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Run Run Run Faster than my bullets can ...............


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One of the greatest songs ever...with one of my favorite lines of all time...

"I see friends shaking hands, sayin', how do you do? What they're really sayin' is "I love you..." "

And yeah, that's exactly what I meant...Thanks Brother...


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"I see friends shaking hands, sayin', how do you do? What they're really sayin' is "I love you..." "


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    Maybe it has some particular user in mind? Nothing wrong with seeking help, just sayin'

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Generations write songs about what's happening. There've been songs about wars, sex, drugs, politics and so forth for ages... school shootings and bullies/bullied kids turning deadly violent is an issue from my generation (I was 13 when Columbine happened.) So, someone wrote about it. Big whoop. Actually, what I find REALLY interesting is that it's so catchy... it blends into the background... you don't even really notice what it means... and then people freak the hell out when someone points out what the lyrics are actually about. Kind of how nobody notices or really pays attention to the bullying... it's just part of the muzak... and then WHAMMO, holy shit, how did I not pick up on this before??? Nifty, if you think about it... a musical, lyrical subtext that blends into society's consciousness and further illustrates the very point of the song...

Shall we burn poetry, ban books, and censor movies? Ick. How Farenheit 451 (Bradbury), how Orwellian (I think both of those authors were banned at various points, ironically). I think I'm a product of my generation, but I'm a fan of more open sharing of information and concepts, even if it does mean a little more vulgar language or sexuality on TV. Hell, they've been showing full nudity in Europe for years, and I don't see those kids turning out totally whacko... (any more so than the average bear, so to speak...)

On a related note, maybe I can't speak to it because I wasn't there, but I absolutely HATE chain emails extolling just how f*king wonderful the 1950's were. Kids played on the corner, drank outta the hose, and.... etc. Nobody talked about how it was still not technically possible in our legal system for a woman to be raped by her spouse, everyone put on the big fake happy face to fight the commies, people didn't address emotionally absent fathers... yeah, that sounds pretty Disney-perfect to me... sure, the TV may have been clean and kosher, but life never is and never has been. The only difference is how tightly we clamp down people talking about it and how we allow expression of it... life is messy, and that's kind of where the wonderful bits emerge in my opinion...



Edited by Eydawn
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Because most of you heterosexuals like to procreate and then abandon your wife and kid, leaving the child to be raised by no one (because the mom is at work all the time), you have to protect children from these influences.

You know, I was tending to agree to a point with you until you throw out this useless bullshit which is often your MO. That statement is inflammatory and incorrect

I have many many hetero friends and none of them have abbandoned their wife and kids.

That's like saying that most of you homo's like to meet up in the gay bar and have sex with many partners and contract AIDS or some bullshit like that.

It's arguments like the above quoted post that lend credence to the opinion on this board that you are a mindless troll with nothing better to do than fan the flames of discontent.

I know at least 10-12 gay couples who have adopted a child and within a year of their adopting this child 8 of those relationships have ended and at least 3 of those relationships have ended up with one partner abbandoning the other partner and leaving them without support.

so the door swings both ways my friend.

Just because the heteros do it doesn't mean that the homo's don't also do this.

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You know the song never says anything about schools or the shooter being young... just for the record. Apparently the gay rights movement is the new thought police. You know, back in the 50's, because of comic codes, Mad Magazine had to go from a comic book to a gazette format to get away with some of their humor. Particularly, in comics, it was specifically forbidden to show police, judges, teachers, anyone in a position of authority in a bad light. Well, in California, the new law going into effect will be that schools cannot teach any material that might show gays or certain religions in a poor light. Full circle. They are so far left that they have swung around to the right.

Apparently in the State of California curriculum 9/11 never happened (or maybe the attackers were just really pissed off Shriners) and Gianni Versace is still alive (Andrew Cunanan broke in and poured some Chardonnay. They had a good time). I will fight, with every last fiber of my soul any law or statute that bans the free flow of information or artistic expression. That is ridiculous.

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To those who say this is the norm, that society pushes the boundaries every year. I agree, but look at the crime statistics of teenagers in the 50s versus today. If you do not think that the angry lyrics in rap music do not influence young gang members you have your head in the sand.

Yes, it's music that's to blame for everything that went wrong in the world.

"If you do not think that the angry lyrics in rap music do not influence young gang members you have your head in the sand".

Sure, maybe gang members are influenced by rap. Why do kids join gangs? Perhaps for a feeling of belonging ... maybe intimidation, maybe protection, maybe other friends or siblings ... who knows, that's a whole different topic.

Did most of us want to go blow my head off when Kurt Cobain did? No. Did we all want to to hang ourselves when Michael Hutchence hung himself while trying to rub one off? No. Generalizing the inactions of a stupid few does not mean that Nirvana's music will make one suicidal, or that listening to INXS will make one want to try traumatic erotica.

Perhaps it's you who has their head in the sand? Doesn't seem like you can look in any other direction.

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