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Pager 6th sense?


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You know what's even freakier? Literally when I clicked the submit button, the pager went off :shock: :shock: :shock:

Baby choking.... I think that's the fastest I've ever gotten dressed in my life...

I have a 20 that says she wasn't really choking. Any takers?

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I have a 20 that says she wasn't really choking. Any takers?

Undetermined. Mother claims baby was choking and he stopped breathing for about 3 seconds so she gave him one back blow and he threw up and started breathing again. Somehow I doubt it... :roll:

They went and got an off-duty medic around the corner from them instead of calling us. HE then called us.

So in the end, I think you would win that bet :D

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Ok, I'm really happy to learn that there's more of us freaks than I thought! Give me a few hours and I'll get back to my dorm and post my SWAG (Scientific Wild Ass Guess) pertaining to this. See if it makes sense, and let's get some discussion going on it! CJH- do you mean dreaming about a SPECIFIC job and you get that SPECIFIC job, or was that more a smartass comment about dreaming about working and lo and behold, now you have to work instead of sleep?

PS- CJH, is that a pic of you in a kilt? What clan are ya?

Stay safe out there!




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Mine works a little different. If I wake up in the middle of the night and decide I do not want to hit the cold floor to walk to latrine to releive the bladder, we will have a call within 5 minutes. If I get up and go, I can usually sleep the rest of the night. I now keep foot ware next to the bunk!!!

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Ok. Disclaimer. If you didn't know I was insane already, then you do now. Here it is: The SWAG about predicting calls, premonitions, funky feelings, and damn near everything else I could fit in!

I believe that time is fluid. That is, that time is kind of like water- it can move forwards, backwards, in different branches, it can loop around on itself and it can move at different speeds. Case in point: Many people who have been in car accidents say that time "slowed down"; that things moved a lot slower than normal, that they could see the impact approaching, etc. I think that it isn't a matter of perception; I think that time actually slows down at that point. I don't think it's completely our conscious processing that slows down- although it probably does to some extent because the event is emotionally or physically traumatizing.

I think that some people are more receptive to or aware of events where time does strange things. Kind of like some people have a really good sense of smell, or really acute hearing. Most of us perceive time as a linear sequence of events, but sometimes things don't necessarily work that way. For example... I feel like something is going to happen to my friend "Joe". I see a sequence of images of an event that I have never seen before. I call "Joe"; nothing out of the ordinary is going on. 3 hours later, "Joe" calls me and says you know it's the damndest thing, that just happened to me... and it's the sequence of events that you saw. Coincidence? Sure, it could be. Anything is possible, and lot of times it will be coincidence.

When it happens multiple times with multiple people and events, then it's not so likely to be coincidence anymore. What I think is a more likely explanation is that there are possible branches in time, downstream or ahead, if you will, of what we're perceiving right now. Sometimes our conscious thought process catches up to that point in the future, or maybe it loops back towards us, and we become aware of it. Some people are aware of it in images- for example, they see their friend getting into a car accident; some might have an auditory response- maybe they hear their friend talking to the police officer explaining how the accident happened; maybe others emotionally respond to the event without being fully aware of what it is, and get upset and worried about their friend for no apparent reason. It's different in different people.

NOW- here's the tricky part. Because of events that are happening right NOW, at this specific point that we are at in the timestream, the branch ahead of us isn't fixed. There are many branches that could happen, and each depends on a sequence of events stemming from now until that point. So, the very act of becoming aware of that possible future may change the timestream to the point where that event cannot happen anymore.

It is impossible to know whether or not whatever you perceive, whether it's images, or a "feeling" about something, or something auditory, is going to actually happen or not. It's up to you to process it to the best of your ability and do whatever you think is necessary based on the idea that you might have intercepted a possible point or instance in the future, before you would have experienced it if you moved through the timestream at the same speed as everyone around you.

Now, with the pager thing... I think what might be happening (based on this theory) is that some part of his brain is receptive to that possible future- the pager going off- and he wakes up in response to it. The adrenaline and WHOA I just woke up to a call hits him about 20 seconds PRIOR to the rest of him catching up to the point in time where the pager actually goes off, because his mind was aware of it early- whether due to his consciousness moving forward or that bit of time looping back and slowing down enough for him to perceive it. So he wakes up and feels like he's about to go on call, because he is- but his alarm goes off after he becomes aware of the situation, earlier than he "should".

I've had similar experiences, especially with the waking up before the call (and this was to a camp radio that wasn't linked in to a scanner system. No chatter beforehand- just waking up and grabbing the radio and my glasses and having it go off before I realized what I was doing) You don't talk about these kinds of things much to other people, because most people go A: you're nuts B: it's coincidence or C: Really? Can you talk to my dead grandmother?

Does it help you? Does it hinder you? Depends on how you react to it. Personally I've kind of started to treat it like a patient's history... unless there's enough other pieces for it to make sense or until I discover something else that corresponds with it, it's just another possible piece of information. Might be completely bogus for all I know.

So, who thinks I need to head for the padded room? Remember, it's just a theory.... it's actually an interesting blend between philosophy and physics (the boys and gals in the physics labs are starting to play with the idea of fluid time a little bit, which is why I find it fascinating).

Who's next? More theories? Ready to stuff my theory in my ears?




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Wendy - Those are some intresting thoughts. I've never quite looked at it that way, but I'll have to think on it some more. All I can say for sure is that if I ever figure it out then I'll be able to tell my mom how I keep calling her when she's needing or wanting to talk to me. :)

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Well, you do have to grow up eventually, put down the Guiness and work for a living. I know how scary it can be having a job but you will be fine. :lol::lol:

You're just jealous because real men drink Guinness. And I'm gonna be nice and toasty here while you're shivering in the snow. :lol:

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Similar things happen to me. Often times I can tell when a call is coming in and if it is early in the morning before I usually get up I will even set the alarm to wake me up early so I can get some coffee in me. Sometimes you can seem to just feel if a call will come in at certain times. Its weird, but quite usefull.

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  • 5 months later...

im pretty new to the squad and one evening in the building i had an older member ask me if i had seen a body yet. I replied no i had not, he said "dont worry you will", less then an hour later we get a call, and what do you know, heart attack. it was kind of weird. i just looked at him in ht e rig and said "deja vu huh". he knew what i was saying.

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