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Equipment weight distributing system for EMS


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Umm....ever think of using a Back Pack?

This works nicely for me in the back country .... and when you don't need it I can take 38 lbs. OFF !

Then one does not HAVE to look like a psuedo "Dawg the Bounty Hunter" good grief.


Reminds me of an old joke:

Why are there 2 doors on an ecnalubmA ?

One for the Paramedics Head and One for the EMTs Belt.

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not neccesarily...you could do like we are taught in CERT....organize the pack the way you want it...then have your partner were yours and you wear theirs so you can just take stuff out of the back without taking it off

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not neccesarily...you could do like we are taught in CERT....organize the pack the way you want it...then have your partner were yours and you wear theirs so you can just take stuff out of the back without taking it off

Good point Kyle. That would work great if you have good partner and only 1 patient.

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IF you organize it ABCD. Airways Stuff, Oxygen Stuff, Bleeding Control and Immobilization..

Get there and the guy is looking at you, screaming and has blood spurting across the road. So, you have to dump all that shit out to get a pressure dressing. That, vs just opening a pouch on your vest or this spenac contraption.

I'd get one of these doo-dads here:


But I #1 Don't wanna look like a whacker and #2 Keep all my stuff in a flat bag, w/ in view and easy each. No digging, etc.

Downside to Spenac Contraption... $199.95??? WTF. That's like a quarter of my pay check. Surely they can do better than that. Of course if they make one for EMS, it will automatically cost $499.95.. Just because. :roll:

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you could do like we are taught in CERT

I have heard of the CERTs, and didn't know what they teach.

As for packing a backpack, and each partner carries the others, this is dangerous, as, for example, I carry a lot, my partner carries not too much, I end up with a couple pounds, the partner gets practically a portable emergency room.

Unless the agency issues the backpacks, with minimum equipment and supply lists what goes in them, potential for inequalities on the bag weights is kind of high, in my opinion.

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