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Very Estute...


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A woman was shopping at her local supermarket where she selected 2

litres of low fat milk, a carton of eggs, 2 litres of orange juice, a

head of lettuce, half a dozen tomatoes, a 500g jar of coffee and a

250g pack of bacon. As she was unloading her items on the conveyor

belt to check out, a drunk standing behind her watched as she placed

the items in front of the cashier.

While the cashier was ringing up her purchases, the drunk calmly

stated," You must be single."

The woman was a bit startled by this proclamation, but she was

intrigued by the derelict's intuition, since she was indeed single.

She looked at her six items on the belt and saw nothing particularly

unusual about her selections that could have tipped off the drunk to

her marital status.

Curiosity getting the better of her, she said, "Well, you know what,

you're absolutely correct. But how on earth did you know that?"

The drunk replied, "Cos you're ugly."


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