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The BS that happens in EMS -


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Take this as a hypothetical situation. Bear with me as I describe this scenario. I am looking for your comments, as well as advise as to what, if anything, the hypothetical characters described should do about it.

Cast of characters

Cookie Monster, hereafter referred to as CM

CM is an outsider in an insular situation, intelligent in some ways, incredibly naive in others

committed to her profession and working hard to get a handle on this whole EMS thing

Jake Mains, hereafter referred to as Jake

Jake is a firefighter EMT-P. Jake once worked for the same private as CM, then did a circuitous

route through various Fire Departments, finally landing in Green Acres Fire Department

Jake has been referred to by some as “God's Gift to Para-medicine”. As many young, intelligent

and ambitious FF/EMT-Ps, he has made enemies along the way, however with the requisite

demographic (young, male and macho) most of this has been forgiven. Jake certainly has

more leeway in his interpersonal style than someone like CM, a female and an outsider.

Jake and CM had a rocky start (Jake going so far as to tell CM's supervisor at the start of her

career that she did not belong on a 911 ambulance). Over the years, CM was under the

impression that they had resolved their differences, and while never being close, CM had a

degree of trust in Jake, and perhaps naively, felt there was some mutual respect.

Radman Anders, hereafter referred to as Rad

While Jake can be accused of some arrogance, Rad takes it to the nth degree. Rad has done

private ambo, fire and flight. If Jake is God's Gift to Para-medicine, Rad is God. He has

quit/been fired from many jobs, mainly because his superior skills, knowledge and general

all around awesomeness have not only not been acknowledged, but even misunderstood.

Some have gone as far as misconstrue street smart expediency for lack of ethics. Rad has

certainly rubbed CM the wrong way, as CM has a very low irritation threshold when it

comes to posturing, grandstanding and pseudo knowledge (read catch phrases and shallow

thinking). CM is careful to not offend, however: certain interpersonal attitudes cannot be

disguised. Rad has never had the cojones to confront CM, rightly fearing that in this battle

of wits he comes unarmed. Rad, having the requisite demographic (young, male and

macho) certainly has more leeway in his career than CM, although does not enjoy quite the

reputation that Jake does. (seems just given the level playing field the boys enjoy). Rad

hates CM.

And to complete the list of characters, we have Vince Lennon, hereafter referred to as Vin

Vin is a middle aged EMT-B with a checkered past. His early life experiences include

watching his alcoholic father bleed out on a toilet. Vin is not academically the sharpest

pencil in the box, but has character and grit. Vin is in EMS for the right reasons. He is

fire certified and has worked for small town FDs. Vin was CM's EMT partner on CCT

ground for almost a year.

Relevant background

Jake and Rad both work for the GAFD. Jake has been quite active as an instructor for

refreshers, CEUs etc. and is a good teacher. Rad knows his cookbook. He has perfected

his skills and is never troubled with conflicting treatment choices on scenes. Rad rarely

gets into trouble for his methods of practice and loves to regale others with stories of

his brilliance on scene. He has the terminology down pat and comes up with simple,

succinct reasons for everything that happens. He is considered a great field instructor

for the newbies coming on line and molds them in his own image. Jake decides that

GAFD needs to start a medic school. He sets this up. It is Jake's baby and Rad is his

right hand man. Their first year of operation enjoys success. Of the 20 or so students

that started the program, 14 graduate and 14 pass the NREMTP. CM has the same criticisms

of this program as she does of the rest of them in this area – heavy on techniques, learning

the recipes, passing the test and light on pathophysiology, anatomy and understanding.

Vin applies for the program, along with 20 or so others in the second year of its operation.

CM is at one of the bi-annual regurgitations of old power points required to maintain NR

certifications where Jake is teaching some of the sections. They talk. CM tells Jake about

her partner Vin and reiterates that she thinks he will make a great medic, given he can pass

the didactic. Jake re-emphasizes his personal policy that if the student is willing to make

the effort, Jake will make sure they work with him/her and get them through. Knowing

that Vin never gives up and works very hard, she then asks Jake if a letter of recommendation

from her would help Vin get in. Jake states that it will. CM provides a letter and Vin gets

into the class.

There are issues from the beginning. Vin, as expected, is struggling. He expresses his

doubts to CM many times. Vin feels the program is badly structured and taught. He has

problems with differences in teaching between Rad and Jake. Vin questions the quality

of guest instructors and has a hard time making the grades. He wants to quit before the cut-

off date to get his money back. CM discourages him from quitting and talks him out of it

many times.

This program has the “get less than 80% on a test and you are out”. Vin gets a 79% on a test.

Jake takes him into a back room and tells him to go over the test and find something he can

make a valid argument about for the extra point. Jake tells him if he can justify an answer

Jake will give it to him. A few minutes later, Rad walks into the room and makes a heated

case that what Jake is doing for Vin in unfair to the other students, unethical and wrong. Vin

is out of the class 1 week after the deadline to get any of his $3,500 back.

