
  15. "We get supplyed with a full uniform. As long as you put in the hours and show dedication they'll buy you what ever you want really... " can i get a f 16 then or is it just unaforms/bunker gear
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