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EMS Tattoos

Just Plain Ruff

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The gentlemans code clearly states that unless you served in the armed forces or have been to prison - no tattoos.

What if it's a lady? So, they can serve and getting imprisoned, too - but is the gentleman code valid for them, too?

And what if I'm not a gentleman?

Things get complicated now.

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Ok, was on Facebook and saw a thread from a different forum and it had to do with EMS tattoos. I cannot find the actual threads but it showed a staff of life with a ECG tracing. It wasn't that well done but it got the message across.

Most of the people were commenting that it was EPIC, and awesome and all that other rah rah rah that you would expect but there was some others who were saying that it was not so cool and really kind of stupid.

I don't really care either way but I don't really care for tattoos on my body but other people can do what they want with their bodies.

What is the CIties response to EMS Tat's in general?

Like em or hate em? Do you think they portray your support of EMS or do they make you look like a Whacker?

I'm curious as to what some of you all think.

How many physicians or nurses do you see with "Doctor tat's or Nursing tat's"? Perhaps if more EMS personnel would treat the profession in a serious manner other practitioners would treat EMS personnel in a professional manner.

I can't stand seeing medics etc with sleeve tat's and piercings that appear as if said person fell in a tackle box. Does the previously described appearance give anyone not to mention a 70 year old lady a sense of professionalism, competence or scholarly knowledge leading the patient to rest assured the provider is properly trained to deliver care?

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When I interview job applicants, and with all other things being equal...I'll hire the individual without visible tattoos or facial piercings over one who has either.

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I know many people with tattoos in EMS that are excellent providers, that would do nothing to sully the reputation of EMS, so why throw them under the bus by using generalizations that by getting a tattoo they somewhat make the profession less of a profession. That' argument is hogwash.

I also know many bikers who are kind and courteous and have tattoos covering all of their arms and neck and they do nothing to sully or disgrace the reputation of bikers but unfortunately those who are more disreputable have done the job for them.

So to paint the entire tattoo wearing populace with a brush as broad as a barn door by saying that anyone in EMS who has a tattoo is destroying or is hurting EMS is just idiotic and backwards thinking.

How many of the Cities members girlfriends have tattoos? I'll bet that if those who were saying the same types of things about EMS with tattoos were saying the generalizations about those members female partners and I won't repeat the generalizations, we all know what they are, I'll bet those members would not get off so easy here.

I would think that the boyfriends/husbands of the women with tatts/and the women themselves would be up in arms and ready to kick some ass on this site because I can guarantee that not all women who have tattoos are giving the female race a bad name.

So come on and let's get real, seriously, do you really think that they are truly giving EMS a bad name? Do you really think they are putting our profession in a bad light? Come on.

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So come on and let's get real, seriously, do you really think that they are truly giving EMS a bad name? Do you really think they are putting our profession in a bad light? Come on.

Every culture is different social views on tatoos.... But since we are providing service accross multi-cutural barriers, we must be cognizent of the effect of our appearance. If our appearance impedes on our professionalism and our ability to build trust withthe patient..then the answer is Yes.

And Yes I have tatoos, yes I served in the military, I actually am VERY pro tat and body modification. Just not visible in the uniform for reasons previously stated.

If you want to be a health care professional, then look the part. And this is not specific just to tatoos.

Edited by croaker260
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I agree to a point. but tasteful tatts are to me ok.

But I seriously don't think that a heart with a name through it is out of line.

But the biker tats that I've seen, well if you have one and it's visible, well, there's probably not a job in EMS that you are gonna get over a more qualified applicant with no tatts.

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My advice on tattoos is this: Having a tattoo doesn't necessarily mean you are a hot-dogging, motorcycle riding ex-con with a meth addiction, but you will find that some employers tend to think so. Getting the job you want in EMS is no easy task. You will be up against many people who are as equally as smart and capable as you are, and your tattoos can and probably will put you at a disadvantage. So if you want to get a tattoo, go ahead, but don't go around complaining if certain doors shut for you. The parents of a preemie getting a neo-nate transport to a specialty facility to do not want to see a tattoo of a grim reaper riding a Harley with a flaming Star of Life in one hand, no matter how cool that sounds.

Me personally, I have no tattoos, I have some really cool looking scars though, and scars, unlike tattoos can only be earned, never bought.

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OK, I'm convinced!!!

I think I am going to get the tattoo of the "Die Hard EMS" snake with it's mouth wide open with the Star of Life in the background!!

This will only be under the influence of puleenty of Jameson's!!!!!! The Jameson's will help overcome the fears listed in an earlier post of mine.. :bonk:

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