Vin doesn't give up. The following spring, he enrolls in a community college paramedic

program. ( to get in, he has to pass a pre-Algebra Math competency test. Vin doesn't even

know how to do fractions. CM tutors Vin in Math for 4 weeks. Vin works his ass off, learns

it and passes the test.)

Vin is passing this course. 3 months in and he is maintaining an 82-83%. The class is

assigned a presentation with a large amount of points on the line. Vin is computer

illiterate. He gets together with CM, who helps him put together a power point presentation.

Vin and CM are in the backyard taking a cigarette break. CM says “I've been thinking..

I wonder if I helped you or hurt you with that recommendation to GAFD last year. Just

wondering based on how things came down for you”.

Vin hung his head and was silent for a minute. He said “The day they called me and told

me I was in they also said it was conditional.” “They said you are in as long as you never

let CM precept you”.

Vin said “I didn't tell you because I didn't want to hurt your feelings”. CM wants to know

who made the call – Jake or Rad. Rad had made the call. Vin was provided with no reason

for the condition. CM is angry. She tells Vin “ I thought Rad was a cowardly piece of shit. It

appears I have overestimated him. I didn't think he would stoop so low as to get to me through

you.” CM and Vin go back to work. (Vin aces the presentation)

The class that Vin was cut from was the last class GAFD held. Not surprisingly, the program

had serious problems and was eliminated. Jake had lit out for one of the remote gigs in the

foreign sandboxes. CM is not sure where Rad is at these days...

CM found Jake on one of the social media sites and set him a message. He immediately

responded. She then asked him about the condition on Vin's acceptance to GAFD Medic

School. Jake has not responded.

I always rely on you folks for good solid advice, and for a shoulder to cry on too. What would you tell our friend Cookie Monster about this hypothetical situation?

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Does it matter? One more unpleasant tick in the game of life, but seriously...does it matter? If it does, why?

Why is CM so hung up on this person's validation? Even if he was considered a trusted friend, it still does not matter.

Move on...

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It is not validation that sticks in CM's craw... It's the injustice. She realizes that there are battles you can win, and battles you cannot. If no one calls it what it is and fights it, never change.

Is there a fight here? and if so, how to fight it?

AK - do you really believe that its one of those little things? Taken in the context of the injustice and unfairness CM (and most women in the field) deal with every freaking day on the job?

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Based on this hypothetical situation, my interpretation is this should be overlooked, one which should be chosen to fight another day (possibly) as there are much bigger issues to focus attention on.

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Rad is a pussy, Jake is an asshole.

why CM is letting this get to her is just beyond me.

The ultimate payback was the failure of these assholes school.

the ultimate victim in this is Vin not CM or jake or Rad.

It sure sounds like CM has some pretty strong feelings for Vin because of all the help that she gave him.

I'd tell CM to just let it drop and realize that CM was the better person in all this.

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I think if CM would simply have banged Jake and blown Rad this whole situation could have been avoided...when will hypothetical women learn their place in EMS??

Of course this situation sucks. But the reason that it sucks is the old boy, knuckle dragger, bullshit mentality that this hypothetical service allows to exist.

Is there a fight? Yeah, but it will have to be slow and progressive. Something to do about this situation? I don't think so, or at least I can't imagine what it would be....

Do you want to punch the faces of cowards like this through the back of their heads? Of course...

Sorry hypothetical Babe...wish I had a better answer, but as much as I hate to agree with ak, I don't see any option here but to learn from this, not let it queer your energy if you can help it, and move on...This isn't about you being to timid to create change, but not having an environment where positive change is likely.

You may create a lot of strife and unrest, make a lot of people uncomfortable if you're willing to go so far, but unless you have someone up the chain that's willing to say, "Holy shit! What have we been thinking by creating a biased, ignorant work environment this whole time?? Let's clean house!" then noise is all it's ever likely to be.


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I haven't had much sleep so I'm loving the role play story. At first I had a hard time concentrating but then I got caught up in it. Will there be a sequel? :)

I think CM cares too much. Sometimes people are mean and ugly and theres just nothing you can do to change that. Let it roll off like water on a ducks back. Easier said than done I know.

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I'm with AK on this one. There are battles to be fought and battles to walk away from. This is one to take whatever lessons can be learned and walk away from.

The justice in all of this would be Vin passing both the paramedic program and earning his certification. There would be no justice earned from pursing an interpersonal issue with two guys who are known from the beginning to be of questionable character.

That CM would waste so much time looking for either vindication or validation from Jake or Rad hints at the possible existence of some deeper self esteem issues that need to be addressed. At the very least, some reflection on why validation from these two bozos is so important would be in order.

ETA: It was presented as a hypothetical scenario. But I find it interesting that the main character in this was abbreviated CM (Cookie Monster... CrapMagnet...).

Edited by paramedicmike
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Thank you thank you thank you. You folks never let me down. Of course the victim in this was Vin. He is a friend of Cookie's and she does things for all the people she cares about. It's an obligation to pay forward for all the people that did things for her when she was powerless.

Cookie Monster will get over it.

Thank you again for the honesty of the replies.

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