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Greatest Embarrassment


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Thanks Doc. As this patient was elderly, and thin today I would most likely start with 6mg and titrate up if I didn't get the desired response.

When I used to get migraines I would start my own IV and push 12.5mg of Phenergan (For the record underworlders, it's pronounced Phen-er-gan, not Phen-errrrr-gan, (think Swedish) ) and it would completely knock me out for 6-7hrs. Babs would d/c the IV and I'd wake up better.

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Greatest embarrassment? Hmm... I'll have to think about that one; there's so many to choose from.

Most recent one, the other day on a diabetic patient we were giving some oral glutose and my partner smeared some on her lips and I told her to "lick it off your lips". I didn't think it sounded as funny (or as dirty) as everyone else did, apparently!

I'll come back to this with a better one.

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Oh! Oh! I got a good one from this Memorial Day. Got floated to another floor, went to get a warm blanket for a patient, and hit myself in the forehead with the blanket warmer door.

Huge goose egg. Great icebreaker with patients! Not so great when you turn around (after putting ice on it and getting back to work) to see 6 nurses, including the house supervisor, staring at you and insisting they want to send you down to the ER to get checked. No, thank you! I'm fine. Just stupid. No really.

I will forever be known as "that CNA that floated to Cardiac on Memorial Day and hit herself in the face!"


That and anyone you work with having to treat you. My poor camp coworkers, and Venture Crew peeps... I've crashed more than once with asthma. I'm a lot better about that now. Live and learn...


CO RN-ADN Student

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Oh the fact that I let my self get into a near anaphalxis reaction to some medication after suffering for three days and I should have known better. I had hives from head to toes and everyplace between (HUGE hives, so bad I have scars from some of them) Ended up with a crashing bp of 68palp, having to have lots of fluids (ranging from NS to LR to potassium), solumedrol/ diphenhydramine IV q6hrs and a hospital stay then further benedryl/ prednisone after hospital for 2 weeks. Yeah, I needed a Do Not Ignore button after that. It was totally sucky and it messed up my body for months.

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