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Persuading men to act considerately


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Am I the only one that thinks this is unhealthy? From what I know about a women's A&P the vagina is not a real fan of foreign bodies' date=' especially for long periods of time. PID, TSS are just a couple of things that come to mind in regards to this device.
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I've always said that something had to be done, but....MAN!!! That's some drastic measure.

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As an engineer, I'm seeing a real problem with this device working as advertised in all but the most "ideal" circumstances. As a firearms instructor, I say buy a gun, learn how to use it and practice often. Practice situational avoidance when in public and make sure your home is secure so you're not caught off guard there. Prepare yourself mentally to take a life if necessary (you can not hesitate).

One other thing - once the bad guys learn that women are using this device, won't they just force them to remove it before raping them?

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As an engineer, I'm seeing a real problem with this device working as advertised in all but the most "ideal" circumstances. As a firearms instructor, I say buy a gun, learn how to use it and practice often. Practice situational avoidance when in public and make sure your home is secure so you're not caught off guard there. Prepare yourself mentally to take a life if necessary (you can not hesitate).

One other thing - once the bad guys learn that women are using this device, won't they just force them to remove it before raping them?

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Guess it also leaves it open for the bad guys to resort to oral or anal rape then if they know they are gonna get spiked on the johnson for going in the front entrance :S

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I see two likely problems with this idea...

One, I am fully on board with the idea that a woman that is being raped has two options; first, she can go along and pray that she lives through the ordeal by trying to give the rapist what he wants, hoping he'll take it and go.

Second, she can kill him. Anything in between risks her life, which is unacceptable. Enraging a rapist is proven to get her physically damaged, or killed, there is very little in between. And safety is the goal I think, right?

Second, and I can't see exactly how this thing works, but I can see where having one of these things clamped on your wee wee would be, by most liberal juries at least, to be considered an automatic rape conviction. Can no one see that there is a type of woman that would use this device in a manner that it wasn't intended?

Unfortunately, we still feel that a raped woman is a raped woman. I abhor rape, but equally abhor the woman that will use the false accusation for her own benefit, or revenge. What happens to the woman that seduces a man into such a device? C'mon...let's not pretend that she will pay the equal price for her deed. One of the things that makes false rape accusations so insidious is the fact that these women are riding on the backs of those that have been terribly damaged to fulfill their own alternate agendas...with very little price to pay for doing so.

For the moment, until there is much more solid data to support this as a positive idea, I have to give my 'no' vote to such a device.


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two options; first, she can go along and pray that she lives through the ordeal by trying to give the rapist what he wants, hoping he'll take it and go.

Second, she can kill him. Anything in between risks her life, which is unacceptable. Enraging a rapist is proven to get her physically damaged, or killed, there is very little in between.

Fortunately, I recall learning otherwise, namely that resisting, especially in trained (click "Graduates Talk") fashion, optimizes the target's prospects (click "Testimonials"). Challenges repel tyrants, bullies, and other cowards. Additionally, in some rapists' perverse mindset, a defeated victim doesn't deserve to live. The strategy of initially feigning compliance in order to lower an aggressor's guard can have the goal of his later regretting that he unsheathed his sword.

Ugly subject.

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1) Veracity doubtful due to the source, but, in a supermarket "scandal sheet" years ago, some women in an "African Tribe" were using some home made similar sounding device for just that purpose.

2) There is always Lorraine Bobbitt.

3) And Garp's wife ("The World According To Garp") when the VW crashed into her car, while providing oral sex on her boyfriend.

4) The potential for one of those movie depicted "men are all pigs" crazy women deliberately allowing penetration for this device to function, evoking "feminist retribution", as mentioned, is not nonexistent.

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4) The potential for one of those movie depicted "men are all pigs" crazy women deliberately allowing penetration for this device to function, evoking "feminist retribution", as mentioned, is not nonexistent.

Why is it nonexistent? I just read a CNN story about a 70+yr old woman being charged with killing a number of her husbands (she supposedly just off'd number five). Do not underestimate the depths to which people will stoop. Rather than just a "men are all pigs" motive, how about a woman specifically targetting a man? "You broke my best friend's heart, so now I'm going to make sure you pay dearly". Stranger things have happened.

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